
During the Dark Ages

If the world had ended with powerful undeads around every corner, what would you do? Would hide from the world and slowly die or would you fight for your life and happiness If you were given the power to fight for your survival at the risk of your own humanity, what would you do? Would you fear that power or would you grasp it with both hands and fight until your last breath. [Author here! If you are enjoying this book then feel free to vote for it using power stones! This will allow me to post more chapters a day. Starting today I will post one bonus chapter a day for every ten power stone. Please Enjoy.]

shadowlord4318 · Fantasy
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208 Chs

Chapter 9 University of the Dead(2)

Reaching the first floor the first thing I smelt was blood and rot to such a terrifying degree that I almost vomited. Then I looked around and saw a few mangled corpses on the floor well calling them corpses was a bit of a stretch since they were more like mangled pieces of meat with a limb or an organ here or there. There was an entire wall of glass doors, through which I saw hundreds of undead thralls walking outside but strangely they didn't react to seeing me so I guess the glass is opaque from the outside. Shaking my head I tried to block out the nauseating smell of rot and activate [Aura Vision]. I focused my ability to the first floor and soon I found dozens of red auras moving around.

Completing my search I ran towards the first group of thralls, as I ran in their direction the nauseating smell grew more intense. These damn thralls, it's only been two days and they made this place smell worse than a dump. I soon found my prey, there were six of them in total and they were devouring a corpse. Walking into the room, they immediately turned their hungry gazes on me while I took my machete from around my waste. They lunged at me like feral beasts bearing there fangs and claws but I wasn't afraid. I jumped backwards into the corridor and forced them to come at me through the door one at a time. 

[You have slain a level 5 undead thrall. You have gained 50 exp.]

It wasn't hard to kill them with my upgraded physique and their lack of Intelligence made it even easier as I decapitated the first one with a swing of my sword. The second one lunged at me as well but I kicked it back into the room causing it to crash into another thrall. The third thrall came at me and I stabbed it in the throat and then slashed the blade horizontally severing an artery causing black blood to spill out like a fountain. I finished the job by decapitating it causing it's already lifeless corpse to fall on the ground. The fourth one lunged out the corridor aswell but I spun around and decapitated it easily. By now the last two has gotten onto their feet as well but I dealt with them as easily as the last four.

[You have slain 5× level 5 undead thralls. You have gained 250 exp.]

[Congratulations you have gained 2 levels.]

[Name: Colin

Race: Hafling

Level: 3/10( 240 exp next level)

LP: 80/80

DP: 8/8

Traits: [Will to Live]

Skills: [Regeneration], [Supernatural Physique], [Supernatural Senses], [Aura Vision]

I have gotten powerful. I remember thinking while clenching and unclenching my fists. I flicked the blood off my sword and then went to the next cluster of red auras and I was surprised when the stench started getting worse. I didn't think it could get any worse than it already was. It got so bad that I could barely breathe and I knew that I couldn't fight like this so I tried something. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate, I didn't take a deep breath for obvious reasons. Ever since my evolution into a halfling I could feel this elusive dark feeling inside my body pumping around my body like blood. I instinctively knew that this was the demonic energy that the interface mentioned and I tried to forcefully control it but it wouldn't do anything so I tried a different approach. Instead of forcefully controlling it, I concentrated on my nose and imagine blocking out the putrid smell that infested the first floor.

[Congratulations, you have unlocked the Trait, Senses Manipulation.]

Even now I can't believe that worked but it did. With my sense of smell blocked off I continued my journey towards the next group of thralls.