
Dungeon Quest: Zeldoria

In a continent torn by war a young knight must venter fourth into a dungeon system of unspeakable dangers in the hopes of attaining an unimaginable prize. Young Ukonian knight Adam must find the spectrum.

Spaz_Dragon · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Killing one's self

Adam then opened the door to see a large white room with a blue ball in the middle of it. Adam approached the ball, but when he took five steps the ball started floating and a blue fire engulfed it. A figure started forming around. The figure looked like the shadow of someone. Adam stood in a defensive stance being cautious. The figure looks at the young knight as it's form begins to change. Adam moves back a bit realizing the figure takes his form. Adam looks at the figure and darts towards it. He jumps going for an aerial kick. The figure blocks by lifting it's right arm. From the force the figure rolls back and Adam jumps back. Adam transforms his forearm armour into a sword as the figure does the same. The figure and Adam charge each other and start an up-close sword battle. Adam used every sword trick in his arsenal but everything Adam did the figure did the same. The battle dragged on with the figure taking the lead with a kick to Adam's jaw, disorientating him. The figure then delivered a slash to Adam's torso which was mostly protected by his armour. Adam stepped back and took a defensive stance. The figure charged Adam who stood his ground. The figure stroked Adam who simply parried and countered with a slash to the back of the head. The figure took the slash and kicked the sword out of Adam's hand with a spin kick. After that the figure shoved it's sword into the forearm of Adam's right arm. Adam headbutted the figure knocking it back as he pulled out the blade. Blood dripped from Adam's arm as he looked at the figure. The figure took a fist fighting stance as small lightning particles appeared on its fists. Adam did the same. The two stood in place for a good minute just waiting for the other to attack, planning a counterattack. Adam and the figure both charged each other at the same time and jumped at each other, interlocking superman punches. The blast from the lightning pushed them both back. Adam got up and charged the figure going for a kick to the jaw as the figure dodged by lowering its head just enough for Adam's leg to go over its head. The figure then counterattacked by punching Adam's leg breaking it. Adam jumped back using one leg. Adam looked at the figure as he took a defensive stance while infusing a lot of lightning into his right arm. The figure acted as if it was pulling out a sword out it's back, pulling out a long sword. The figure darted towards Adam who didn't move an inch as the figure drove it's blade through Adam's left shoulder. Adam then drove his lightning infused right hand in the figure's torso, grabbing its core and squeezing it until it pops. The figure then disappeared. Adam fell on his back and let out a deep sigh.