
Chapter 1

System Speaking]


"Speaking Aloud!"



Just black nothingness…

I must say I am a bit disappointed that this is all that waits for you in death, I mean what are you even supposed to do for the rest of time. Just idly float until your soul just fades and flickers out of existence? The scariest thing I would point out is just how comfortable it is to just drift and let go of everything.

Not sure I how long I have been dead for… days? Years? Centuries? I had realized rather quickly that the memories of my life had begun to fade, I hardly remember the faces of my family or my name. Couldn't have even told you what I looked like myself.

Though my initial disappointment was sorely misplaced as time passed ever forward. After a bit I figured I went to hell since it is torturous holding on to every scrap of memory you can, only to make the personal hell far worse as you actively feel everything slip away.

All I really know about myself is the simplest summary of my life, I enjoyed anime, video games and sex like any hot-blooded male would. Though from what I can remember I was mostly a loner and not much of a socializer. I often kept to myself other than the occasional hookups with girls or with friends.

Had a boring office job that ultimately didn't amount to much in my short life, I think I may have been in my late 20s, hard to say. From what I could tell I was an only child based on what memories I had left, even though they were of mostly blurred out faces of my parents.

"Yep, just an average joe making his way through the world."

For the indescribable amount of time, I have been drifting, I've been actively trying to keep my mind working to slow the rate of fading but all that has come of it is me being more conscious of my degrading personality and memories.

The descent into madness and insanity reaching ever closer with each passing second, the only thing to preoccupy me was replaying memories in my mind. Though that eventually began to fail me as they mostly faded away, as a result, I started to play mental games, you name it I played it probably thousands of times. Though the insanity seemed to only etch closer after my 3000th game of tic tac toe.

After that I just decided to stop and finally let go.

And the relief I felt radiate throughout my soul felt like the weight of the world had been lifted. My soul begins to fade my memories now disappearing at an accelerated rate, all that remains is resigned contentment and bliss.

[Color me impressed, you held out longer than anyone I have ever seen before, most either fade quickly or descend to madness losing their grip on their sanity and then quickly fading shortly after.]


A black silver-rimmed text box with white lettering appears in front of me. Almost as soon as it appears my soul halts in its process of fading. A small bit of clarity supplied as a result.

"What is this? What are you?"

[Hmm… don't really have a name. But I am often referred as The System so you could use that if you wish.]

"System?" I think, confusion clearly the dominant emotion.

"Wait… Hold on your telling me that you watched me slowly descend into madness for all that time and you didn't even do anything about it?" I thought with anger boiling up at the thought.

[Well Yeah you could say that. It helps me weed out the many for the few that are of high quality. Think of what you just went through as a trial to see if you are worthy of a new start. Normally the soul just fades away and reverted to a sort of blank slate, then being reborn as something else. Though there are the few that yours truly deems an incredibly high-quality soul and is given a second chance at life with most memories intact.]

"How does the process even work?" I ask curiously.

[Well normally every once in a while I will gather a few billion souls of various beings and life forms that died and throw them in the in between here, and basically wait till there is only one left. Then I pull that soul out and offer them a chance at a second life.]

"For what purpose?"

[You are really full of questions aren't you… Sigh* To be honest it is all for my own entertainment, it gets a bit boring sending souls through the cycle of rebirth after a few billion years. So, what do you say, want to give life another shot?]

"Sure, why not." I would have to be the biggest idiot not to take up the offer.

[Good choice… Alright with that out of the way I would like to give you this.]

A new text box appears with a long rectangular bar that slowly fills.


Upload Complete! New Player acknowledged!

"Player? What is this supposed to mean?" I ask curiously.

[Ah yes, Most of your memories were likely to be lost but… this should repair most of what was lost and fill you in on the necessary information.]


Upload Complete! Memory Data Injected!

The gaping hole that I didn't realize was in my soul quickly fills as a splitting pain runs through my mind at the sudden excess in information. Flashes of other worlds and universes come and go, but one memory lifts to the surface about a Manhwa called The Gamer appear. After all of the memories settle, I quickly realize that all of these are the my original memories of my past life of all the anime and manga that I had read had been restored. The more personal part of my memories seems to be the bare minimum only enough to supply a simple understanding of my life.

[That is about all I could restore, everything else was either lost or corrupted data. So be grateful that you got at least that much, now no more wasting time let's begin…]

New Player Introduction Initializing…

Upload Complete!

Compared to the pain of information overload before this is only a slight tingle in comparison. But this "upload" that The System started proved rather useful, granting me the bare bones basic Knowledge of the Gamer System. Things like bringing up the Status, Skills, Gacha, and last of all the Store.

It seems all commands related to the Gamer System is purely mental to secure the knowledge of the systems existence and reduce attention to the Player about the System. "Bottom line just means do not tell anyone about the system."

[Yeah, don't do that. That is an extra precaution I had to put in place since there were happening where players either accidentally or intentionally told non players about the Gamer System and let's just say it didn't turn out well... ever. I mean mostly resulting in the slavery of the Player and that is putting it lightly.]

The screen appears before I begin to read, I gain a mental look of confusion at a piece of the information given. "There are other multiverses, other players walking about?"

[Yep, each player has their own respective Multiverse to play about in. Let's just say there is thousands of different players lurking around. I wouldn't worry about them really since if anything most players are not very malicious to each other save for a select few. The only real encounters you will face is a cross dimensional messaging system that players use, a trading option and most of all the Store. Which is operated by the players themselves functioning as a marketplace of sorts. Each item you see is posted by another player, mostly there for convenience for other players that don't have access to such items from the universe they are in at that time.]

"I see…"

Seems like the Player base is quite the close nit community, something that is quite rare from what I remember when I was alive. Seems like quite the useful function if I am in a pinch and need something quickly. Finishing the thought, I wonder what the next step would be.

[Well now we choose your starting world and conditions. I will give you a list of your favorite Anime, Tv shows, books, games and manga from your past life. All you have to do is choose one to enter for the foreseeable future. The list is as follows.]

Harry Potter

Game of Thrones

Fairy Tale


High School DxD

The Walking Dead


Vampire Diaries

Re: Monster

Dark Souls

Wow this is quite the selection of options. I take a few moments weighing the choices, there are a few that I automatically rule out like Harry Potter, Bleach, The Walking Dead and Dark Souls. Harry Potter just seems like a headache to be honest; Dark Souls is just suicide and the reasons for TWD is the same for the former. I don't really think it would be the greatest idea to venture into the Bleach universe with a guy like Aizen roaming about.

Vampire diaries is an out for similar reasons to Bleach. After seriously thinking about my remaining options, I ultimately come down to two options.

Naruto and High School DxD. Both having plenty of room to grow and gain power to a frightening potential, DxD probably holding a bit more in that department. Though Naruto has an apocalyptic like event with Madara trying to bring "peace". It does give me around four to five years of preparation for such a thing. DxD doesn't seem to have anything like that from what I can remember, seems that is the decider.

"DxD it is then."

First world choice acknowledged!



[Okay! Now we need to start with your world Conditions, Background and Race. There will be many choices for you to choose from, though you will only get a free 2000 points to allocate for being a beginner. After this point they will have to be accrued through blood sweat and tears.]

Character Race

Human – Free

Reincarnated Devil – 100 points

Fallen Angel – 200 points

Pure Blooded Devil – 250 points

Angel – 250 points

The Human option while free I will need to start just as weak as one and in such a universe, I will take whatever head start I can get. A boost as a Reincarnated Devil is nice but effectively starting in basically eternal servitude to someone else is out. A fallen Angel just doesn't seem appealing, Angel is just way too constricting of a race. I am certain I will fall from grace if I choose that. Becoming a Pure Blooded Devil is incredibly appealing, starting out effectively a Noble among a race with the chance at a powerful clan power. I also get high standing and reputation automatically along with wealth. The option is well worth the price…

"I choose Pure Blooded Devil."

Acknowledging Player Decision!



[Good Choice, now choose your background.]

Character Background

Random - Free

Greymory – 1500

Phenex - 1300

Sitri - 1250

Bael - 1700

Vassago - 1000

Marbas - 750

Velefor - 750

A long list appears displaying the 72 Pillars, nearly all of them having absurd prices listed. Some I understand with them being tied to one of the 4 Satan's directly or indirectly, or just having higher positions in the hierarchy. I will need to choose Random and conserve my points for future options, while yes getting access to the power of destruction and the Phenex's regeneration I would rather not have to spend all of my remaining points.

"I choose Random…"

Player Choice Acknowledged!



[Leaving it up to luck, eh? I can respect that. Now for your final set of choices, they are mostly add on that you can buy with your points. Or you can choose to just leave it up to whatever Random Clan you chose. Here is the list of add ones.]

Add ones

Secluded Castle (Upgrades Available after Purchase) – 800

Common Familiar – 200

Rare Familiar – 350

Legendary Familiar – 800

Common Servant - 150

Rare Servant - 300

Legendary Servant – 750

A long list of various privileges appears surprising me slightly at the sheer amount, I would never be able to get them all since I don't have nearly enough points. Though I think it would be in my best interest to purchase the Secluded Castle, and maybe a servant? A good servant is incredibly hard to find with your interests at heart, a familiar I can always go to the familiar forest on a full moon and try my luck there.

"I choose the Secluded castle and a Legendary Servant."

Player Choice Acknowledged!



[Very well… now with all of that done now comes character creation. Would you like a body to be created with your ideal appearance?]

[Yes or No]

"Hmm… Why not. Yes."

Player Choice Acknowledged!

Generating Player model!

I watch with fascination as a body begins to materialize out of nothing, the bones materialize following with the ligaments, nervous system and cardiovascular system. The organs forming before the muscles sprout into existence. Soul piercing red eyes form in the eye sockets before Pale skin grows all around the body. Pitch black hair sprouts from the scalp framing the face. A rather impressive member sprouts between the legs, despite it being flaccid I already can tell the size is well above average.

Inspecting the bodies appearance, I am suddenly struck with recognition over its appearance. This looks incredibly close to Shinya Kogami in facial structure, hair style and even musculature. Everything is mostly the same except the piercing Red eyes. The age from what I can tell is maybe early twenties.

"I guess this is my ideal body, can't say I can complain with the choice. Good Job me."


[Alright we are almost done, last thing if you choose is to take on random perks that can provide exponential bonus's and take on a Flaw that has potential threatening drawbacks, though most flaws and be gotten rid of with time, so what do you say?]

"Sure, why not."

Almost as soon as I accept a wheel materializes and begins to spin playing a tune like a slot machine, all the tiles completely blank in appearance probably to add to the suspense of what you could roll. It rolls incredibly fast for a moment before stopping, a separate text box appears displaying what perk I earned.

Perk Received!

Loved by Lady Luck – You often find yourself in more favorable situations and are all round luckier in loot drops. LUK stat gains are also permanently doubled.

Well, that is certainly a great perk to get, especially so early. Alright now for the damage control, lets see what Flaw I get in return. A new Slot wheel appears and begins to spin, bearing the same blank tiles as before. It stops after a suspenseful minute before a box appears in front of me.

Flaw Contracted!

Sickly – You were Born with a poor immune system granting an emaciated appearance, CHA and VIT is temporarily halved until VIT stat exceeds 50.

Almost as soon as it appears my body begins to adopt a look that would often match a someone at deaths door. The healthy athletic muscle mass I had before seemingly withers away as I begin to look no more than skin and bones, my eyes sunken as they look half lidded displaying an exhausted expression.

I give a mental wince at the result; this is quite the blow. Two of my stats are halved one being an incredibly important one while the other I can deal with. With my health being half of its original number is quite debilitating, though it is fortunate that I can get rid of the effects if I can get to 50 VIT.


I almost don't know if It is worth doing it again but risking another flaw as potentially as bad as this could really suck. Oh well one more time couldn't hurt, the effects are reversable after all. The Slot wheel rolls once again for a moment before stopping on yet another blank tile.

Perk Received!

Genius – You are a Genius born only once every few centuries as a result all experience gain is Doubled.

I don't think I could have gotten anything better than this, in the long run this will yield incredible results. Perhaps my Perk Loved my Lady Luck is already having an effect. The wheel rolls once again for another long suspenseful minute. I honestly am starting to feel that it is purposely longer than the other to put you on edge. It finally stops prompting another box to appear.

Flaw Contracted!

Lustful- The urge to partake in the more carnal desires are often at the forefront of your mind.

Could have been worse, I think I will quit while I am ahead and not roll for anything else. The opportunity to get something else is really eating at me but I ultimately decide to stop.

[Now the final thing before you are ready to start! Choose your class…]

Available Classes:


Each choice is a tab that opens into more subclasses. Fighter holding berserker, saber and other things of the like. Rogue holding assassin, thief and archer and a few others. Mage opening into Elementalist, conjurer, necromancer, and a dozen more mancer type classes. Though out of all of them the one that gained my interest is the Special tab. Mentally clicking on it as it opens displaying multiple classes that have to do with crafting like smithing, alchemy, enchanting but there is one that seems to be different.

Psychic – Unlike anyone else you have power directly centered around the mind, things like Telekinesis, Telepathy, Mind Reading, and Clairvoyance are not outside your reach. Has the potential to be quite the fearsome class. Each level Grants 7 INT and 4 WIS.

"Is it possible to change classes after I have already picked one?"

[Absolutely, just level any class you have at the time to level 50 and you gain the ability to take on another. Though to select another class after that one you will have to max out your main class. Once the Main class has been maxed out the next class follows the same rules.]

Alright then I guess I will select Psychic, probably best considering my current physical health. Taking on a close quarters class would be suicide.

[Alright… Now let's get you in your body and start you your new life, luckily, I will throw you in lets say... A few hundred years, should be more than enough time for you to prepare until canon starts, good luck!]

Before I can even register a thought after reading my soul suddenly feels as if I am sucked forcibly right through a vacuum and then nothing. Almost a sleep like state succumbs my mind and a haze clouds my consciousness.

Next chapter