

"Riley we have officially decided that you are eligible for the job opening. As of Monday at 6 A.M. you are to be at the warehouse. The company will provide you tools and a truck. Welcome to the team.


Andy Williams"

As Riley read the email his heart began to beat faster.

'Finally I have got a job. Now I can officially start making a living for myself. I can't wait to move out of my Mom's house.'

"Baby Shark doo doo da doo…"

'Gosh, I really have to change that ringtone'

When Riley sees who is calling he gets excited.

"Hey baby, I have some great news." Riley says with a broad smile across his face.

"Umm, I also have some news to tell you, can I go first?"

"Sure but why do you sound like you have been crying?" worry filling his mind as he started to feel something wrong.

"I'm pregnant." the voice said in a whisper.

"Can you please repeat that I didn't quite hear you?"

"I'm pregnant. I don't know what to do?"

"Really, like you aren't joking?"

"Yeah I am serious. What are we going to do? I don't want to be a Mom yet and you don't even have a job to support me let alone a child. So I know you are against this but I am getting an abortion."

"Baby please wait before you do anything rash. I have a job now so please don't abort the baby." Riley started to panic upon hearing the news. " I will be at your house in ten minutes."

"I am glad to hear you have a job but what about my life? I want to be an actress and if I become a mom right now it will prevent me from achieving my dream. Look I have als…"

"This isn't about your life anymore. This is about the baby's life now we knew what we were doing and the risks. Hell if I knew you were going to be like this I would have never even decide to have sex."

"What, you don't have the right to tell me what I can and can't do with my life."

At this moment Riley is speeding down the highway


Meanwhile In a Dimension beyond human understanding an individual who has been in slumber for kiloannums is stirring from its slumber.

"Wha… What are my worshipers doing to cause this much change in the divine mana?"

The being waves his hand and what looks like a holographic screen appears before him. Only to show ten great mages casting a spell he has only handed to the royalty of the planet.

"Why are they using that?"

With a thought he teleports to the planet and starts to observe it.

"Since when was there demonic energy on the planet?"

Just as he was about to investigate the spell the mages were casting was finished.


Riley arrived at his girlfriend's house and was shocked to see her car was missing.

He starts to call her while his heart started to race.

"Hello you have reached the voicemail of Falynn Smith please text me if it is urgent."

When he heard this his mind started racing to tell him possible outcomes of her not being there. One in particular kept repairing, she is getting an abortion. Upon thinking this he started to pray that wasn't the case. As he kept calling she wouldn't answer so he called all the clinics in the area asking if they had a patient named Falynn Smith. Upon calling the 4th clinic he got his answer: She was at The clinic across town. When he arrived she was in the waiting room. Running in there he started to have a pain in his chest. The sensation caused him to start to cry. Appearing in front of her out of breath and crying he struggled to get the words out of his mouth.

"W… why are you here? Why did you hang up on me?"

As he was saying this the pain in his chest got worse

"I decided to get the abortion"

Upon hearing this he started to break down, not able to hold his emotions anymore.

No please don't kill it please im begging. I will do anything just let the baby live please. I know it is getting in the way of your dreams but please don't do this. I can be a great dad, you would be a great mom. Please, I am begging.

"Sir please calm down. I know it is heart wrenching but this isn't your body you can't decide for her." One of the nurses said to him while signaling a guard to escort him off the premises.

Being told to calm down made Riley even more upset than before he turned to the nurse yelling

"Calm down, you want me to calm down when the woman I love wants to kill my baby?"

After saying that he started to laugh uncontrollably. At this moment, Riley didn't know what to do or how to express himself. His once beautiful blue eyes now had no sense of life in them. His mind was shattered at this moment with not a trace of what it once was. When the guard started to direct Riley off the premises he tried to go back to Falynn. The guard decided to grab him. At that moment Riley knew what was going to happen. Eventually when he was back outside the clinic he just sat down and cried.

Crying tears of sorrow and anger.

When Falynn came back out she had a face of exhaustion on and didn't even look Riley's way. At this moment Riley was so over his existence he wished he could die. When he got up he decided to get in his 2022 Dodge Challenger Hellcat and go for a drive.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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