
Dusk: Journey to Slay God

"Kill the God of this world." Such was the demand from Solitaire, the phantom of a mythical past, and the one I despise the most. He saved me from a slow, suffocating death in the basement of a rival gang and promised me vengeance on those who wronged me. But who is he to command me? I've been someone else's lackey all my life. If there was dirty work to be done, Dusk the Snatcher would do it with a smile—that was my calling card. Now, however, I'm free to do whatever I want. I can follow through with his orders, or I can reshape this brand-new world with my own hands. My fate depends solely on my whim... I am finally free!

Kulkuljator · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Back to Dirt

Yet again I end up in such a situation ever since arriving to this world. Right now, however, everything is far more dire. I understand my state of unconsciousness, but still perfectly able to feel agonising pain that envelopes my body. The twisted arm, the arrow in the leg, the eyes full of dirt and the fall to the ground from the highest of heights. I am scared to wake up, because there is no telling if this is even a fraction of what I might feel. Thus, for now I prefer to be dead, there is no hope for me anyway.

No matter what I do, I end up hurting myself. I tried to follow my usual methods of survival and failed miserably. I made an attempt to find a new reason to fight, but I got stopped by the inhabitants of this world. Were my methods wrong? Or perhaps, my approach? I do not understand. Ever since I was born in my home city, I always survived with scraps and my power alone, no matter how insignificant it was, but somehow, after all the dangers were left behind, I feel like everything I knew, my great experience, is totally worthless now.

But guess it is a world to blame, that refuses to take me, as well as Solitaire, who refuses to tell anything about this place. He gave me power once, but then took it away, as if toying with my past. I hate him so much, just as much as this world. I hate how I am unable to comprehend it and find a way to fight, no matter how strong I become. In the end, I am the one who slayed the darewolf and a mage! I made the guards of the big town chase me around the whole region of Schöltum, yet my demise is as dull as it can get. Although I probably deserve that, if I am to believe Heindrich's words about the nobles here being common folk just like me... Was my vengeance directed at the wrong people all this time?

As I am reasoning my downfall, I notice the intensity of pain that is slowly rising. The blackness in my eyes disappears, giving a way to the newfound light. Both my eyes and face are free of dirt, only light moisture remains from the long passed heavy rain. The sun up in the sky is shining brightly, however, it is slowly following the path of dusk, trying to engulf me in the darkness yet again. 

As I suspected, the feeling of dread in the forced dreamworld is just a fraction of the one awaiting me in the real one. The feeling of pain is so intense that tears swiftly form in the corners of my eyes, the leg burns as if it is surrounded by hot coals, my back and ribs hurt, and the right arm is soft like warm butter, unable to move. In fact, my hands are still tied together with a rope, thus I am barely able to move them.

Suddenly, I hear rustle behind me and quiet hum to the tact I do not recognize. I freeze in place, awaiting an animal attack, but nothing comes. I notice a knife that is somehow lying besides me and not yards away from my drop point. Using my last force, I extend my hands towards the knife, cut the ropes as quietly as possible, then wait… for the time to strike!

I roll over, push myself up in the air, which triggers a massive wave of stinging pain all over the body, but it does not matter, because I manage to fall right onto the source of sound. Together, we fall back down onto the dirt, but this time I am sitting on top of a person with my dagger's blade put against their neck.

Even though I was breathing heavily all this time, as soon as I witness the person below me, my breath is shaken up and I freeze once more. Her light blue hair is tied in a single French braid that is now stained with dirt and grass around. Her unusual kurta matches her hair and is further highlighted by her white, short cape with orange decorations and patterns. One peculiar detail is her ears, which are far longer than that of a human and the tips are hidden under a golden ornament that looks like a thimble but for ears. But the most surprising detail is her emerald eyes, that are calm, even cold, but accepting, in spite of the situation. Even after my dagger slightly grazes her skin, her expression does not change, as if it is frozen in time.

After a while of my observations, she tilts her head lightly and says with a soothing voice, "Seems like I am surviving this after all."

Then, my body is pushed by a strong gust of wind all of a sudden. My back hits a nearby tree, breaking the sudden flight, and I raise my weary eyes on her. Her small frame is already up, but all of a sudden she is holding a wand that she points in my direction. Her acceptive demeanour disappeared in an instance, but her cold expression remains intact. I do not feel anger or disgust, while she is staring at my dying body, only a wish to end it all as fast as possible.

"Wait!" I raise my only functional hand, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to attack you."

"You went at me with full intention to kill, even left a cut after observing me closer." she explains to me. I struggle to find a counterargument, thus, another half-lie is my only option, I clench my teeth and exclaim, "Because I thought you were one of the people who chased me! I did not see their faces, so, of course, I would assume that one of them might have found my body! You did not even try to help me, after all."

After a moment of silence, she lowers her wand and leans down to take her basket full of berries, herbs, nuts and mushrooms. Then she turns away and says, "Well, I assumed you were already dead. Humans rarely survive such injuries, but fair enough."

Then, she begins walking away from me, to which my eyes widen, and I ask, "Where are you going?"

She turns around, her brow is raised slightly, "Back to my shelter, why?"

"So you are leaving me just like that!"

She looks up at the sky in thought and then murmurs, "Perhaps, I should help you out, but I really do not like you."

"Listen, I am sorry that I attacked you! Please, I beg you to help me!"