
Dungeon Overlord System

Alternate Title: F-Rank Dungeon King At one point during the history of humanity, things changed drastically. Magic was revealed to have always existed, lying under our eyes but remaining unseen. While that energy strenghtened humanity, it also brought it's load of calamities in the form of pocket dimensions whose gates opened all over the world. Those dimensions named dungeons were the very spark that created the golden age of humanity, an age in which anyone who could use magic could become anything. However some people decided that they wanted more power, more money, more everything. Those people were named the Hunters, greedy madmen entering dungeons in search of exciting adventures and tons of treasures. So now, what happens when one of them just so happens to acquire the greatest treasure of all...A dungeon itself ? ///////// Any sort of feedback will be very much appreciated.

Glasgow1 · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Rework, again

Sup you all, it's been a long time since I last logged in on webnovel, but I guess I am back, somehow.

It's summer break so college won't be a hindrance and I have hit the mother of all writer's blocks on my main project. I have been wanting to remake this story for a while, since It always felt a bit awkward to me how generic I made it to please the system loving side of the audience. The story felt too much like some solo levelling wannabe, especially with the korean setting. It wasn't supposed to be like that, and I guess it did end up biting me in the ass since i was never able to continue the novel.

Couldn't put a finger on what the problem was at the time, but in hindsight it was pretty clear and the first rework didn't fix it in the slightest even if I do think i had succeeded in making the rework better than the first version.

So....Yeah, story is coming back. Same characters, same place, different story and setting but same idea. I was able to make this story a generic dungeon and system novel since the original idea was fairly close to those types of novels, so it won't feel all that foreign, but it won't be the exact same anyway, because if it was, there would be no purpose in me doing a third version....Third version....Hell if I ain't the worse author I have known.

Anyway, the novel will be back under the name 'Master of nightmares' in a few days under the same category, urban fantasy. I'll most likely hasten the pace since i won't just overlengthen the scenes with characters that are barely known yet, like it was done with hojosa who had entire chapters for him despite being barely known.

If there's still anyone who was waiting for this novel to come back, doubt it but who knows, it's finally back. Yay

See y'all, for some less clickbait shit. I am just not willing to let go of this story, so hopefully, you'll stick with my unreliable self.