
Ch31: The new beginning

(3rd pov)

As Samuel started regaining consciousness, he looked around hin to see a familiar world of light, the one where he met God's remnant will.

" So I succeeded?" He wondered out loud.

[ Yes master, with the final blow dealt, Trihexia was brought to its lowest, at which moment Azaroth activated the world of light trapping both of you and separating you from the Laws of the normal world] answered Ezra, making Samuel regain some lucidity as the events of the last fight finally caught up.

See, Ain Souph Aur or God's limitless light, is the true form of the True Longinus and also its very essence. Frankly speaking, it should allow the user to be able to call upon the Biblical God's divine power to create a miracle.

Now normally, even with this power, it should be pretty impossible to defeat Trihexia as even the still alive God wasn't able to do so, only seal it for eternity, but that's the thing, Samuel wasn't fighting a fully functioning Trihexia. In fact, from the moment he found the seal all those years ago, he dedicated himself, Azi Dahāka and Ezra to one task, that is turning the seal from infinite imprisonment to finite weakening.

The seal was a monstrous thing, God's strongest prison, requiring tens of thousands of forbidden class seals, keep in mind that dozens of these at a time were enough to start burning Azi Dahāka vitality, which meant he had to burn his very essence and life force for it to activate.

Now it can easily be unlocked using one of the 4 holy relics, as they contain fragments of God's will, but Samuel didn't do that, instead he used that authority over the seal to slowly modify it. The result was a seal that will only last for 7 days instead of Eternity. But at that cost, it will be able to significantly weaken Trihexia, enough for him and his beasts to deal with it alone.

As Samuel trued to stand up, he tripped as he he tried to use both hands as a support. Looking over, he found his right hand mostly fine, except for the hideous burn marks, but his left hand wasn't, with nearly half of it gone.

" Sighhhhh, this is going to be annoying" muttered Samuel as he finally stood up and looked around, after which he was able to spot something laying down not too far.

As he approached it, Samuel froze in place for a bit before continuing approaching, for laying there was a young boy made of light, whose only distinguishing features are the 6 wings of different animals and 10 horns upon its head, that now seemed to be broken. But the most eye-catching thing was the spear lodged into the young boy's chest, pinning him down in place.

When Samuel finally reached it, the young boy didn't seem to pay any attention to him, in fact he didn't seem to be in pain or annoyed by the spear, he just kept looking at the sky in daze.

".....I....Am.....Alive?" muttered the kid as he continued looking at the sky.

" Yes, you are alive, you always were alive" answered Samuel as he looked at him with a blank expression.

"...The...Voices...Are...Gone." continued The kid as his eyes finally turned to Samuel's ones. Looking at them, Samuel was able to see his reflection, not the white hair golden eye handsome man, no. What was reflected was a young adult with average looks, dark hair and green eyes. This was Samuel's original appearance. The only different thing from it and the original are the burn marks, missing hand and the broken wings sprouting from his back.

Samuel, still looking at his reflection, took a deep breath, approached once more and took hold of the spear.

" Don't worry, you'll be free from all of this. It will all be over in a minute" said Samuel. Looking at him holding the spear that was still inserted in his stomach, the kid's eyes start leaking tears as he smiled and said "...Thank...You" before cracks started filling his body as Samuel pulled the spear from him, before he burst into tiny fragments of light that soon started fading away.

Leaning over the True Longinus that was covered by some red blood on its tip, Samuel just looked over the now empty white space.

As said before, this was a space crated using Azaroth power and Azi Dahāka's barriers to act as a separate world. Now, creating just a minor world or something is an easy feat for beings from their level, but creating and supporting a space that us completely independent from the normal world, with different laws that ensure the outside world's laws can't reach is a very difficult task. Even with all this years and their power, this minor world will only hold for hours.

Now the reason for creating this is simple, once Trihexia reached his lowest point, they would need to ensure he couldn't regenerate, that's why they had to use 2 powers. Ain Souph Aur to strip all of its power and show its true essence, and a separate world where the world and human concept of evil can't reach, so that it won't be able to use them to regenerate.

This was the result of all this preparations, Trihexia's core or true self was finally separated from its power and concepts, allowing it for the first time to truly be conscious, but as a side effect, Samuel was also effected, as his true essence, the form he truly sees himself as, was revealed, while at the same time, his main halo and connection to heaven system was cut off temporarily.

" Ezra, is the fortress and ritual okay?" asked Samuel as the True Longinus in his hands began disappearing.

[ Yes master, with all beasts un-summoned, the energy supply from your personal reserves was enough for a complete repair.] responded Ezra. Nodding a little bit and feeling inside, Samuel was able to feel that both the grail and his connection to the Gap were temporarily cut off, leaving him only with his personal reserves of energy, not that they were small, they were still very very large.

As he pondered all this, the world of light began cracking as Samuel's halos and wings began glowing.

" Prepare to catch me and began the ritual immediately, I don't want to waste anymore time" said Samuel as the world broke and he found himself falling in the dimensional gap. As he was feeling the rush of power coming back, he saw a hole in space appear below him as he carefully used his cracked wings to float and enter it.

Emerging from the other side, Samuel found himself in the same laboratory where the spiecemen were kept. There, in the middle of the room was a giant ritual circle attached to 3 smaller ones, one containing the 6 Devils and one fallen angel while another one contains 7 of different species.

Samuel didn't waste any time as he stepped into the middle of the giant circle before his shadow extended and reached to the final 3rd empty smaller one, after which it proceeded to dump 6 of the 7 Trihexia cores on it and retract. After which, Samuel himself laid down as he closed his eyes and connected to the fortress.

[ All parts are present, activating the 72 pillars to act as containers, waiting for the procedure to begin] announced Ezra as the Ars Goetia was awakened again. Samuel, feeling them awaken, reached to Annihilation Maker and released its restraints, causing his shadow to tremble as a projection of the Qliphoth materialised above the fortress.

Before anything could happen, the giant circles formed by the Ars Goetia glowed as it used the principle of praying upon human desires and wishes by granting wishes to start extracting all the world's evil from the upside down tree. As the extraction proceeded, the evil that was never cleansed since the creation of the world began rushing as it found another outlet.

As Samuel felt all the mixed human and world evil coming from the tree, he quickly linked it to both the cores of Trihexia and Rivezim's body alongside the 5 Devils and Satannael.

With the filth finding a familiar container, it didn't need guidance as it proceeded to start filling both rituals. Feeling this, Samuel finally summoned the last piece, God's hatred and Curses that were put on Samael, the snake of Eden, before he channeled it into the third magic circle containing all the species that rebelled against God, with King Tepes's body acting as the main container, the other 6 bodies ranging from Werewolf, Fallen, Dragons, Snakes, Yōkai and Devils acting as a secondary point.

As the space was being eroded by all the Curses from the world, humans and God, Samuel sent a mental commend as the 3 magic circles glowed before the things stored in them start melting, the cores turning into a red black mud, Rivezim's and the others turning into a dark silvery mush and Tepes's merged with the other species turning into a mass of shadowy substances.

As all was ready, the power and Curses from all 3 magic circles slowly started slipping into the main one where Samuel was as they started gushing into him as his body and soul began melting. Noticing this, he reached into one of the powers he consumed using Annihilation Maker, and soon an inky shadow began to surround him as the power of creation and birth extracted from Lilith's body and soul was used to stabilise his situation and give the best result.

As time continued passing and Curses continued flowing in, all was there was 3 spheres of Curses that continued feeding the bigger sphere of inky darkness. Inside said darkness, Samuel's body was already eroded, same with most of his sole, except for his very essence and core, kept together by the grail and his connection to heaven from it.

Soon, there was a thumping sound from the sphere as a body was being created inside it. Not long after that, the whole ritual shut down as the projection of the Sephiroth disappeared. As a result, the inky shadow slowly disappeared as Samuel fell on the floor from it, his skin looking pale as his outer halo, which used to have 8 tips, now only have 3 tips, with his wings now repaired looking the same, having the ethereal color with the Kaledoscope of the Gap reflecting in them.

" Ughhhh, is it over? Where the hell am I?" muttered Samuel as he groaned cause of the stiffness of his body. Standing up and feeling disoriented, Samuel looked around him as if he never saw this place before, until his mind finally started working again. Clenching his hand and feeling the unusual power, he looked at his shadow to see 7 pairs of glowing eyes looking back at him before they disappeared.

" So the ritual was a success, I beca-" Muttered Samuel before he stopped as he felt his brain getting squeezed. Soon, the pain subdued but it didn't disappear, as it felt like having minor headache whenever he moved.

" The 10 crowns? This is going to suck isn't it" said Samuel outloud, before deciding to ignore the constant headache as he stood up and brought the System panel in front of him.

[ Missions:

--1st mission: Reach and/or defeat a Satan-class individual. Reward: A one use sacred gear extraction ticket.(Complete/ Ticket used)

--2nd mission: Reach Super-class tier and access God's system. Reward: Option to fuse your sacred gear(s) to your soul, making it effectively impossible to extract, nullify or enter reincarnation cycle after your death and will also lift the restrictions on said sacred gears if desired to access its full power.(Complete)

--3rd mission: Fight and survive against Trihexia/ Prevent the release of Trihexia and kill Rivezim. Rewards: Unlock world jump function(Complete)

Note: Since the host accomplished the 2 mentionedgoals insteadof just one, an additional reward was deposited]

Looking at this, Samuel raised his eyebrow as he clicked on the note to see what it was talking about.

[ World Bind: Usable only once. Allows the user to choose a world they can bind to themselves, protecting and linking it to the hosts existence. ]

" Huh, that's convenient I suppose? But what's the use of it?" asked Samuel as he teleported outside of the fortress.

[ The world linked to the host will be protected from outside invasion or interference. The link will also allow the user to summon or enter said world anywhere, even in another world, although some worlds may limit this function.] answered Ezra. Hearing this, Samuel didn't answer as he just sat down and looked at the whole DxD world using a combination of clairvoyance granted to him by God's system, sacrificing his eyes to Yygdrasil and the Abyss of knowledge( Da'at).

As he did so, he was able to see all that's happening in the world. The 3 factions preparing for a peace treaty with the norse, Loki preparing to cause trouble, Hades being restless but quite afraid from doing anything as with his presence, pretty much all pantheons believe that God is back.

Changing his perspective, he was able to see the angels were quite relaxed, as they received a mental transmission from him, telling them he's okay. He was able to see Valerie playing and training with Gasper, Irina was busy with Issei as Xenovia and Kiba were both in a duel with Jeanne. Looking at Greece, Samuel saw Ingvild in the town where she and her mother used to live, sitting on a cliff looking at the sea. Lifting his clairvoyance from there and looking at Europe in general, He was able to see both Siegfried and Lint on different missions to hunt vampires, Dulio was in Russia with a nun reincarnated angel as she was showing him all different foods in Moscow.

Looking at all of this, Samuel just smiled as he reached a final decision.

" It's been a fun journey, but I can't really stay here. But as a gift and a thanks, I will be protecting this world for as long as I can" he muttered, before continuing.

" System, link me to the DxD world, but only it, no need for the rest outside of the dimensional gap. Those Alien robots can continue their slaughter alone."

[ Understood Master. And for the world jump option?] asked Ezra.

" Hmmmm, don't freeze time, I'll be leaving a projection of mine here to take care of things. As for world choice, can I even choose?" asked Samuel.

[ Negative. The process will be randomised] answered the System. To this, Samuel just shook his head as he said.

" Oh well, shouldn't have expected anything else from you." Saying so, Samuel retracted his fortress into his shadow as he sent a projection of him into heaven to take care of things. As he did so, he began glowing brightly before turning into a bright star that shoot through the world, quickly getting outside of DxD world bubble that was now covered in a white transparent barrier.

[ Looking for nearby compatible worlds...]

[ Search completed, beginning the set up of trajectory...]

[ Warming! Detecting the remnants of a Dimensional Class being! Reducing existential weight to allow passing]

[ Successful. Entering the world known by host as: Tensei Chittara Slime Datta Ken( That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime)]

As the shooting star shot towards its next destination,a new journey across the stars began.


AN: Thank you a for sticking with me until this phase, I honestly didn't expect to reach the point I reached, as I probably was sure I'm dropping at Ch2. The writing was rushed, some parts felt that they could've been more, but all in all, what matters the most to me is the world building and lore, which I think I totally nailed.

I don't know when the next update will be, as school reared it's ugly heads with finals exams and all, so maybe I'll be gone this time for months. But at the end of the day, I was able to finish this part, so I'm happy I guess. Thank you once again for reading this wish fulfillment garbage and see you next time.

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