
Ch 11

After school, Ryuhei has a small date with Akeno. The two took a short walk in the park and then went to a coffee shop. The two continued to talk about a few things until Akeno explained the reason for asking him out.

"Rias and I are planning to restart the paranormal research club. Currently there are two of us and Yuuto Kiba, a first year kohai. Do you want join? "Akeno said.

' So it's just as I thought ' Ryuhei had somewhat foreseen what she said . He also learns that Rias is planning to invite him to join her peerage. Anyway, he is famous in the Sojutsu club - a club that uses spear. Although being a devil has some benefits, there are too many inconveniences. In addition, Ryuhei's pride chant didn't allow him to become someone's servant.

"I'm not really interested in any club at the moment. Although I greatly appreciate your suggestion. However I want my afternoons to be free. "Ryuhei usually spends his spare time practicing or walking around to earn some EXP. Ryuhei has been in this world for a year but he still hasn't reached level 100. That made Ryuhei a little uncomfortable.

Akeno looks reluctant, she has some feelings for Ryuhei. She didn't want to use her charms on him. After some psychological struggle Akeno decided to use the devil's enchantment ability.

"Me and Rias really want you to think again. If you join us you will be able to spend time with two beautiful girls. This is the dream of many male students. "

If it was the Ryuhei of his previous life, he would happily agree. However, now it's different, women are not his priority. It's not that he doesn't like women, it's just that he has more things to take care of right now. In addition, Akeno's charm didn't work on Ryuhei, it was so weak that Ryuhei didn't even notice it.

"Although it would be nice to spend time with two beautiful girls, I still have to turn down your offer. "Ryuhei said.

Akeno is now shocked to see that he is unaffected by his enchantment. She immediately focused her senses to check if Ryuhei was a normal human. In the end, Akeno concluded that Ryuhei could be a descendant of a hero or something like that.

"But aren't you also interested in being with us? "Akeno tries to keep inviting Ryuhei. She couldn't help but agree that Ryuhei was a unique individual, which only made Akeno interested in him even more.

Seeing that Akeno still wanted to invite him, Ryuhei decided to play the trump card. Women will often hate those who know how to be flirtatious and flirtatious. He decided to use his last resort. "What I'm interested in is dating you two," said Ryuhei.

"Ara ara who do you want to date? Rias or me? Or both? ' Akeno said mischievously.

"Both," Ryuhei said bluntly.

For the second time Akeno felt a shock. She was just going to tease Ryuhei a little. She didn't think he would frankly want to date two people at once. Akeno is fine with dating Ryuhei however Rias is a different matter. Especially Rias' problem is quite serious.

"Fufufu you're as frank as ever. I'm fine with dating you, anyway, we've known each other for a while. Plus you're the type of man I like. However, I don't know if Rias will agree with this or not." Akeno said.

Although Ryuhei was smiling on the outside, he was a little confused on the inside because this girl seemed to be fine with him dating two people at the same time.

The two then spent another hour talking to each other. After talking, Akeno must return to the club. Ryuhei decided to escort her back to school. After escorting Akeno back to the old school building, Ryuhei returned to his home. He did not forget to keep his senses focused to avoid being followed.


At the same time Rias is sitting thoughtfully, thinking about what Akeno said.

"Did he really refuse and ask for a date? "Although Rias feels fine about dating Ryuhei because he's kind of special. He always treated her equally. Rias also has many good impressions of this guy.

"Fufufu seems like I really have a boyfriend now." Akeno said mischievously. Even though she said that, there was still some hesitation in her heart. After all, she has blood inside of her that she considers 'dirty'.

"At least we can keep an eye on Ryuhei. We've known him for a year, he's not our enemy. I'm just curious if he has anything to do with the supernatural." Rias wants to slowly learn more about Ryuhei whether she should date him.She doesn't want to appear to be an easy girl . She didn't want Riser to attack Ryuhei just because of her selfishness.

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