
DxD - I am the Supreme Shadow Monarch. ( Hiatus )

Currently on an indefinite hiatus, until the author feels better mentally. -------- 1 - Keep in mind that this is an [Au] the gender of some characters have been changed. 2 - Also keep in mind that this will be a trip to the [Multiverse]. === First World - High School DxD. Second World - ??? = = = An ''Ordinary Young Man'' was bestowed with the powers of the 'Monarch of Shadows' by a Goddess of Wishes, there was only one problem with that wish ... Which Monarch exactly was the ''Young Man'' referring to?

Biggubosu · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 11

Stopping the banter, Griffith pulled his hand out from inside Azazel's clothing. With an annoyed look on his face, he used one of his skills to look outside, since the battle hadn't started yet, he didn't notice the guild heiress with her nobility.

Looking inside the train compartment, Rias was still inside just watching ?

He didn't have to think much about what the heiress was doing, a light bulb went on in his mind when suddenly a black hole appeared under Rias as she fell, she heard a voice in her head, "You are the King, you must help your servants, mustn't you?".

Rias clearly heard as day the tone of debauchery in the voice before she was thrown onto the battlefield.

Inside the compartment where Azazel and Griffith were, Azazel whispered something that only Griffith could hear.

About thirty minutes passed where Rias and his nobility were fighting outside.

Needless to say the fight was nothing but somewhat disappointing, Rias no longer had two sacred gears in her Nobility, which caused her to lose much of her nobility's strength.

While inside, Asia watched the fight from the beginning with clenched fists.

With Griffith and Azazel: Azazel stood beside Griffith with a happy and renewed expression. Strangely, his snow-white skin seemed to be glowing.

"Hn, that was great." Said Azazel as she leaned against Griffith.

Pulling his wife closer to him, he then said, "If you and Merlin didn't spend a large portion of your time inside a lab, we could do this anytime, anywhere."

"Ah, that would be great, I want a person to take my place as general ruler soon, so that I can spend more time with you and in the lab," Azazel said.

"I'm beginning to think your lab is more important than me," he joked.

"Of course not, the amount of projects I have to do is gigantic, if I set aside Merlin will probably take over my leadership and that is unforgivable." said Azazel.

Griffith knew about the rivalry Merlin and Azazel had, it wasn't something toxic, but they ended up staying in their own little world for so long that they forgot to have a life, he had to drag them out of the lab himself.

. . .

Later that day: Currently a luxurious room somewhere, the Underworld is now the meeting place for influential people of the Underworld, where a group of aristocrats meet with nobles to discuss something.

And a marble pillar, a woman dressed in a long red dress and long blond hair leaned against the pillar holding a glass of wine.

The woman looked tired of waiting for someone and was approached by yet another person who came over.

This man was Griffith who was now dressed more appropriately and the woman was Azazel.

After Griffith came two more people, a man with crimson hair and a girl of small stature.

Currently they were awaiting the arrival of Odin, which is the core of this event ... where they will place the monument where the peace symbol would be erected tonight.

And Pantheon of the North was interested in dealing with the peace proposed by the four Factions.

"Will the old man still be long, Zaz?'' Griffith asked without an ounce of respect for the Father of All.

"'Ah, that old man... he was with Baraqiel who had gone to pick up someone else on the way.' Azazel replied.

Going back to drinking his wine, Azazel's statement left people confused about who else Azazel.

And after waiting for a while, an Odin also appeared with the others by the entrance and all the attention was on the influential person in the supernatural world and also most were surprised and confused when Merlin came with him and many whispered about her and why an ordinary human was there, some with clear disgust to have an ordinary human with them.

Merlin ignored those nasty looks from the audience as he turned to Griffith.

''#$@**.'' Merlin began to speak in a language unknown to everyone.

''$@##.'' Griffith replied to her using the same language she was using.

. . .

"'What happened to make you call me?' was what Merlin asked the moment she arrived.

'Call you? I didn't do anything like that.'' Answered Griffith confused, he didn't call her to attend this meeting, he knows she doesn't like this kind of thing and prefers to stay in the lab.

So he simply left her in her lab with her research.

Although Merlin knew about this meeting, she no longer intended to attend this meeting, but still made sure that Griffith didn't stick around.

Merlin took a quick glance at Azazel, who had a smile that was clearly cast in her direction, 'That bitch!'

"It's been a long time ... You have something big here, don't you?'' Odin replied.

"'Ahahaha ... badly, I can't go around talking carelessly.'" Azazel said casually.

As Sirzechs and Serafall greeted Odin and Merlin ... and here the Monarch felt a familiar energy that was not far from him and saw a small white haired girl slipping away, he not being the only Issei informed Rias but a curious Griffith decided to go after her.

"I'm going to the bathroom for a while." {Griffith }

"I'm going to take some air." {Merlin }

The two moved off in different directions.

Azazel was silent in sigh and wondered if she was wrong to bring Merlin into this mess, she was sure that some devils might try something against her for being human, but she was sure that these devils would not see the light again if they tried something.

'Looks like he's doing something out there,' Azazel thought.

'Oh Serafall, I haven't seen you in a long time.' Odin said.

As he stroked his beard.... Serafall who immediately noticed Odin.

Serafall greeted Odin graciously.

"Welcome to this place, Odin-Sama!''

Then, after that, Odin complimented Serafall's magical clothing.

And when Odin complimented Serafall's clothes, Rossewiesse scolded him.

In her duty, the poor woman was ridiculed by Odin for being a virgin at her age.

Uaaah! what can I do ... I'm such a boring valkyrie ... I'm always training and I don't have any experience with a guy! ...Waaah!''

Ignoring the groans of the virgin valkyrie, After a few moments of greeting, Michael arrived followed by two women, one Irina and the other Gabriel.

That woman's face was as beautiful as a Goddess of Love, where her beauty seemed to have descended from heaven ... That's when Serafall suddenly became angry at the sight of Gabriel.

"Sorry I'm late, my sister insisted on coming with me." said Michael.

'Oni-Sama!' Said an angry Gabriel, his main goal here was to see Griffith.

And for a few moments they greeted each other, also at that time Sirzechs started a little speech to please everyone ... Where his content was about the peace they would achieve today, and of course everyone was excited because who made the speech.

"Odin-Sama, please sign the monument." said Sirzechs.

The old man nodded and walked towards the monument that had been prepared majestically in the center of the hall.

"I object to that!".

A little cap to not leave it too long without updating.

Biggubosucreators' thoughts