
DxD: Empire

Ronald is transmigrated into DxD World with a system. His soul enters a devil/human hybrid named Ronald Lucifer. Follow his journey to achieve his dream and desire in his second life. No R-18! Multifandom Crossovers: High School DxD, Fairy Tail, Fate Series, Naruto, and Genshin Impact This story uses first-person point of view. Update: 1 chapter per day (Monday to Friday) ------------------------------------------------------------------- The cover page is Sima Yi from Dynasty Warriors 8

ElectricEye21 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 08: Acquaintanceship through Skirmish

A shockwave emerged from the clash between my shield and Erza's attack. She tried to penetrate my defense, but it resulted to nothing.

"What?" muttered the red haired devil.

"This defense is denser than your previous armor, Erza." I created light blue colored barrier to surround me. Its shape like large-scale aura that covered me. There was also a blue colored large halo on my back.

Yes, I tried to imitate someone's technique. Someone who was my father's rival as well as my mentor. That person died around two years ago, but I would remember him through this technique. Even though this was my own technique, I wouldn't deny that I was totally inspired by his dark blue gigantic humanoid shield that he often used in fighting his opponents.

"What a strong shield, Ronald." Erza jumped backward and created four large spheres by using her Power of Destruction. "But sorry, I will win this match!"

She threw those spheres to me. A huge explosion was emitted because of that. A thick puff of smoke covered the spot where I stood up.

"So, it's finish." Erza said with a prideful tone.

"Not yet, Erza." I calmly replied to her words as I shaped my shield into a skeletal form. "Now, it's my turn. Dream Devourer."

I created a suction force by using my wind magic. I saw that Erza tried as hard as she could to escape from this technique. But unfortunately, once you were caught, you wouldn't be able to escape.

I split my concentration to perform another technique by using my Luciferio as well. I created numerous mirage blades and threw them to the red haired devil.

Being unable to escape from my suction force, Erza changed her battle suit to her adamantine armor again to tank my mirage blades. My Dream Devourer technique somehow made her being unable to think clear and as the result, she was recently cornered. Whereas, she could do the same thing that Sasuke did to end Danzo's suction technique.

'That's okay. It's good that she didn't have such idea.' I did a sly smile as I watched Erza being cornered.

"Adamantine Barrier!"

I saw Erza used that technique once again to protect herself from my mirages blades. As the result, many of them stuck on the ground. I stopped performing my suction force out of the blue after the red haired devil withheld all of my mirage blades.

"At last…it stops." I could hear Erza panting in exhaustion for trying to break free from my suction force. "Now, it's my-"

"Yes, it's your turn to be defeated, Erza." I smiled to her. "You are strong indeed. But sorry, the victory isn't yours."

Unbeknownst to her, I had infused my wind force to those mirage blades. Now, I intended to create a large typhoon from those wind force.

"Wind Style: Great Typhoon!"

The wind force inside my stuck mirage blades quickly surrounded Erza and gave her continuous wind magic damage. This technique hit her hard, making her being unable to move in midair. Ten seconds later, the typhoon stopped, making she fell to the ground.

"Erza Scarlet Gremory is knocked to the ground! Let's see whether she is still able to fight or not." Tsufaame deeply took a breath before she continued her words. "Let's count! Three! Two!"

'If Erza didn't stood up until Leviathan-sama finished her count, then she would be declared as being defeated.' I kept my sight on her. Even though she looked like she had been defeated, I wouldn't lower my guard until the Master of Ceremony announced that she was defeated.

"One! The Match is Finished! The winner is Ronald Lucifer!"

I could heard some audiences cheering on me. Even though they weren't as much as Erza's supporters, I didn't take it as problem.

The important thing was I managed to achieve victory in this match. I believe this was the first step to make Lucifer Clan's name being known by Underworld public.

While I still thought about it, I saw Erza tried to stood up. However, she then fell down again. Probably, she was wounded too much. Therefore, I decided to approach her.

I saw one of Tsufaame's underlings stopped me because he thought that I wanted to inflict more damage towards Erza. However, I simply told him about my intention.

"Worry not. The match is over already. I don't want to give her more damage." I paused my words for a moment. "What I wanted to do is healing her wounds. Just assume that it is a form of respect to her for entertaining me during the match."

After I reached Erza, I placed my hand on her body. Then, I performed my healing magic to cure her wounds. Within minutes, I was able to make her being recovered.

"You...You heal me. Why?" Erza asked to me.

"Inside the arena we are opponents. When the match is over, we aren't." I smiled to her. "So, I think there's nothing wrong with that."

"Yeah, you're right." She warmly smiled to me. "Thank you, Ronald."

"You're welcome. Now, let's go back to the participant bench."

I was going to sit next to Rosalyne since she already prepared a seat for me. However, before I did so, I heard Erza shouted to me.

"Wait, Ronald!"

"What else?" I asked to Erza.

"I...may I become your friend?"

"Why? Isn't it weird for a devil from 72 Pillars Clan to befriend with an Old Satan descendant like me?"

I wanted to test whether Erza sincerely wanted to make friend with me or not. She was Zekram Bael's descendant after all. Who knew whether she was manipulative like him or not.

"Friendship knows no boundary for me. You have prove yourself as a kind person, by saving Lucy and healing me. Therefore, I want to become your friend."

I looked into her expression and body language. There were nothing wrong with that. I could detect that she had no hidden intention in approaching me.

"I open my heart to befriend with anyone. Suit yourself." I cooly replied to Erza's words and then, I left the arena without caring about her anymore.

I approached Rosalyne and sat next to her. I could clearly see annoyed and jealous expression on her face.

"Why the f**k you want to befriend with a rodent from 72 Pillars Clans, Ronald? You even heal her wound after the match ends. Have you lost your pride as an Old Satan descendant?" Rosalyne scolded me.

"Of course, I am not, Rosalyne. However, I shall not let my pride turning me into an arrogant bastard. Indeed, I didn't believe in benevolence. But, I still need do kindness in order to build a good image on the eyes of public." I delivered my thought to my blonde childhood friend, making her became confused.

"Why should you act kind to others?"

"Because, that's how a leader should act. As you know, we are the descendants of the Old Satans. It means that someday, we will be sitting on the Underworld's Throne. Therefore, we should prepare ourselves from now, including developin the good leader's traits."

"Hmph...Fine then." Rosalyne turned her face away from me. "But, I would hate it if that rodent was too close with you."

"Ahahaha! You needn't to take it as an issue, Rosalyne. Anyway, let's get rid of it and enjoy watching the next match."

"Alright then."

I then relaxed myself on the participant bench as I looked to the electrict board in order to know who will fight on the next match. That board rolled and displayed two names.

"Now, for the second match, we will have Riser Phenex vs Albedo 'Kreudeprinz' Abaddon!" Tsufaame shouted to the audience.