
DxD - I am the Supreme Shadow Monarch. ( Hiatus )

Currently on an indefinite hiatus, until the author feels better mentally. -------- 1 - Keep in mind that this is an [Au] the gender of some characters have been changed. 2 - Also keep in mind that this will be a trip to the [Multiverse]. === First World - High School DxD. Second World - ??? = = = An ''Ordinary Young Man'' was bestowed with the powers of the 'Monarch of Shadows' by a Goddess of Wishes, there was only one problem with that wish ... Which Monarch exactly was the ''Young Man'' referring to?

Biggubosu · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 9

(( I kept trying to write a new chapter, then I didn't like how it was going, then I deleted it, I had to completely delete about 3000 words on it. Possibly I will still rewrite some parts. ))


After Griffith rented an entire amusement park, along with a Six Star hotel and a gourmet restaurant that was also Six Star, he didn't rent. All of this was actually his property, he didn't care if he was going to lose a little profit if it was to make his girl the happiest woman in the world.

He already had money to give and sell. So he didn't see what was wrong with using all his property to give his girl as much happiness as possible.


Lying on her husband's chest, Merlin was playing with one of her long curls of hair.

After being treated like a "queen" by him last night, from the amusement park, from the restaurant to the hotel.

Here we were after a passionate evening, where she as a "reward" took the lead. Even if she took the lead, she knew she would quickly lose against his crazy resistance.

Only a blanket covered half of his body, while the upper half was exposed.

Feeling his strong arms go around her waist, she pressed her body against his muscular chest, wanting to feel more of that pleasant warmth from him.

Seeing him open his eyes and look at her, she said, "Good morning."

"Good morning." He said. "Have you been up long?

"Not really, I just woke up a few minutes ago.'' She replied. ''Why? Do you have something scheduled for today?''

"No, I don't have anything scheduled for today.'' He replied, ''I just thought you were standing there for a while so you wouldn't wake me up.

"I don't mind standing like this at all.'' Merlin said. Since she woke up, she was enjoying the warmth of his body.

Resting her head on his muscular chest, Merlin let go of the curl of hair that was in her hand and began to listen to his heartbeat.

Feeling his hand wandering to her butt, Merlin looked into his eyes.

''Haa~'' A small moan escaped her lips as her bottom was being groped.


One thing eventually led to another. She was lying there staring at the ceiling, while her hand was in front of her eyes covering them. She was breathing shallowly, while her other hand was on her flat belly.

His man was between her legs as he let all of his sticky seed inside her, it was so much of his hot stuff that oozed out of her small entrance.

'That's why I made him go after other women, although I love him very much, I wasn't being able to handle him alone anymore." thought Merlin.

Feeling that big fat piece of meat coming out of her, she mentally sighed.

'I'm a mage, mages don't have that much stamina.'


Skip time - 1 week!

Nothing that could be called important happened that week.

What else could be called important was that Griffith removed the [ Twilight Cure ] from Asia and removed the [ Longinus ] from Issei.

This ended up creating a wave of complaints from the devils about who it would be given to, to which the answer was short: "To none of you."

This did not make the devils happy, as they began to argue that since they would be in a peaceful relationship, they should "share" such things.

Griffith just laughed in their faces and started ignoring the devils from then on, who were trying to play 'kind' by offering to der the sacred gear and some started bringing up the subject of the "Kuoh" being the devils' territory and wished it back into devils' possession.

Only to have the contract with Zekram Bael's signature thrown in their faces.

And they all knew that Zekram was the one who was in charge of everything through the shadows.


Asia was devastated when her [ Sacred Equipment ] was removed, Issei was also angry with Griffith, but he couldn't do anything against himself, even if he got his [ Longinus ] back.

Griffith extended a helping hand to they saying that he would accept them into the human faction if they wanted.

In the end, only Asia accepted Griffith's invitation to join him, while Issei refused, it was no longer up to him to do anything, he had already tried to help him, in the end he was even cursed by Issei who lost some teeth for not recognizing his place.

Since then, Asia his "Evil Piece" taken from her.

Griffith did not give him back his " Twilight Cure " Merlin and Azazel wanted to study it first, he just handed it to them.


After Merlin presented him and Azazel with the "Bow" she made, I had to wait for them both to argue for 3 hours.... . .

The [ Sacred Gear ] didn't have a name yet, so after a quick naming between Merlin and Azazel, they called the new 'Specimen' [ Arc of Destiny ] .

So he, Azazel and Merlin were in a dungeon, being the first time Azazel saw the dungeon, Griffith had to hold her back so she wouldn't run out like a child .

The Caerleon dungeon, Oh how he hated this place, this damn place was at least twice as big as the city of Kuoh, it was a damn giant maze with high level living dead.

Who was the sadistic person who erected three fake walls, one after the other?

He almost died in this place, many times.

Traps, blind spots, monsters that he didn't expect appeared through a secret passage. In short, he hated this place.

That's why he began to use his darkness quite intensely in this cursed place, until . . . A new ability was created . . . [ Black Rose ] which was the name of the skill, it gathered a lot of darkness in one place to form a Black Rose that covered the entire city before exploding.

It was beautiful to see the completely black explosion consuming the entire city.

It was finally time to test the [Arc of Destiny].

. . .

[ Arc of Destiny - Level - 1]

[ Type - Sacred Gear / Bow / Evolutionary ]

[ Tier - A+ ]

[ Description - The Bow of Destiny is a new Sacred Gear specimen created by Merlin. It is capable of creating both sacred and unholy arrows. ]

[ Damage 250 + ( 120% DEX and STR ) + ( 500% Sacred and Profane Damage ) ]

[ Balance Break: Not Available ]

. . .

. . .

After destroying a small part of Caerleon using only one arrow, Griffith did not expect to create mini-nukes with one shot of a sacred arrow. He ended up being reprimanded for not providing enough research information for the two.


Destroying Caerleon in its entirety, all that remained of it were many holes many meters deep.

Merlin and Azazel were pleased with the amount of new research material they had obtained.


"I Refuse!" said Griffith.

"Griffith-dono, it is not only you who will go to the young devils' meeting." Benemune said.

"I still refuse! Why should I go to that in the first place?'' Griffith said.

"Should I call Miss Merlin?" said Benemune.

'Very well, you have convinced me.' Griffith replied, completely changing his manner.


Skill Acquired!

[ Archery ( Passive ) LvMax ]

Description : Mastery of all bows, including, but not limited to, short bows, long bows, compound bows, crossbows, ballistas... etc.

+ 120% damage .

[ Bow Expert ( Active ) LvMax ]

Description : The art of using bows and arrows. Increases damage, attack speed, range, accuracy and penetration by 1%.

Cost - 0

[ Accuracy (Passive) LvMax ]

Description : Increases the accuracy of projectiles by 1%.