
Dungeon of the great Dictator

After Makoro enter the class the whole class was taken to a new world called Anflem. Every body at his class with level 1, a status just like video games. But, Makoro got an garbage class with level 0. After he tried to live normal there he was trapped by his friend with false statements and hunted for his head. After running and fell at the deepest part of a dungeon. Now he must survive and get his revenge after he change his class as a dictator of the dungeon.

Overstorm872 · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

The Goblins Guerilla

Makoro teleports himself to middle floor number 6. The Homunculus factory at the middle dungeon number 9. The armory factory at number 8 and the guns factory at number 7. Makoro open his maps again and use skill [factory]. This skill allows him to create a factory that can create almost anything. The factory worker are golems and machine so the factory can work almost 24 hour. Makoro pick [armored vehicle factory]. But then, a notification appear. [Factory locked. Dungeon level 8 required. Dungeon level 5.]


"Well, that unfortunate." Say Makoro.

"My Führer, Give me order so you can raise the dungeon level." Say Bill.


Makoro open his dungeon maps. Dungeon maps provide the maps of all the dungeon. While [absolute dungeon control] are allowed him to add and remove the parts of the dungeon. Makoro then looking at the maps and at the first floor the upper floor the Goblins nest expanded to floor number 8. And new nest was added. The zombie nest. The nest was generate at floor 22 were the adventurers die.


"To increase your dungeon level I need to:

-have monster nest:exp low

-have dead body of monster:exp low

-adventurer checking dungeon:exp low

-adventurer finish dungeon:exp remove

-have dead body of human:exp moderate

-monster attack village:exp moderate

-high level monster live inside:exp high

-monster attacking other dungeon:exp high

Those are the way to increase my dungeon level. Why the hell someone put this information here. That's not a way to increase my dungeon level, it suck my dungeon exp." Say makoro while pointing the 4th point to increase dungeon level.



Bill was giving an suggestion.

"Why don't we try to attack other dungeon? I heard that there also a dungeon close by our dungeon. I heard from the Goblins that they from that dungeon but they left it because the dungeon master was an crazy demon that keep demanding wars and making more Goblins dead and use them as a meat shield to protect the dungeon master. Even those monsters are still children." Say Bill to Makoro.

"Wait, you already meet them? The Goblins?" Ask Makoro.

"Yes, I meet them early when my Führer still harvesting some 'semens'." Say Bill.



In afternoon, Makoro meets the Goblins. Makoro looking at them who was Nutritional deficiencies, sick, and only armed witcub. The Goblin leader is a girl Goblin.

"Greeting, master of the dungeon. I am the Goblin leader of this Goblins. I so unfortunate for a great person like you see this-" before she finish Makoro reply her.

"It's not unfortunate, and I am here to help you." Say Makoro.


Then, Makoro bring them to the middle dungeon number 5 using teleportation. He build a Factory called [training facility] the factory that used to training.

The Goblins didn't understand why do they here.

"Alright, I all of you want to live peacefully and safe. You all, Goblins must obey me and I will train you all and give you suplies to live." Say Makoro loud out.

The leader say "you want us to go war and die? You say you are going to help us. There no way we will win. We all weak and easily killed. "

Makoro replied

"Who said you all going to war and died. No! I will give you all the Goblins power to fight. You say you all easily killed. I will train you all so you all will same as this country I knew." Say Makoro.



The Goblins trains in the training facility.

"Are my Führer sure this training will work?" Ask Bill. Makoro say,

"Yes, it will work. Do you see their eyes?" Ask him while pointing one of the Goblins eyes.

"Does eyes is the eye of I want power. They will do anything for fulfill what their want. And they wanted peaceful live." While walking toward the Goblins.

"But, when there was a peaceful live. Wars will come no matter what." Say Makoro to Bill and the Goblins.



"Now, you Goblins will fight as a Guerilla." Say Makoro to the Goblins.

One of the Goblin ask,

"What is Guerilla?"

"Glad you ask, it's a wars tactics were we fight in our environment and Guerilla is a fight tactics were we strike our enemies really hard in the middle of night were they all sleeping and tired." Say Makoro explaining.



The Goblins spent all of their days training and training to become a Guerilla. They train to use their environment and their surroundings. At the same time, Makoro receive a notification.

[Homunculus production complete.]

"Right, time to train your junior, Bill." Say Makoro.



"What's my Führer." Say Bill in the middle of training the Homunculus. Makoro still didn't understand what is that.

"Do you she her?" Pointing at a blonde girl Homunculus.

"What is it, my Führer?" Ask Bill

"She has a skill but the stats board looks like error." Say Makoro.

"You right." Say Bill. Then Bill come closer toward the girl and do a small chat. Then the Homunculus girl come to Makoro and tell her skill.

"So that why I can see your skill. You got [hidden] huh? You can be an great assassin.



Then, Makoro trains the newly born homunculus and the Goblins about guns, ammo, the military uniform, and more.

"I think the Goblins are ready." Say Makoro. "Yes mister Makoro. We all ready. Thank you very much for the training and also the foods and waters." Say the Goblin leader.

"Who your name again?" Ask Makoro to the Goblin leader.

"I don't have name, If you please, Mister Makoro can give Me and the rests of this Goblins name." Say the Goblin leader.

"Hmm..." think Makoro. Then he got the name.

"Akira. For now on you name are Akira. The Goblin leader Akira." Say Makoro.

"Akira. My name is Akira the Goblin leader." Say Akira happy.



Suddenly Akira evolve become a hobgoblin. She had a body same size as human and her body become very attractive for a goblin. Only her skin that didn't change.

Makoro surprise and ask.

"Is Giving name make monster evolve?"

Akira answer.

"Yes, only someone that have so many mana power can do that. If they didn't have such a strong mana they head will explode." Say Akira.

Then Bill and the rest of the Homunculus started panic.

"My Führer, are you okay? Do you feel sick?" Ask Bill and his Junior. Then, Makoro looking at his stats. He know that his mana is small.

"I'm fine. But weird, why I fine? Are my head are supposed to blow?" Ask him.

The Homunculus started panic and try to help the dungeon master Makoro. The Goblins started panic and make turmoil

"Absolute order:Silence!" Say Makoro.

The Homunculus and the Goblins silence.

After awhile Makoro say.

"Don't worry, my head won't explode. Now let's continues." Say Makoro while try to naming every Goblins.



After every Goblin named he say.

"I believe it's because my Skill [Greatest ambition] this skill making the rule of this world doesn't apply for me. So, I can naming tons of Goblins without worried my head to explode." Say Makoro.

"Alright, you Homunculus time to learn about you friendnemies, mr Pineapple here." While showing a pineapple grenade MK2



Deep inside forest, a girls running for her life.

"Hurry and capture her. Her body are worth."

Say the hunter. The girls running inside the dark an scary forest that known as the dangerous forest.


"Princess, you must run. I will slow them down." Say the girl in black robe.

"No, Luna. Don't do it. I don't want to Leave you!" Say the girl in brown robe.

"Please, someone save her!" Scream the girl in black robe.

"I will fight all of you untill dead call me."