
Dungeon of the great Dictator

After Makoro enter the class the whole class was taken to a new world called Anflem. Every body at his class with level 1, a status just like video games. But, Makoro got an garbage class with level 0. After he tried to live normal there he was trapped by his friend with false statements and hunted for his head. After running and fell at the deepest part of a dungeon. Now he must survive and get his revenge after he change his class as a dictator of the dungeon.

Overstorm872 · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

Agreement and the new Alliance

Saiga and Shaclen looked at Luna who was standing alone and watched them both while waiting for Makoro to finish making the agreement in his own room.

"There is a problem?" Luna asked the two of them,

"You're not an elf?" Shaclen asked because he felt something different when he met Luna, Shaclen had some friends who were elves and he knew the real smell of the elves,

"You smell elves but there are also other smells to you." Shaclen said,

"Right, I'm not an ordinary elf but mixed blood." Luna said, Saiga and Shaclen looked at each other.

"Why can a mixed blood person live with a master dungeon?" Shaclen asked, Luna was silent.

"Sorry, I seem to be asking too many questions." Shaclen said,

"He saved me. He opened my eyes and brought me back into the warm light."

Luna said, Shaclen and Saiga were confused about what she meant.

"What do you mean?" Saiga asked, when Saiga asked the question Makoro returned with a sheet of paper and a pen.

"Sorry for the long time. Because there are many considerations that I have to prepare so it takes a long time." Makoro said, then Saiga and Shaclen read the agreement that Makoro made,

"Ahem. Please read aloud so that I can also improve this agreement if there is an agreement that does not benefit you." Makoro said, Saiga read the agreement aloud.

"Wait a minute." Makoro said, Makoro pulled out a small black box,

"What is that?" Saiga said,

"Evidence that we agree or disagree with the agreement." Makoro said, Saiga read his agreement aloud,

"The alliance agreement with the Makoro dictator, first the Beastkin city of Gildea will help Makoro if he asks and Makoro will do the same thing. Second, the Beastkin will not be enslaved by the Makoro dictator but they must allow the Makoro dictator mining black liquid that is not needed by the Beastkin. Third, the Beastkin will be supported and allowed to study and use military facilities owned by the Makoro Dictator but the Beastkin must swear allegiance to Makoro and not side with the other party." Saiga said, Shaclen was disturbed by the third agreement, "What do you mean by swearing loyalty to you?" Shaclen asked,

"Swear allegiance that none of you dare to sell all of our equipment or try to rebel and overthrow my power as a dictator. Oh, sorry, errands. Dictator Makoro will not interfere in your political affairs. I forgot to write that matter." Makoro said,

"What about our kingdom? Are you going to take over Gildea?" Said Saiga, Makoro shook his head and said,

"No, it's only your business. The Kingdom of Gildea is in your hands, Queen Saiga. We will only be allies who will benefit each other. How-" Makoro said, then heard an explosion from inside the dungeon,

"Bill !!! What's this!" Makoro asked, Bill walked towards Makoro with a face full of black dust and which aura was very much.

"I'm sorry, Führer. The lab on the 276th floor is now experiencing some setbacks. Research on turning Mana into a fuel still seems impossible for us." Bill said, Makoro bit his thumb and murmured,

"How can they make tanks without fuel. Surely they are using something." Makoro murmured, Shaclen asked Makoro,

"What do you mean? You don't know why humans can make the same thing with you?" He asked Makoro, Makoro chuckled.

"Sorry, because here I am using a system from my old world. While in the world of Anflem, I lack understanding of all systems in this world. And because of the Greatest ambition skill where I can ignore the rules of this world so that I can do the impossible in this world. So I thought I didn't need to use this world system." Makoro said, Shaclen and Saiga were fascinated by the contents of a very unique lab and full of various things. Then Saiga and Shaclen saw several Homunculus and Harpy who had unloaded a Landboat. "Wait! Where did you get that thing!" Saiga asked in surprise, Makoro pointed his hand towards Alice,

"Alice is a Baba Yaga, Homunculus with Agent class." Makoro said, Luna explained to the two of them, Homunculus had a class when it was created. Their class consisted of the Assault class, the Agent class, the Recon class, the Raider class, the Scout class, the Tank hunter class, the pilot class, the seafarers classes which were still not needed and the classes weight. Class Agent is very good at gathering info and disguises and can carry out assassination missions to enemy leaders.

"Our Führer, we managed to gather a little useful data about this thing called Landboat." Said Riley handed over a paper.

"Let me ask. Why does this thing penetrate this Landboat made from pure Mithril?" Saiga asked while holding a Panzerfaust, Makoro looked at the data that Riley gave and laughed very hard.

"Want to know why? Because the Panzerfaust is not bound by the rules of this world. This landboat is made of pure Mithril isn't it? But look at this." Makoro said showing a number, "Mithril's thickness on the Landboat is only 40 mm. It is strong enough to withstand magic and hammer blows. While this Panzerfaust will penetrate it because it is designed to penetrate anything less than 140 mm." Makoro said, Shaclen still did not understand, "Then, why does Panzer still be able to penetrate a pure Mithril?" Shaclen said confused.

"It seems that because my skill greatest ambition make Panzerfaust ignored the metal type and only calculated the thickness of the iron. So Mithril was only considered ordinary thin iron by him." Makoro said while holding the Panzerfaust. Then smoke rose from the Landboat they managed to take.

"OI !!! STUPID !!! DON'T BROKEN THE ONLY INFORMATION WE HAVE!" shouted Riley, who was outside the Landboat. She immediately entered the Landboat and tried to extinguish the fire. Makoro immediately rushed there and checked what had happened.

"WHY DID YOU DESTROY THE OBJECTS!!" Makoro asked while holding his head in panic because the only information that was difficult to obtain would disappear in an instant.

"There seems to be some kind of security system on this thing! When we try to lift the engine for further study, the machine immediately melts and explodes!" Said a Homunculus in lab coat.

"My lord, look at this. Do you know anything about this scratch?" Asked the Homunculus in lab coat,

"I Fucking do know. It's not a scratch but a Kanji, and it's said 'Created by Chika Eiji." Said Makoro, "Do you know him?" Luna asked,

"Of course. How can I forget this bastard. She is a cunning woman who lives at the expense of every one of her friends around her. She always makes me a scapegoat who is always blamed and she increases her reputation by continuing to drop my good name with gossip and always good grades. If I'm not mistaken when she was summoned she got level 100 with a job as an Alchemist. " Makoro said, then Makoro realized something. "That is! She is an Alchemist. The reason she succeeded in making Landboat is because she is an alchemist. Saiga, Shaclen. Are there any of the rebels who have jobs as alchemists?" Makoro asked, Saiga answered, "Yes, they are very good at creating medicine and some magic stones." Saiga said.

"All right, wait, are you satisfied with the agreement?" Makoro asked,

"I think we are satisfied." Saiga said, he signed the letter and a magic flowed in the room.

"What was that?" Shaclen asked,

"This Agreement paper contains magic. If one of us violates the agreement then they will be subject to some kind of curse." Makoro said, Saiga and Shaclen were shocked.

"Why didn't you say that earlier?" Shaclen asked,

"I want to confirm what you are like. So that I don't have to slaughter you all like last time." Makoro said walking out of the Lab. "Slaughtering us all !? What did he say!" Shaclen asked in surprise. Luna tells the incident of the Balmain kingdom massacre. "We understand. So he is the reason why some elves lost their kingdom." Shaclen said,

"Stupid elves. They should have accepted him gracefully." Saiga said, then the two of them were ushered into a room with a magic circle directly below them. Luna waved their hands and said,

"May our alliance run more smoothly than our alliance with the kingdom of Balmain." Luna said, Saiga and Shaclen smiled and bowed. Then the three of them returned to the Rostli Desert.

The rebels who were waiting together with Makoro's troops began approaching the BRDM where Saiga and Shaclen entered. From inside Alice opened the door, Saiga and Shaclen came out of there then the Beastkin circled around them and asked various questions.

"Are you all well?"

"What happened there?"

"Did they do anything to you?"

"What happens after this?"

All these questions were posed to both of them. Then, Alice who was there shot into the air so that the crowd who continued to question the question excessively broke out in shock at the loud noise from Alice's shot.

"Calm my people. Thank you Alice." Saiga said soothing the shocked Beastkin.

"Rebels!!! I, as the queen representing the kingdom of Gildea, have made a deal with their leader! They will be happy to assist us in recapturing our kingdom! In return we must help them also in mining the black liquid." Saiga said in a tone full of charisma. All the rebels cheered and they clapped. Homunculus in tanks cheered too because now they are allies and comrades in arms.


Far in the vast and full of fertile grassland. There is a castle with a beautiful tower. From a distance, a man on a horse rushed towards the castle.

"News for His Majesty Bayle! News for His Majesty Bayle!" Shouted the horseman, the guards opened the gate and let him in. In the throne room the king was sitting and talking with a girl with purple hair. She wore a kind of lab coat and carried some kind of potion in his hand while demonstrating something. Then the messenger came in and cut their conversation,

"News for His Majesty! The rebellion in the city of Gildea has broken out! 3 small towns have fallen into the hands of the rebels! Ask for help from the kingdom to overcome the rebellion!" Said the messenger. But what started King Bayle became annoyed,

"You! How dare you disturb us who are talking about something important here!" Bayle said, "Forgive me Your Majesty but this-" as he spoke the girl in the lab coat said,

"Oh mister messenger, don't you know how important the conversation we are having here? We are talking about the future of this kingdom and you just bothered us." The girl said to the messenger,

"You are just a child, indeed you know nothing what about the future of this kingdom! Your Honor, listen to me-" when the messenger was about to talk again the girl in the lab coat threw the bottle in her hand and about the body of the messenger. The messenger's body slowly began to melt into a mush.

"What is this? Agh !!! Please !!! Stop !!! I don't want to die !!! I still have family to support !!! Agh !!!" He said to both of them,

"Oh really? I'm sorry. I don't know anything about parental responsibilities." She said to the messenger who melted into liquid.

"Penuslimun a liquid that I prepared. Looks like you will be my next mice." The girl said to a slave bound next to what she wanted to use as a melting pot test,

"Too bad we lost a soldier. You know that he can be of use to our military." Said King Bayle,

"I don't care, he sucks so it would be better to be an experimental ingredient in the destruction of this organic element." He told King Bayle, the Guard entered with a mop and began to clean the floor where the messenger melted.

"So what do you think of Miss Chika?" King Bayle asked Chika,

"You just send the Landboats, surely the rebels will be leveled to their roots. Send as much as you want. Besides, I've got everything I want." Chika said while holding a very beautiful crystal in her hand.

"Let's see how long you can ignite the fire of your rebellion?"