
Ch 8

"You know,Your actions never ceases to amaze me."Sona said as moved the chessboard away after having lost for the 45 time since the two met.

"I aim to please."Sho saids to which Sona snorts.

"Why did you decide to train Hyoudou?"Sona asks the question that has been plaguing her mind."You don't seem the type to take pity on someone."

"And,What makes you think so?"Asks Sho as he took the cup of tea Tsubaki gave to him.

"You were raised by a Dragon an existence that represents the 7 sins better than devils,especially Greed and Pride."Sona said as she sips the tea."I thought your Pride wouldn't allow you to take someone so weak as Hyoudou your disciple/student much less after the action of his King."

"I didn't take him as my student or anything,I just toyed around a bit with him,showed him the level of power he can achieve if he puts his mind into it."Said Sho as he looked in the tea."There is also the fact Asia wouldn't look me in the eye if I didn't."

"That can't be your only reasoning."




"You know, Even if you and Azazel-san already explained everything to me about my circumstances, I am still unable to believe it." Ingvild said with a pensive smile.

"Can't blame you really, It's a lot to take in. I can only offer you consolation that you are not alone in your current predicament."Sho said as the duo walked towards Saji Residence.

"I am quite grateful to you,If not for you I would have just been asleep probably forever."Inglivid said as she held Sho's right hand.

"Doubtful your sacred gear would have awakened either way in a year or next 100 years.Besides waking you up is for my own personal greed."

"Yet you could have lied to me and played hero,but you didn't.Why?"

"Lying is a pointless action,the truth will eventually come out anyway anyhow.Besides coming out clean from the start could remove any form of doubts and trust issues."

"I truly am grateful….."

Sho knowing despite the smile on Inglivid face she couldn't be more sad.Sho placing a hand on Inglivid's shoulder pulled her into a hug.

"Just let it all out,You will feel better."Sho said as he begs rubbing her back.Tears started leaking from Inglivid's eyes to Sho's shirt.

"Thank you.I really needed that."

"It's fine really.I agreed to help you and look after you."Sho said as he wiping Inglivid's tears.


Finally the duo reached their destination.Inglivid was shocked seeing the residence,she had expected a highly expensive and luxurious estate,for a dragon this was just too plain and simple.

"Not what you expected,Huh?"

"No..I ummm…"

"It's alright.Some dragon do love luxurious stuff though most don't care about luxury viewing them as pointless possession."Sho said as he opened the door but stopped as soon as he entered.

"Is something wrong?"

"No.I just wasn't expecting guests especially not this particular ones."

The duo went towards the living room where Sho sensed the Guest.In the living room were Asia on one side and the other side Issei.

"I wasn't expecting you to be at my place especially this late."


"Speak clearly Hyoudou or have you lost the ability to do so."Sho said.

[He needs your help.]A voice was heard from Issei arm as his longinus Boosted Gear appeared.Hearing the voice shocked everyone including Sho.

"Ho,I didn't expect to hear anything from you Ddraig."Sho said as he looked at the Boosted Gear."Especially not after making my powers clear."

"Huh,What does he mean Ddraig?"

[He carries the scent and the power of a peculiar type of dragon,one]"one which even he would prefer to stay away from.That makes this even more interesting,as he didn't stop you from comment here."Ddraig was interrupted by Sho who looked amused.

"I still don't get it?What are you two talking about?"

[I will explain it to you later,Partner.]Ddraig stopped Issei.[And I didn't stop him because it was i who suggested him to seek your help.]

"That's a foolish,if I have ever seen one."

[Really?The fact that you haven't killed every single being in this town when you clearly can,especially those two girls besides you shows you are different than them.]

"Is he the other Heavenly Dragon?"Inglivid asked Sho who was beside her.

[That I am,I am Ddraig One of the two Heavenly Dragons also called the Welsh Dragon, Red Dragon Emperor and Red Dragon Emperor of Domination]came Ddraig's voice filled with pride.[So will you help or not.]

Asia who was silent till now went near Sho and firmly held Sho's hand."Can we help him?"asked Asia with a pleading look in her eyes wanting to help one of her first two friends.

"We can help him."Sho said which brought joy to Asia's face."Why don't you show Inglivid around."


Soon Asia and Inglivid left the room.

[why did you lie to her?]

'So he won't help.'Issei thought grimly.

"I didn't lie to her."Sho said as he went and sat down on the sofa."I told her 'We can help him' not 'We will help him'."

"What do you want?"Issei asked finally understanding where the conversation is headed."If you help me I will do anything in return,Anything."

[I doubt he wants anything from you,so get up.]Ddraig said to Issei who was on his knees.

"So you can tell."Sho said with a smirk adorning his face.

[What do you want?]

(Flashback end)


"You seem happy that I didn't take him as my student or something."Sho said as he sipped the tea.

"Well,It does make my work easier that way."Sona said which caused Sho to raise his brows."You see soon enough Youth gathering is going to happen among Devils and most probably Rating game is going to suggested to see who is the best among the current generation."

"Oh,I see now."

"Rias is among the two I am not sure about winning the other being Sairaorg,Rias's cousin."Sona said as she placed the empty cup on the table.

"I get the reason about Sairaorg Bael but why are you scared about Rias."Sho asked genuinely confused.

"Well for starters Rias's peerage every one of them either has a powerful Sacred Gears or a powerful bloodline."Sona said as she started to count them off, lifting a finger for each example, "Kiba has the Sacred Gear Sword Rebirth, Koneko is a Nekoshou, Akeno has the blood of a powerful Fallen Angel as well as that of the Himejima Clan and then there is Gasper a Daywalker Dhamphir with the Sacred Gear that is one step short from being a Longinus, the Forbidden Balor View and finally Issei Hyoudou the wielder of Boosted gear a longinus and host to one of the two Heavenly Dragons."


"What do you mean 'So?'?"Sona asked with a expression on her face that Sho hadn't seen till now."All of them,Every one of them are talented people with special powers or lineage."

"I still don't get it."Sho said with a bored expression on his face."You think Sasaki Kojirō,Sir lancelot,Siegfried and many other heroes and legendary characters were talented."

"Let me tell they weren't but they trained and improved upon what they had and became great."Sho said as he looked straight in Sona's eyes."Sairaorg Bael is one such example not as great or legendary as them yet similar in the the aspects he just focused on improving himself."

"They had a lifetime of dedication to reach that level."

"Lifetime which you have more."Said Sho."They key to rising to the top isn't bloodlines,talent or some weapons and sacred gear."

"Then what is?"

"It's your mentality."Sho said as he leaned back on the sofa."In the end its your mentality that helps you achieve your full and true potential and surpass it.One which you lack."

"How do I change my mentality then?"

"That's a question you should be asking yourself.If anyone can change you mentality it's you."Sho said as he stood up ready to leave."Let me give you a tip,changing one's mentality takes a long time for now just start getting a little greedier.Be greedier take every single opportunity that you get to straighten yourself."

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