
Chapter 3

Lugh sat in front of a campfire, curiously staring at the flickering flames and crackling wood.

"...How am I supposed to get out of here?"

He'd been walking for a good while and found nothing but forests, then barren lands, then forests again... 'A' hadn't exactly given him a way out and truth be told, he kind of wanted to confront the guy about this whole ordeal.

That Leviathan descendant he'd nabbed from the hospital was lying against a tree, breathing softly but with a certain 'life' to her features that weren't there after he pumped her full of... Conqueror's Haki.

Now, he wasn't all that read up about DxD Devil hierarchy but if it was anything like normal, Leviathan was one of the seven Princes of Hell... and she was way more important considering she had a noble guarding her... He inferred that from the foot long stick up his ass.

On that note...

"Me and A are gonna have some words." Lugh opened and closed his palm with a small, annoyed smile.

There was no way such a 'bigshot' noble would know him. It was annoying to accept but Devil May Cry had no reputation to speak of as of yet, supernatural entities didn't know he existed and all he did were private investigation jobs for the locals of wherever his heart took him to.

...How was it then, that a job came specifically for him? Well, an ambush to be accurate.

Were there flaws or moles in the organisation A served? Yes, served, because the guy said governor... That meant there was a whole hierarchy of things where the creepy motherfucker was from and that there were probably many more creepy shits whereever he crawled out of.

With a sigh, Lugh turned his glance to the three weapons he'd managed to salvage from the fight, "At least these things are gonna fetch a good price... whenever I get out of this hellhole... heh, hellho-...Oh?"

Pausing, Lugh turned to stare at his willing, totally not kidnapped, companion. She shifted ever so slightly, rustled from her sleep... her eyelids fluttered open to reveal confused golden eyes that looked around groggily as she rubbed her eyes, trying to sit up.

Still confused, her eyes finally landed on Lugh, whose eyes lit up at the sudden opportunity.

"Hey you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into that imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there." Lugh gestured over to... a tree.

She looked at him in complete confusion, speaking gently, "Mm... um... what?"

Lugh chuckled, retrieving a neatly folded piece of paper from his shirt and holding it out to her, "There, found that in your room. I'm Lugh."

"I... Ingvild." She softly took the paper from him, opening it and studying it's contents.

Lugh watched curiously as her expression faltered multiple times from the hospital report, figuring that learning you were in a coma for nearly a hundred years would take a toll on just about everybody, "E...Everybody's gone."

"Yeah sorry, may have contributed to that." Lugh admitted with a raised hand, "Though, I doubt the guy was actually related to you."

Hair colours were somewhat important but most of the time, could just be written off but... that guy had brown hair, she had purple hair. That was way too much of a difference.

"...Why?" The girl inquired nervously after a pause, looking around.

"Dude tried to torture me into becoming his slave." Lugh shrugged casually, "I'm not gonna apologise."

Ingvild looked at him strangely, "I... don't think you should have to?"

"Well, that's surprising." Lugh looked over at her in awe, he'd been expecting a completely different reaction from a 'noble', "You're not gonna curse seven generations of my family?"

Ingvild covered her mouth with her hand, trying to hide a faint giggle, "No? W-Why seven generations?"

"Seemed right." Lugh shrugged again.

"Mm, I can't say I see it." Ingvild smiled gently, "How did I end up here?"

"Kidnapped you."

"Mhm, so you kidna-... what?"

"Kidnapped you." 


Ingvild looked at him speechlessly, trying to say something but failing to find the right words... She fidgeted around before finally relenting and taking a deep breath, "Can I ask why?"

Pursing his lips, Lugh asked himself the same question, "Does poor foresight and pettiness work as an answer?"

The Leviathan paused, regarding him with curious eyes, "Yes... but they're bad reasons. You can't go around kidnapping people."

Lugh had never been scolded by people he kidnapped before, "...Well that's a first."

"Why do you speak like you've done it before?"

"That's cause I have. The usual reaction goes something like..." Lugh tossed a branch into the fire before clearing his throat, "AHHHH!! Let me go! Please!"

Ingvild averted her gaze and covered her mouth again, caught off-guard by the sudden 'example', "You have an... odd sense of humor."

Lugh held his hands up in surrender, "I haven't had someone talk to me right in two years now."

Wait, that came out wrong.

Looking at him with pity in her eyes, Ingvild clapped her hands lightly, "Well, I don't mind talking to you."

Lugh didn't like the way she changed her tone.

Sighing, he turned his gaze to the purple sky, "Well, you can go back if you want... I'm gonna go harass the locals till they let me out of here."

"Mm, I don't have anything to go back to." Ingvild shook her head with distant but faintly glowing eyes, "Everyone is... gone."

Well, that checked out.

She'd been asleep for a century now and the documents had her labelled a half-devil, so the human side of her family was probably long gone now... The Devil half, if they were anything like the guy he'd met, were people she probably didn't even want to interact with from what he could grasp of her personality.

"Don't you want to go back and live the noble life? I mean, I totally would."

He'd never say no to so much money they stop considering it entirely.

"...No... They're cruel people." Ingvild shook her head, with slightly teary eyes, "Haven't you met them already? ...All they ever cared about was the blood in my veins... So that they could use me for their selfish power politics and power grabs. I think I'll just... fade away. Thank you for waking me up."

Well... that was kinda depressing.

Lugh wasn't good with that kind of stuff. His response to deadbeat parents had been just booking it out of the place... but, wait a second, "How did I save you though?"

"You woke me up, and took me away from their hands... They would have just experimented on my powers if you didn't."

It was at that moment that he had an idea.

 She sounded like one of those complicated backstory but with overpowered abilities characters or something, that was something he'd been looking for.

"Wanna join Devil May Cry?" Lugh stood up and offered her a hand.

"Devil May Cry?"

He flashed her the trademark Lugh grin, "Yeah, you've got nowhere to go... Me neither, let's stick together for a while."

"A-Are you sure? They'll come for you when they realise I'm gone, you know?"

"Bah. Some posh asshole isn't gonna make me take back my words."

Besides, this was the only way he was going to get any members! He didn't want to go back to his empty office and sit around eating pizza anymore! He wanted somebody to talk to dammit!

Ingvild took his hand with a troubled expression, "I... I wouldn't want to make you su-"

"Enough brooding about it. I'm happy as hell to have you... Heh, hell." Lugh couldn't help himself... he was feeling lonely as hell, there was no way in hell he was letting such an opportunity go, he'd read enough novels to know what this situation was!

"Let's go already." Lugh pulled the girl to her feet.

"A-Are you really sure? It'll cause you a lot of trouble."

Aw, she was trying not to be a burden.

A chick and a dude holding hands near a campfire, that totally didn't paint a weird picture.

And thus, Devil May Cry gained it's second member.

An outcast descendant of the Satan Leviathan.

The first being an alleged human with Haki.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Give any feedback you have please, this is my first time outside Fate.

Lore explanation of how he woke her up if you can't put it together:

In canon, Ingvild wakes up with the awakening of her sacred gear. Sacred Gears awaken if the user has a strong will and uses it towards that end. Her having sleep disease meant she couldn't do that (or have conscious thought really) but, Conqueror's Haki is the purest expression of extreme willpower there is. I theorise that it could resonate with the latent and unawakened Sacred Gear inside her, and forcibly wake it up.

Does that logic work?

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