
DxD: ADAM {+18}


SecondGenVillain · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs




Absolute Body: This body is one of the best body is and will ever exist. The owner of this body becomes Singularity, meaning that except for the Owner of this body, every alternate version of the Owner existing in an alternate reality will cease to exist.


. Absolute Immortality: The users are absolutely immortal, and cannot die, age, get sick, be permanently wounded, are absolutely self-sustained and, as their mind and soul are as immortal as their biological bodies, they are both immune to mental and spiritual damage. Any injuries the user suffers will immediately heal, even if the user's body is blown up, disintegrated or completely destroyed to the sub-atomic level and even if the user is completely erased, they will still return to life.

. Absolute Potential: The user has absolute potential, capacity for growth and learning, allowing to learn/master absolutely anything they want, regardless of their skills, personality, species, etc. They have no ceiling to what they can learn and no limitations on what they can develop, allowing them to develop endlessly in any and all areas, and can attain all powers naturally.

. Talent: The user is or can become the embodiment of talent for they possess every talent there is. They are the peak of what is humanly possible in every field, talent or aptitude-wise. Some users can directly link to the concept of talent, further enhancing their skills to even greater levels.

. Mind: The user's mind has no upper ceiling as to how much he can memorize. And the user has ever-increasing I.Q meaning the more user learns his I.Q increases.

Sub Abilities:

Parallel Processing: The user's mind is capable of carrying out multiple calculations and thought processes at once.

Photographic Memory: Everything users see is converted into photo and is then stored in their memory.

Hypermind: The user can process unlimited amounts of information, without any hindrances or backlashes of information.

Accelerated Perception: The user's mind and senses process information at such speeds that time appears to have slowed down.
