
Chapter 1: The Wasteland Car

Iris Bates, a 9 year old girl living in Minneapolis, Minnesota, everything was going great for her, winter break was starting so she had no school, her dad was coming home after a long time, and her mom was free for the entire break, nothing could be better.

It was late at night, the young girl was looking at her bedroom window with her dog, a white caim terrier named Pip. "C'mon dad, I know you're coming, I just know it," she said, looking at an old photo from when she was a baby. The young girl looked at herself in the mirror with her round white glasses, looking at her black bridal braided hair, magenta and yellow striped sweater, dark blue jeans, and gray boots. "Iris! Pip!! It's 9 o'clock!!!!" Mrs. Bates yelled. "Coming Mom," Iris ran down the stairs with her dog in a hurry to say goodbye to her mom before she left for work. "Bye sweetie, sorry I have to work tonight, don't stay up too late ok," the middle aged woman had left, leaving her daughter and dog alone.

"It's just you and me again Pip, now what?" Iris asked her dog. The small pup ran off outside, seeing a green light in the distance. "Pip!!!!!" The girl bundled up by lifting up her sweater hood and putting on bubblegum pink mittens and a scarf. The young girl ran after her dog in the snow and spotting the green light as well. "Pip, is that why you ran off? I thought you saw a squirrel or something," Iris chuckled, picking up the tiny dog. "Alright now let's go back home," a black shadow came from the train and pulled the two in unwillingly. "What's going on?!?!" the girl screamed, kicking her legs to try and free herself.

Iris and Pip woke up in a snowy landscape that looked similar to where they were before. "Strange, that must have been a dream, let's get on home then," she said, looking around the area. The two looked around and found a snowman with a gray cat head in it. "Aaaaaah!!!!!" The girl and cat screamed as they made eye contact. "Are you my mother?" the cat asked. "What? Mother?" the black haired girl asked. "Yes, my mother, I've been looking for her until I found you, nice to meet you, I'm Dee Dee," it replied. "Dee Dee, I'm Iris, and this is Pip," the young girl introduced herself while the tiny whute dog stayed back. The cat jumped out of the snowman to reveal it's small simplistic body. "Oh, you're a really small cat, smaller than Pip even," Iris told the feline. "Thank you very much Miss Iris," Dee Dee replied. Pip sniffed the tiny gray cat to check it out, but it didn't have a smell at all. "So, how did you end up in Minneapolis?" the young girl asked. "Minneapolis, Minneapolis, never heard of it," a male voice had come out of the small cat. "Oh, then we must be somewhere else then," Iris took off her left mitten to scratch her head, revealing a glowing yellow 120 on it. "Gah!!!! I have a number of my hand!!!!" The girl fell into the snow in shock of the sight. "Oh that's normal, all passengers have numbers," Dee Dee replied, chilling out the girl. "So this is the train, that explains so much, do you have a conductor?" the girl got back up and grabbed the tiny cat. "Of course Miss Iris, maybe we can find him or her if we go through that door," the three went through the door and crossed a bridge to another car, one completely baron of life.

The three looked around the car and found nothing there, just red sand and that was it. Pip sniffed around and found a black humanoid body with green eyes, antennae, clear fly looking wings, and claws on both it's hands and feet. The body arose and looked at the dog with it's eyes, making him run towards his owner. "What is it boy? Somethin' big?" she asked. "Worse, it's a Goomy," Dee Dee told them. The three ran away from the monster as it spat blue orbs at them and missed. The monster spat another orb and Iris caught it in her left hand, where her number was. "Good job Miss Iris," the cat cheered. "Ok, so what I need is to, throw it back," Iris threw the orb at the Goomy, making it disappear. a red doir appeared, showing a number similar to Iris', changing from 120 to 119. "Lets go, we got a long way ahead of us."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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