
Chapter 4

Lugh and Ingvild hid behind some bushes, peering out at the manse standing out in the distance.

After a bit of sobby, corny stuff that he didn't want to recall, they'd set off again and come across the place.

"So Ingvild, what can you do?" Lugh asked without turning to face the Leviathan, taking note of the lack of walls around the structure. 

It was ornately built, located next to a small lake and had little to no presence in terms of guards, at least from what he could make.

That gave him an idea as to the capabilities of it's resident/s.

They were in the Satan Leviathan's... wait, Old Satan Leviathan's territory. 

Leviathan was a Prince of Hell that was a beast of the sea, and considering the main offence of the guy he'd killed, it's descendants had a power associated with controlling the water and like most posh cunts obsessed with purity of blood, probably employed it as their sole method of attack.

The best way to deal with them then was either overwhelming heat or lackthereof of heat.

"Hm..." Ingvild fidgeted with her hands, furrowing her brow in thought, "I can sing?"

"And I can dance. I'm talking about something actually useful." Lugh spoke back with zero hesitation, "Can you do the water magic the other guy did?"

Ingvild's eyes lit up and she nodded enthusiastically, "I can try."

Lugh sighed, "Have you ever actually used it?"

"Umm... I've used it to do tricks?"

"So, you're essentially useless."

Ingvild flinched before her shoulders slumped, "Y-Yes... I'm sorry."

"Meh, don't worry about it." Lugh shrugged, he'd figured that out when she dumped her whole background on him.

It didn't matter.

She was the first person to join his agency, she was a real one for that, in his eyes at least.

"You can probably kick a lot of ass if you actually practise so it doesn't matter." Lugh dismissed her uselessness with a wave of his hand, "On to important stuff, I kind of want to try talking to the guys to see if they'll help us."

The possibility was low, especially considering the elitist nature of this particular house and not a worth a shot at all. They'd probably try to kill him on principle.

"I um... I don't think that's a good idea, Lugh." Ingvild offered after a bit of hesitation, "My relatives aren't the most... good? They might try to kill you at best... The unsavoury ones will try to make you a s-s-"

"A what?"

Flushing, Ingvild averted her gaze, "A se... A s-slave for bad things!"

Whatever respect he had left for this particular brand of nobility went down the drain as Lugh's face became instantly stoic, "We ask them nicely and if they don't listen, I show you why motivated practising is a good idea."


"You people disgust me."

"Okay wow."

That was the second time now.

What the fuck was wrong with these people?

Lugh stared at the brown haired women floating in the air in an awestruck silence, he'd even tried to negotiate (again) and got ruthlessly shot down (again).

She eyed him up and down like a piece of meat before licking her lips and smiling.

He didn't like that.

He did not like that at all.

But... maybe he could use it?

Shivering slightly, he looked up at the woman, "I'm assuming you're the Satan Leviathan?"

This biotch was NOT the Satan Leviathan, even Lugh could see it. But, if he knew anything about these guys from prior encounters, it was that they absolutely loved having their egos stroked.

He noticed the similarity in features she had with that guy he killed.

He also noticed Ingvild trying to make herself scarce by...drum roll... hiding behind him.

The strange thing was that it would have worked if her sizable 'lady parts' weren't sticking out from the side.

"Of course! I am the rightful Satan Leviathan! Katarea Leviathan! Not that docile magical girl bitch claiming to be one! She doesn't have a speck of our glorious blood flowing through her veins!" The bespectacled woman shouted with a massive smile, groping her own body and slightly squirming, "Not only are you a good-looking toy, you're also quite a discerning one! You were able to tell who I was at a glance!"




Lugh took in a deep breath, maintaining a calm expression, and lied through his teeth, "As the Satan Leviathan, will you extend your mercy to your humble subjects and let us out of the Underworld? We're being chased by that woman you mentioned."

"Hmm..." Katarea put a hand to her chin, regarding him with a raised brow, "You I don't mind. But..." The woman pointed at the purple haired Leviathan, "That one's a mongrel bitch, are you sure that's the kind of company you want to keep?"

Did she not see what he was?

"What do you think I am?"

"A... Hm... A blank? I think that's the best word for it."

Ingvild flinched behind him... but then did something unexpected.

She tugged at his shirt and whispered in a barely audible voice, "Y...You can leave me. I-It's enough that you acce-"

"Don't worry about it." Lugh replied cordially, looking up at Katarea with a small smile, "I'm 100%."

She was way better than the Devi-... actually, most of the people he'd encountered up to this point in life.

"A shame..." Katarea sighed, putting a hand to her hip and holding out the other, "You don't want to change your mind? Let me kill that useless bastard spawn and I'll find you a place. You won't want for anything."

The sheer audacity left Lugh unable to formulate a proper response.

Nobles were weird, and not in the good 'eccentric' kind of way, in the fucked up in the head kind of way.

The Underworld was a worse experience than he had with those Inca Shamans.

"L-Let her kill me... It won't matter."

"Yeah it will, I'm not losing my first ever member to some shitty two bit wannabe."

"Why do you ca-"

"Let me show you what practice can do if you're motivated enough. I'm not as good with this as I am with Haki but… here goes."

If this was gonna escalate anyway, he might as well get a headstart.

Lugh beat his chest once with either hand before inhaling extremely deeply through his mouth, well and far beyond the capacity a human's lungs were supposed to have.

He then uttered a single phrase.

"Fire God's Bellow."

And true to the name, bellow he did.

A black matrix formed in front of him before he let out a massive torrent of obsidian tinged flames from his mouth, covering the very skies as everything in their path and immediate vicinity was not burnt or melted, but simply decimated.

He held out both his hands to either side.

"Fire God's Supper."

Serpentine obsidian flames materialised from both, howling and screeching as they scorched the very air before shooting at where Katarea was supposed to be. Their massive maws snapped down at the woman.

The magic he was using was one designed to match and slay deities.

Much like haki, it was a magic he developed by virtue of practice, understanding from knowledge pertaining to Fairy Tail, and the desire to possess it.

Manipulating those same flames to shoot from his feet, he grabbed Ingvild by her waist like a naughty kid and shot off into the sky, the same sky whose colour he'd momentarily changed to obsidian.

"Goddammit, how the hell am I supposed to get out of here?"

"That's what I'm here for... The Governor found it strange how there was a request from the Devils that was taking so long and huh, I suppose I'll have to hand over my precious sword collection."

He recognised that voice.

Lugh's head whipped around to stare at the speaker.

It was a young man with long black hair cascading down to his chest, wearing a long coat with an actual business suit under it and... two pairs of crow-like wings extending from his back.

"I personally believed that you were a human so inadequate that you registered as nothing to our senses... But I suppose I was wrong and the Governor's hunch was right." A gestured to the manse looking like it had been carpet bombed behind them.

He then put a hand over his chest and bowed his head ever so slightly, "I apologise for my ignorance."

Well... he seemed like he meant it.

Besides, this was the first time a supernatural being was being polite to him.

"What are you?"

"I'm a man born to inherit the stars." Lugh pointed at himself with his thumb and a small grin.

Mostly because he'd learnt a few new things he needed to investigate with this outing and didn't actually know the real answer to the question either.

"Is she alive?" Lugh asked calmly, it was entirely possible that a powerful Devil could have tanked his attacks.

"I do not know. I doubt it." A admitted honestly, "But let us not stick around to find out either way. Where do you wish to go?"

"I'm going to Wales."

"Very well." The fallen angel nodded stoically before a thin smile formed on his lips as he held out his hand, "Congratulations Lugh, you've made a name for yourself with this."

"Made a what now?"

"Oh come now, don't be silly. Surely you know what defeating two of the few remaining old Satan descendants would do?"

Lugh didn't answer the question and took the man's hand.

Ingvild seemed to be... in the middle of processing his actions.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter...

Can you guys figure out what his power actually is with this?

I can't rub it in your face anymore than I have with him using two different powers that shouldn't rightly exist in DxD by virtue of 'wanting it' and practise. It's not me randomly giving him powers, there's a base ability that lets him develop them.

Can I get some feedback?