
Dungeon of the great Dictator

After Makoro enter the class the whole class was taken to a new world called Anflem. Every body at his class with level 1, a status just like video games. But, Makoro got an garbage class with level 0. After he tried to live normal there he was trapped by his friend with false statements and hunted for his head. After running and fell at the deepest part of a dungeon. Now he must survive and get his revenge after he change his class as a dictator of the dungeon.

Overstorm872 · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

Next quest of the chain quest

"Back here soon, okay. Remember only bring the princess and don't tell everybody that I'm still alive!" Say Makoro to Asada that was going to fly away with Loki.


Earlier, Asada checking Loki wound.

"Their looks like have a great technology. Look my wound, all have been healed and leave no scar." Say Loki showing the area that supposed to be holey. Asada daydream, she still thinking what Makoro say.

"Are you okay Asada? Are you still sick after they penetrate you an-" ask Jitsu, but Asada cut her off.

"Shut up!" Say Asada while holding Jitsu snout.

then, Asada walking around the dungeon. She fell weird since the monsters was kind to her. At floor 24, she use the onsen. Inside the onsen, she was thinking.

"They all kind to me. Why?" Ask herself,

"Because Makoro said to them to be kind to our guest." Said Luna beside her.

Asada jumped because she was surprised. Then, Luna asking her.

"How's Tifa is she okay?"

"She's fine, I treated her well." Say Asada,

"Can I ask you something." Asada tried to ask her a question,

"Makoro live here right? Do he capture and enslave you and the other here?"

Luna looking at her and laugh a little,

"Are you worried about us? No need. He was a good person. He's only do that if you are a human and girls. I believe he has hatred on girls." Say Luna to Asada,

"Hehe.... I believe so. Lots of girls always talking bad to him. Weird gossip about him, bullied, and girls always avoiding him." Say Asada,

"What? Your people hate someone that handsome?" Ask Luna.

"He's kinda different after he's become the dungeon master." Say Asada looking the ceiling, the ceiling was full with small light stones and the ceiling creating a cool midnight sky.

"Beautiful." Say Asada, they do a chit chat for a while and Luna got out first.

"I'm heading back to work. Take care." Say Luna while moving from the hot springs.

Suddenly a notification appear,

[The next chain quest from the Goddess Irma appeared accepted the quest?] [Yes] [No]

"What? The quest is continued now? Better ask Makoro do he received too." Say Asada while getting out from the hot spring.


At Makoro office, Makoro accepted the quest appears infront of him,

"Finally the quest continues." Say Makoro, then Asada enter the office and ask

"Makoro, are you accept the quest?"

"Yes, I accept it." Say Makoro,

The quest appear infront of him,

[Quest accepted]

[Act 2 the hidden kingdom]

Balmain kingdom is a secret kindom that was created by the elves. This kingdom was inside the east forest where they guard the The Anflem's sacred tree. The tree create a barrier that hiding the tree. The king was a wise king that have 4 child. But the youngest one princess Tifa the most beloved child was captured by the ' Tamer hero'. Your mission is to find the Balmain kingdom. Using the key of Balmain kingdom to find and enter the Kingdom. Time 5 day before the mission failed.

"Well, my mission is to find the Balmain Kingdom. Your?" Ask Makoro,

"Mine was to escort the princess back to Balmain Kingdom. And the reward was pretty nice. The elves will give us special necklaces so we can comeback and pay them a visit." Say Asada, but Makoro reward is different where he can get around 60 elves as their army.

"Alright, you can go with you dragon. I will give you runway 02 to launch." Say Makoro while walking away from his office.

Asada confused by what just he say.


At upper dungeon floor 201 untill 205 was connected by a very large cave. At The edge each floor there was a cliff. A large walls with large holes in every floor. The holes is large enough for a military cargo plane to enter. At each floor there's two runway's for any type of aircrafts for take off and land. Only floor 201 that have air traffic control tower. The reason only floor 201 has air traffic control is because the runway position. The first 2 runway was a same with the tower while the other runway is right beside it but they order just like stairs. So, the floor 201 is the highest runway's and floor 205 is the lowest runway's. At the airfield, there a monster type Harpy live there. They're train to help in loading guns, armed bomb, and also they fly most of the planes.


"Why do you train them to become a pilot? They can fly you know." Ask Asada confused,

"I think that will be fun to train them as a pilot." Say Makoro, the Harpies crowded at Makoro and Asada. They asking about their performance, new pilot, fuels, and more.

"Absolute order! One at the time!" Shout Makoro, then after all the harpies satisfied Makoro allow Asada to leave.


"This is the air traffic control to Loki 001, copy?" Ask the air traffic control. Asada shocked and looking around where the sound come from.

"Asada! Put your thumb up! " shout Makoro, she put her thumb out and the air traffic control see it.

"Process to runway 002." Say the traffic control using a speaker. Asada moving Loki to runway 002.

"Alright master, we're here. What's next?" Ask Loki to Asada, she put her thumb up again and the air traffic control say,

"You are clear to take off."

Asada hold her saddle and Loki begun to launch himself. He soo fast and in matter of second he's already enter the hole. They suddenly teleported outside the dungeon right on the sky.

"Now, let's bring back princess Tifa home." Say Asada to Loki. They fly away to the Centurion Kingdom.


At Lenigard city, Merida was received a letter from the Duke of Aslwen.

"He's giving us a quest to explore the Anflem's world tree, adventurer star needed is between 3 - 10, every body can join, they will be regroup as expedition team from Lenigard and will be regroup with other city, number of adventurers can join is unlimited, reward 1000 golds." Say Merida, she write a announcement to the adventurer and put it on the billboard. All the adventurers saw the announcement and decided to join the expedition team.

"Yeah free gold! We're going rich boys! " Say the adventurers, Enermon looking at the quest suspect the quest.

"Are you going to, Enermon?" Ask Sella,

"No, the quest is too suspicious. I'm not going to join it." Say Enermon, some high adventurers also join the expedition team.

"Enermon, are you sure you not joining the expedition?" Ask a adventurer.

"No, the quest is too suspicious. And also I'm got a bad feeling about the quest." Say Enermon while drinking his beer.