
Chapter 1 : First Game

[Welcome New player! I am 'Game' an artificial deity, I decided to experiment to the extent that a human can cope in a world beyond him, so I chose a hundred people and offered them a system to each of them.]

"What the fuck ?" looking around i can see nothing but darkness, only the flaming text in front of me being visible.

[I should probably apologize for taking your lives from you just to have an experience and to entertain me? well i'm a god anyway and to be honest your lives were really fucked up, if i didn't take you you would have ended up alone, old and poor]

"Uh, Game? could you tell me about my system instead of telling me how useless and patetic my life was ?" strangely I was calm, even knowing that my life had been taken and that I was talking to a god I didn't feel nervous or scared, I imagine being technically dead gives some peace of mind, or maybe because I can't do anything in this situation my mind isn't even trying to get me to react? I dont know.

[ah yes it's true the explanations, My Dear Ethan you are now the proud owner of the Gungeon system draws from the game on which you have spent too much time in your life 'enter the gungeon'

this system has 3 capacities.

first the GungeonPlayer which allows you to take the place of one of the 'Gungonier' and try your luck in the gungeon until the game is over, whether the game ends with your death or a victory na doesn't matter, everything you have on you at the end of the game will go into your inventory.

secondly the inventory allows you to store everything that you will have to recover in the Gungeon that it is your weapons, your ammunition or your objects. inventory can only store what comes from Gungeon.

and finally thirdly the Gacha, with each victory in the Gungeon you will win a gacha ticket allowing you to summon objects AND ONLY OBJECTS from any world existing in all the multiverse]

"..."just thinking about the potential of this system is enough to make me confident but at the same time...

"Tell me 'Game' what world are you sending me to?" this system is certainly interesting but even the whole arsenal of Gungeon has a power limit, in a world like dragon ball for example I doubt that I would last long if all I have are firearms.

[I send you to the DC universe, Good Luck !!! 3...2...1...]



DC universe - Somewhere in Gotham - 9 p.m.

Shooting up from my bed i look around in shock, i'm in a bedroom ? i don't recognise this place, i've never seen this room before.

"System ? Game ?" I say these words softly like I'm two steps from a sleeping monster.

[Welcome User01 I am Gungeon, the system of gun and dungeon, do you whish to start a game ?]

Thinking about the situation i was in i made the choice to talk. "Gungeon did you know where am i ?"

[you are in your house, specifically in your bedroom]

"My house ? so i have a house in this world ?"

[do you want me to offer you more information about your background?]


[Ethan Hunt son of the recently deceased Eric and Susan Hunt, last member of your family, you own a house in gotham where you are right now, the inheritance of your parents includes the house and their entire bank account, although your family is not as rich as the wayne you have a lot of fortune, your parents were rather lucky stock market investors. You are a student of gotham high although you were suspended 3 days ago after breaking a classmate's arm, the length of the suspension is 3 weeks]

"I see, tell me Gungeon what happens if I start a game?"

[if User01 starts a game the time will stop and the user will have to choose an avatar between the 4 starting characters then the user will find himself in the elevator on the first floor of the Gungeon]

"Gungeon stop calling me User01, call me by my name and start a game"

[Understood Mr. Hunt, Launch of the game ]


[Welcome to 'The Gungeon']

[Select your Character !]

[The Convict] [The Hunter] [The Marine] [The Pilot]

I find myself in the dark again but now with four people, a white woman with blond hair with a mole under her right eye dress in prison clothes, A black woman with purple hair and a light freckle dress in travel outfit, a black man in heavy armor with an orange visor and a white man dressed in a green shirt and jeans, above their head is their name, I played it's character from countless times but seeing them right in front of me gives me a strangely pleasant feeling.

the navy is the best character to start with, but he doesn't tempt me, the convict, I like the idea of having a shotgun from the start but like the navy I think I will pass for this time, I like the Trusty Lockpicks but I don't think doing my first game with the most crappy starting Weapon is a good idea, well my choice is made "i Chose the Hunter"

The Black woman smile at me and my vision start to fade


When My Vision come back i found myself in a elevator and in the body of 'the hunter', being a woman is a weird fealling, in my hand, The 'Rusty Sidearm' "Where is my crossbow ?"

[Your Crossbow is in your inventory]

"WHA, Gungeon your here ! I didn't think you could talk to me during the game. Inventory !" seeing my inventory appear in front of me I frown "Gungeon Is there an easier way to switch weapons than to open inventory?"

[You can say the name of the weapon and it will switch place with your current weapon, Also Mr.Hunt i need to precise that i can talk to you uniquely when your are in a safe zone]

"I see {Crossbow}" seeing my 'Rusty Sidearm' disappear to be replaced by a crossbow I smile, {Rusty Sidearm} {Crossbow} {Rusty Sidearm} {Crossbow} {Rusty Sidearm} {Crossbow} changing weapons again and again to get used to this mechanism before to stop when hearing a noise, looking down I come to the little dog barking gently at my feet "hi little one" stroking the dog's head for a moment before stopping when the elevator doors open to give access to an empty room, when I step out of the elevator the door closes before the elevator descends further.


"well let's start" two doors, one to the east and the other to the west I decide to take the one to the west, "Alright ... {Rusty Sidearm}" With my colt in hand I open the door, a room with 3 'bullet kin' and 1 'red shotgun kin', rushing to a blanket before a bullet sees me, I hide with my colt, "so they are not aware of me until 'to what they see me or that I shoot, good to know {crossbow} "with my crossbow I shoot the' Red Shotgun Kin 'and before they can turn in my direction I change" { Rusty Sidearm} "and I shot the 'Red Shotgun Kin' once to take the last 0.7 hp killing it, side away from the shot of the bullet, I keep my pace and walk in a circle while shooting 9 times to kill the 3 "parents of the ball".

"it was easy"

retracing my steps, I took the door to the east, dealing with the enemies without too much difficulty, going from room to room, killing the enemies and collecting the money. before arriving at a decorated wooden door, "Is this Bello's store?" opening the doors I saw a clean store with a lot of items and guns, much more than in the game, a big bald guy with a mustache sees me and smiles

Bello : "Hey you Gungonier, see something you like? my products are cheap and big quality"

"let me see" i have 73 money which is enough for a B-rank weapon at most. B(rank weapon, of all the weapon i see only 3 have my attention...SAA Rank B, Alien Engine Rank B and Com4nd0 Rank B. i will not survive the boss battle i know it so the weapon i chose is the one i take home, the SingleActionArmy is one of myfavorite weapon mainly because i love Revolver Ocelot's and its cool, the Alien Engine is one of the most powerful weapon in the game but itsrecoil push you back and finaly Com4nd0 a rockets lancher with 4 barell and homing rockets..." i take your Com4nd0, take my money", echanging my money for the great weapon i decide to go to the boss entering i see that fucker, thee 'bullet king', fighting, firing rockets againts him but taking a bullet in my back i died...


opening my eyes in my bed thinking about the game that just played out and looking at my 3 weapons in my inventory "{Rusty sidearm}" seeing my weapon appear in my hand I smile and look out the window, "Gotham will see the birth of a soldier, a soldier like never before ".