
Birth of a Dusk Born

In a dark room crises of a infant was echoing. In that room a women who jsut give birth to a child is crying in sedness instead of being happy. She cried all night and fell asleep, the next day she is wokewd by the cries of her child.

She look at him and just keep staring at him while the child is crying. Then she suddenly stands and pick him up and start moving toward the inner forest, the child was crying but she keep moving without looking back, the monsters start getting attracted towards them by the smell of the blood she have from the last night when she give birth. But she keept moving forward without stopping

She kept moving till the Dusk time. There are countless animals following them from a far distance. When it was perfect dusk time she stopped and looked at her child who is hungry for a day. Then she kissed it's forehead and start breastfeeding it. Now she have a she have a smile on her face.

A smile that looks like she is free from all her pain all her duties. She had the Last Smile that is hard to understand but at the same time easy. After she done feeding the child, She gently put he child on the ground. And make a weird magic Circle arond him and her self. Then she satand back in her position in the circle and looked at her child while smiling, then she took a branch and stab herself and in pain she say some wheird mantras, then she say.

"" Oh great Spirits of Forest, the Spirits who thinks they're the mightiest, I liyra giving Myself to this Forest, and if you are as mighty as you think then protect my Child, who I name El deo 'DuskBorn'. Protect him Until He Grow Up"

Then the Magic circle she created filled with her blood and start glowing. Then a voice come that said....

"Hmmp, ok you arrogant women we wil take care this child until grow enough to protect himself in this Forest "

Then Liyra Smiles and disappeared with the smile on her face until the end.