

Dexter is a 16-year-old high school student who is constantly bullied by his peers and has been deceived by his girlfriend. He was reborn in a magical world where magic is everything. "What exactly is this?" I was reincarnated in a magical world, but I didn't have any extraordinary powers; instead, I was given a system that instructed me to craft.

Dukefiresquid · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

A Horrible Life

"Please Benji, give me back my money, I have a date with my girlfriend today," Dexter begs the bullies to return his monthly allowance money that her mother had given her earlier.

When the bullies heard Dexter's pleading, they burst out laughing at how pitiful he appeared. The bullies' leader rises from his chair, clenches his fist, and strikes Dexter in the back with both hands. While holding his head, Dexter spewed a lot of blood.

"That's enough Benji, he might die," another bully said.

Benji clutches Dexter's head, which is covered in a fearful expression.

"Bring more money next time so I don't beat the crap out of you... and your girlfriend Allice? We might have a feast later HAHAHA."

With a broad smirk on their faces, the bullies rush out of the alleyway.

Dexter was battered and bruised, his back swelled, and his nose was gushing and filled with blood clots on the inside. Then he realized he had forgotten to meet her girlfriend in the mall, so he dialed her number on his old cracked phone.

"How are you doing, Allice?" I'm sorry, but I lost all of my money, but we can still go for a walk in the park."

"You're always broke, you don't put me first, and you don't buy me whatever I want!!! What's more, guess what? Let's break up," Allice said hastily, leaving Dexter stunned and devastated.

Dexter's face was a jumble of emotions; he was irritated and disappointed, his eyes were sorrowful, and his movement was tight like a zombie's.

He had nothing better to do but return home and resume his sad and lonely existence. However, when Dexter walks towards his house, he notices his girlfriend laughing with the bullies while the thugs' leader holds Allice's waist. He noticed them entering the karaoke.

Dexter was furious, but all he could do was return home and recover.

Two elderly guys noticed a little beaten youngster with a bleeding nose.

"Does that look like Ana's son?" Isn't he in a lot of pain?

When Dexter returned home, he was still disappointed and angry over what had occurred earlier in the day, so he yelled at her mother and demanded more money, despite the fact that he had already wasted all of his money.

"MOM!" Dexter pushed his mother and said, "Why can't you give me more money with all the pension money dad got when he died?"

"Son, we need to put money aside for the future. You already know that I work in handcrafting and that your father works in tools and weapons; yes, your father had a pension when he died after being torched in his own workplace by a group of gangsters, but it's only a small part of it; please realize that I just handed you your monthly allowance." Her mother speaks calmly, despite the fact that she is in agony and has just been in an accident after work.

"Ugh, I despise this house, this life!!!" Dexter screamed, enraged.

Dexter rushes to his filthy old room, reflecting about what happened earlier. After some thoughts, he decides to seek revenge on his ex-girlfriend and the bullies.

Dexter silently move into the kitchen, grabbing a kitchen knife.

With his dark shades, hoodie, sweatpants, rubber shoes, and, most importantly, the kitchen knife, Dexter is prepared. He hid behind the electric post line and waited for his ex-girlfriend and the bullies to come out of the karaoke because he knew they were inside.

While Dexter waits, he regrets what he's doing and thinks that instead of doing this, he should've watched anime or read manga. However, after a while, his ex-girlfriend and the bullies left the karaoke joyfully, while her ex-girlfriend hardly walks because something spicy has occurred inside. His rage has returned to him. While the bullies helped his ex-girlfriend cross the road, Dexter thinks it's a brilliant idea to attack them as they cross the road.

So Dexter sprints towards them with the kitchen knife sticking out from his hands, but a truck approaches them at full speed, and the next thing he knows, he's laying on the ground with blood pouring from his skull.

"Did the truck slam into me?" I'm very unlucky. Dexter thinks to himself, "I hope they got hit as well."

Dexter glances alongside him and sees that his ex-girlfriend and the bullies have also been hit, just as he had hoped. Dexter was overjoyed and thought it had all been worth it. But after a while, he felt regretful again because he believed it was all for the purpose of killing himself.

They were rescued by an ambulance. The ambulance was rushing to the hospital. Surprisingly, his ex-girlfriend and the bullies all survive the accident, while Dexter himself dies in the accident.

When investigators arrived at the scene of the accident, they said.

"This poor student is about to be murdered by the kid in the hoodie. He ought to die for being such a scumbag."

Dexter passed away. He has no idea what will happen after he dies. Dexter can only perceive darkness in a calm and peaceful manner. Dexter recognized what he'd done and believes he could've done better or taken the better path in life. After some time, he noticed a circular entrance from afar that emitted a bright light. Even if Dexter isn't moving, the entryway is approaching him.

Dexter opened his eyes to find two adults in their twenties staring at him. Dexter wanted to converse but couldn't, so he reached for his phone in his pocket to act busy, only to realize he was completely naked. When he looked down, he was surprised to see his arms and tummy shrink, and he understood he had been reincarnated.

Both of the adults are enthralled by him. Their eyes are soft, and their hands are both curled up, as they marvel at how adorable the infant is. As a result, the two adults begin to disagree about what the baby's name should be.

"Should we give him the name Osbert?"

"No, we should name him after his grandfather Derek," the male adults said.

"That's so ugly!" says the female adult. "Let's go with the priest's recommendation. "

"I believe that is a better option."

Both grownups said enthusiastically, "Your name will be Eugene, Eugene Loxley."