
Dungeon Rookie

In Nirvana the great city of diversity, mysterious doorways to other worlds known as dungeons could be found within a cavern by the city side. After clearing a dungeon. The first dungeon explorer Myrril created the adventurer profession to explore dungeons. He later opened an adventurer school. The land around which will later become the city of Nirvana. 60 years later. Dream Song an aspiring adventurer who doesn't fit in with his peers is swallowed up with several other classmate into a newly formed SS ranked dungeon. A dangerous world with two suns ahead, waiting for their demise. Can this Dungeon Rookie escape this hell hole or is he fated to be buried here? Updates avg 3 times a week

Book_Knight · Fantasy
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22 Chs

A Whole New World

As An Liu continued with the attendance. Ling approached the corner where Dream was standing and opened her mouth.

"Hello there Dream. I see that you haven't changed at all."

Suddenly Dream felt a frightening amount of eyes gathering on him.

"Um, hi Dawn."

Dream awkwardly waved. His eyes clouded in confusion.

Why is she suddenly visiting me without any notice? He thought. Also, isn't this a little too much?

Majority of the boys and even some of the girls were not facing the front but were instead watching him with a death glare. Although Shadow did have a resting b*tch face so it was hard to tell.

"Ha, ha why are you- what you- what're you doing here," stumbled Dream as he felt the pressure of the glares increasing.

Dawn with a smile on her face stopped in front of him. With both of her hands by her waist, she announced.

"I am inviting you to join my newly formed adventurer party."

Everyone in the back half of the room stopped what they were doing and dropped their jaws wide open in silence.

"But I-"

She wagged her finger at him.

Upon seeing that everyone almost tripped forward onto the ground.

"She might as well have a dog for a teammate instead! At least a dog is cuddleable! Only a swordmaster can stand up there with her! What can that awkward f*ck do?"

Immediately the students in the back started loudly whispering.

"It's a laughable and nigh-impossible goal for someone like him to be in the same team with her."

"Maybe if he was as nimble as Shadow or was as strong as Blaze would he have the ability to at least trail behind her back!"

"Huh? How can I do that?! I will probably die a brutal death if I join your team!"

Ling now realizing that others were listening in to their conversation, moved to stand beside Dream.

Both of them facing the front as Ling continued.

"Well, actually I intend to invite Oscar to this team! So don't worry you'll be safe!"

Upon hearing that Dream was left speechless.

So that's her plan. He turned his head towards her. His previously clouded and confused eyes now looked towards her with renewed care and understanding. He felt a helplessly warm sensation in his chest.

Although Dawn was standing still and was looking towards the front. Dream could still sense a powerful yet warm aura flowing out from her. If he was the planet Earth she would have been the life-giving sun.

"I'll think about it," He replied. "But what of Oscar? Do you even know where he is right now?"

Ling grin.

"Knowing him, when he catches wind that I am forming a team. He will come and find us himself. I intend to stay around here for a month. If he hasn't found us by then we'll search for him ourselves."

"Okay then I'll tell you my decision when he finds us," replied Dream as he turned back to face the front.

After An Liu finished taking attendance everyone went back to their previous sparring set-up.

Dream on the other hand started to walk towards the entrance of the class. He left behind a confused Ling.

"Hey, where are you going, Dream?"

Many of the students lowered their weapons to look at Dream and Ling.

"Oh, me? I'm just going to clear a dungeon."

Shadow and Chad notably perked up their ears in interest.

Dream then forced himself to slowly walk out of the class.

As Dream left everyone started whispering again.

"Did you hear what he said?"

"Yeah, he is going into a dungeon by himself just like Adir."

"Dream... Why is he always avoiding me."

Pout Ling.

After turning a corner he started running away.

"That was a close one! If I were to stay I would've had to duel her! I would get absolutely f*cked!"

He mumbled under his breath.

"And why would I want to join her adventurer team? Even with Oscar, I wouldn't dare join such a high ranked team!"

Although his words were phrased as such, his body gave off a whole different message. With his heart beating fiercely, his eyes now shined with anticipation, stress, and a growing excitement.

"Holy sh*t I am doing it. I am really doing it."

Now wearing shoulder pads, arm guard, a wooden helmet, and a padded jacket with chainmail on top. Dream ran through the great city with a sheathed short sword behind his waist. He eventually arrived by the barren city side with the sun going down behind him.

"It should be around here."

In front of him stood a small village made out of old wooden shacks. There were also tents set up here and there with the sound of snoring coming out of them.

"If my memory serves me correctly."

He walked past them and stood before a cave flooded with otherworldly lights.

I am finally here he thought as his eyes wandered around. At the side of the cave, one could see giant glowing doors seemingly popped in and out of existence. There at any given time were around 20 adventurers with all sorts of different armours and equipment standing around.

'I've read that depending on the tier. Each will have a different glow. F tier dungeons had a green glow, E tier dungeons had an orange glow, D tier dungeons had a purple glow, C tier had a blue glow, B tier dungeon had a yellow glow, A tier dungeon had a red glow, and S tier or number dungeons have a varying golden glow.'

With a single glance around, he could see that there were numerous purple, blue, and yellow glowing circles around the size of a large double doorway. Occasionally, there were even red glowing doorways, but those were often quickly occupied by teams of experienced adventurers. The ones that were not quickly taken often had multiple teams arguing over who's going in.

There also were some yellow portals, but not many adventurers went in them and even when they did. It doesn't seem to disappear like the other dungeon doorways.

"Right now I'm probably only skilled enough to take on an F tier dungeon by myself. So I should look for a green glow."

Deciding to go deeper to search for a green portal. Dream cautiously kept to the middle of the road.

"It would be a tragedy if I accidentally fell into an A tiered dungeon. Just like Myrril the founding hero did."

Somehow staying alive in a dungeon over two years until he managed to solo it. He came out only to find his home village abandoned. A tragic yet legendary tale of the founder of the adventurer guild. His stories are still sung and told around the bard circles today. His influence could be still found lingering all around the world.

Dream shook his head.

I'll rather die than go through the things that he went through.

As he walked on the cave began to narrow. He continued on for almost an hour before he finally spotted a glowing green door.

Over time the number of adventurers around him has gradually lowered until the earlier bustle had turned into a small murmur.

"Hmm. Are they usually this big?"

The circle was twice the size of any other circle he had ever seen before. Maybe I shouldn't head in.'

"Hey look! There's an F tier dungeon!"

"Quick! Go in!"

A group of similarly clothed adventurers rushed forward and knocked him to the side.

Falling over, he unexpectedly bumped into a familiar adventurer.

"Ah, are you okay?"

"Yeah-wait, it's you!?"

"Sigh I knew you would get caught over something stupid like that."

Before him were two familiar faces.

"Why are you two here?"

"Hey, are you okay?"

Asked a familiar glaring face.

"Shadow you are here too?"

Shadow simply shrugged.

" I was just following these fools. They almost always get their asses kicked without me."

"Shut-up Shadow."

Said Chad and Aofie in unison.

What a bunch of weirdos. Thought Dream.

"Why are you two following me?"

Aofie simply pointed her thumb at Chad.

"It was all his idea."

"What! No, you!"

While Dream and Shadow watched them bicker around. Unknowingly a misty yellow glow started gathering under their feet.

Shadow turned his resting glare at him.

Dream thought. 'Holy cow. This pressure.'

Now facing Shadow's direct glare he realized that Chad and Aoife deserve a medal just for being able to horse around under this pressure.

Shadow looked back at Chad and Aoife.

"I dunno. It could be that he was just interested in you or maybe he was following you to make sure you didn't get hurt."

"Wait how long were you all tailing me?!"

"From about the very start. By the way, I didn't know that you were a chief at the Firefly cafe. They've got some great soups."

Dream fell down to his knees.

"It's all over now. They all know," he thought as he faced the ground.

Seeing the yellow mist on the ground he yelped.

"Wait what is this on the ground?"

As he turned to look back, Shadow's eyes suddenly widened. His glare disappearing into a shocked expression.

A spiraling yellow glow could be seen forming on the wall.

"Everyone run!" Shouted Shadow.

The yellow mist spiraled up from underneath their feet. Enveloping them whole as it turned to gold.

His last sight was that of a disturbingly empty walkway.

With every chapter I write, I grow stronger.

Book_Knightcreators' thoughts