
Dungeon Rookie

In Nirvana the great city of diversity, mysterious doorways to other worlds known as dungeons could be found within a cavern by the city side. After clearing a dungeon. The first dungeon explorer Myrril created the adventurer profession to explore dungeons. He later opened an adventurer school. The land around which will later become the city of Nirvana. 60 years later. Dream Song an aspiring adventurer who doesn't fit in with his peers is swallowed up with several other classmate into a newly formed SS ranked dungeon. A dangerous world with two suns ahead, waiting for their demise. Can this Dungeon Rookie escape this hell hole or is he fated to be buried here? Updates avg 3 times a week

Book_Knight · Fantasy
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22 Chs

A Tough Fight P.t 3

The kobold let out an ear-piercing scream before jumping up into the air. Shadow who was still on it's back could only grit his teeth and try to hold onto the crazed beast.

In the air, the kobold flapped its remaining wing fiercely, throwing itself and Shadow into a violent spinning twirl of death. With stars in his eyes, Shadow was unable to keep his grip on it and slipped off. With a loud bang! He made contact against the wall.

A crack could be heard as he fell onto the floor. A veil of dazed confusion could be seen on his face as he tried to get up, only to stump back onto the ground.

"Shadow!" Screamed Chad. "Stay still!"

The kobold landed awkwardly jumping on one foot before it regained balance. It then stared menacingly at Shadow before turning its sight at Dream.

"Sh*t, Dream watch out!"

Chad charged forward with Aoife with her out long out right beside him.

With unexpected nimbleness, the kobold dashed towards Dream who has his sword lowered while clutching his wound. He stared back at the kobold with anger and wariness reflecting in his eyes. One of them was going down here and it was most likely going to be him.

Watching the kobold approach, Dream started thinking in a panic.

'An ox guard? No, there's no way it wouldn't see what I am planning. What about a hail mary? No, that's just plain stupid. War gods help me! Wait how about-'

With the kobold almost upon him, he came out of his stupor and acted. He stopped pressing against his wound and pulled out his sword sheath from behind. It was do or die.

"Say goodbye puny human!"

With a crazed look in its eye. Salvar slashed down.

A rumble could be heard as Dream slammed into the ground. Right afterwards, the sound of splintering could be heard.

"That smartass." Croaked out Aoife in shock reverence.

Chad who was previously running was shocked still, with his mouth hanging open in surprise.

Dream had held his sheath under the ricasso of his sword in a crossguard. When the spear came down on him, he had positioned his cross guard so that the spear shaft would be received by the edge of his sword and threw his weight towards his left so that his sheath end would hit the ground first.

This was all a rough set-up he had thought up in the heat of the moment. Realizing that there was no way that he wouldn't get hurt or possibly insta-killed. He tried to think of a method to land a returning blow that would use the kobold's momentum against it. He soon concluded that the kobold was way too careful for him to land a direct stab.

Plus he was almost certain that with the dragon chainmail on. Salvar was practically invincible against frontal attacks. Furthermore, the kobold's spear had a much longer reach than his sword. Thus, he was left with no other choice, but to deal with the spear itself!

'Wow? I am alive?' Dream thought in a daze.

With a thud, he had watched the world go black before regaining his vision.

'I am hungry-wait I am in danger.'

The kobold looked at its broken spear in surprise. It grinds its teeth and with a snarl jumps up and swung down on Dream with the broken shaft of the spear.

With his sheath and sword down by his foot. Dream could only hold up his arms and shell up around his head.

As if it was like a spoiled 'young master' in the middle of a violent tantrum, that just happened to find a broken spear. The kobold repeatedly bashed down at Dream's face, smashing up his wooden helmet and scuffing his arm guard.

Chad quickly reacted and continued charging forward. His steel shield was once again positioned and ready.

Seeing Chad charging at it, the kobold looked around before realizing that it had no choice but to retreat. It jumped back from Dream and turned and ran.

Chad chased after Salvar as Aoife stayed back to check up on Dream.

"Hey Dream." She said. Looking down on him, she could see that his eyes were wincing, his hands were swollen, and his wooden helmet has long since been splintered into a hazardous state.

"I am going to remove your helmet now. Don't move around too much."


Meanwhile, with ragged breathing, the kobold had retreated to the spear rack by the hook. From lashing out at Dream to throwing Shadow off. Salvar had been splattering blood around.

It was ever so painfully obvious to Salvar to how little time he had left before he was beyond recovery. With that in mind, he grabbed a spear and held it under the flaming candle.

Quickly, the spear lighted up and Salvar pressed it against the bleeding gap where his wing had once been.

He screamed like a dying owl as he glared at the oncoming Chad.


He spun the spear around and got into a throwing stance. Seeing this Chad made a desperate lunge forward, but it was already too late. Right as his sword was about to bury itself into the kobold. Salvar hurled its spear at the point-blank range...

Dream and Aoife looked on in horror.

Before Chad knew it, the spear had buried itself in his chest leaving a gaping hole in his shield. A second later, he had found himself already smashed up against the wall. The back of his steel plate armour was so dented that shattered pieces of it fell off.

"Chad! Don't you dare kick the bucket!" Yelled Aoife.

Chad wheezed. "Yeah, I hear you b*tch. Loud an-"

"Just run Aoife! We're no match for that thing!" Grunted Shadow who despite his best effort couldn't stand up.

"Run, I'll draw its attention." Said Dream who had come up into a kneel watching the kobold.

Aoife was about to open her mouth in protest when the kobold shrieked.


Dream looked in confusion at Salvar.

'Where did it's pressure and aura go?'

Suddenly he saw a sliver of darkness gathering in the kobold's mouth.

"Run Aoife! It's up to something!"

Aoife looked up at the kobold with steel resolve in her eyes.

"F*ck all of you!" She charged in with her long sword piercing through ahead.

"I will live and die by my own will!"

She ran like a crazed dog chased by the demons. With each step she took Dream could see more and more aura in the kobold's mouth turning into a reddish-orange glow.

"What is Nirvana is that power." Murmured Chad.

Dropping his sword, Dream stood up and sprinted after Aoife.

He slipped on his own blood and tumbled onto his back.


He tried to stand up again only to find his legs failing him.

"Come on! Move!" He grunted before realizing that he felt like sleeping.

'I guess this is it, huh?'

Memories of his childhood training with Ling and Oscar appeared.

'Heh. I still can't wrap my mind around how those two became such accomplished adventurers while I was scared off by the mere aura of the students at Myrril's adventuring school. Although I guess I did eventually get used to it, it's too late. I will be forever remembered as that awkward kid who was always in the corner by himself.'

He smiled despite himself.

The glow from the kobold has got as bright as a blazing torch lighting up the cave.

'Gods, it is tougher than an A rank dungeon final boss!' Within her eyes shone despair.

Dream narrowed his eyes. Overhead, a small spinning object came into his view.



Aoife ducked down in confusion just as above a rock hurled past her.

The kobold blinked in confusion as it opened its mouth as if it was trying to scream and yell, only to let out a sick gurgle as it grabbed and scratched at its throat.

It wildly swung back and forth with madness in its eyes. His eyes reddened and tear up as it started to roll back. A yellowish glow appeared at its throat.

'Why? Is this happening to me?' It wondered. 'To me the great Sa-'


Screamed Johnny at the top of his lungs.

The kobold looked at him in shock. Before it could feel any bitterness nor regret a long sword appeared in between its eyes.

Aoife stared within its eyes. "F*ck you and your master."

As Aoife pulled her sword out and took a step back, a roaring flame burst out of Salvar's head. Reaching up, it covered the top of the cave noticeably turning up the temperature. It lasted for a good seven seconds before it vanished as fast as it had appeared.

There was a brief moment of silence before Shadow lightly clapped.

Sheathing her long sword. Aoife wiped the sweat off her brows.

"I am surprised that I survived that."

Chad smiled. "Hey, Johnny, can you help me out of this armour."

"Um, uh-huh sure mister knight."

Aoife went up to Dream and gently nudged him. "Hey, Dream get up! We won! We won!"

There was no response. The rest of them looked over.

Silence could be heard.