
Dungeon ME: Becoming a fantasy world

"Where am I?" "Who am i?" "Why... where the fuck is my body!" Waking up to a dark cave like space, he suddenly noticed that he was now a dungeon. He had no memory of his past life. Only certain knowledge of his past world were left. "I came from earth." His most prominent memories are of movies and fantasy novels. Now as a dungeon, his only wish was to... "I'll become a fantasy world!" ... In less than a hundred years, a certain dungeon that shook the world appeared. Young heroes and villains around the universe came to plunder this dungeon's riches. The arrived there seeking power and fame, but what they found was a world. A world where mages formed academies to teach magic, dragons kidnapped princesses for their own pleasure, colossal creatures roamed the land, angels descended to the world, demons tempted mortals and gods are worshipped. this was a world where strength rules above all. A fantasy world... ... And while these mortals enter the world seeking riches and fame, they did not know that above them, an ancient figure eyed their very souls. wishing to make them a part of him and never return. ...

BlackGoblin · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 4: dungeon mind

When he heard this, instead of fear of having a voice in his head, he was elated. If he had eye, he would be crying tears of joy.

"After so may years of slaving you finally come. The novels did not lie to me. You may be late, but at least you are here. My golden finger, my cheat! My system!"

[You seem to be mistaken host, I am not a system. I am a dungeon core.]


His tears of joy suddenly stopped.

"You aren't a system?"


"You don't have a store in you?"


"No system apace or somethings?"

[No. I am a dungeon core host, not a system.]

He looked at the glowing sun on the top of his body. He then realised where's the so called dungeon core was. It was the glowing blue creature that connected to his body.

"Then why do you sound like a system."

[This is how the host wishes for me to sound.]

"What do you mean?"

[I am now part of you. Anything I do is your will.]

"Are you saying that what you do is what i want you to do?"


"But, we are talking right now, doesn't that mean..."

[Yes, you are talking to yourself.]


[I am your second brain host. I am a part of you. You are me and I am you.]

"How is that possible?"

[I don't know.]

"Aren't you supposed to be smart."

[We are the same person remember? I only know what you know. I'm just smarter. Intelligence does not equal knowledge.]

"So you are my second smart brain?"


"Then why do you call me host? You sound like a parasite."

[I am a parasite. If you think of it in a way.]

"Aren't you supposed to disagree?"

[We are the same person. We just have different brains. So what you believe is what I believe.]

"This doesn't sound right. I feel like you are trying to trick me."

[We are currently two personalities of the same being. If you wnat me to prove it to you, just use me instead of you to think. We have the same consciousness with two brains. Because of this, our consciousness made two personalities. In order to stop this pointless conversation, you just have to merge our thought such that we think the same thing at the same time.]

"Oh, i see. But if you are me, why do you sound like a woman instead?"

[You want me to, remember? Although me and you are of the same consciousness, I am only treated as a sub brain. Meaning the first brain has full control. Although you don't know it, you are already unconsciously giving me orders. This is why I speak like this.]

"Then we should try and synchronise our brains then. Im curious how it works."


He then turned silent and felt around himself. Somewhere in his mind, he could feel a new part of him that wasn't there before. He felt as if he was squeezing right throw a hole, coming to a new... dome?

[Fuck! This is awesome!]

He felt his thinking process change greatly. It increases to whole other degree. Getting better faster and more efficient.

[Is this how using more than 10% of your brain feels like?]

It really felt weird to him. Yet it also felt natural. If before he was like a river, now he feels like a galaxy. This was of course just his thoughts.

[Speaking of which, is this theory true? I have heard before that the theory was only made to make a movie. Humans use a 100% percent of their brains is what everyone says. This may very well be true, but my latest knowledge seem to somewhat contradict that. The humans brain may be able to use 100% of its power, but it's only using a small percentage of its actual potential. Why would I say that, simply because the human brain does not use the most powerful part of it. The part that no mortal machinery can ever capture or sense. The human consciousness. The consciousness is part of the brain. It is the difference between man and animal. From the way I see It, the consciousness is truly what mortals have that make them special.]

He then started pulling information from his cluster of knowledge. He used this knowledge and proceed them together. Forming a suitable conjecture that may be true according to the information he has.

[For instance for as far as time could tell, mortals have always had gods to watch over them. They help and rule them and in exchange they pray to the gods. The gods receive their faith and grow in power. Why is this so? What can a mere mortal give to a god? The answer is simple, their spirit consciousness. Their consciousness hold the very secrets of the universe. And what does this faith that the gods wish so much for come from? The answer is simple. Even I as a dungeon depend on the power of mortals to gain power. When a dungeon eats a living being, they wish for one thing and one thing only. The spirit consciousness of mortal living beings. I then convert the consciousness to origin energy. The most powerful and dynamic form of energy. So now I wonder, if mortals have the power to wield their spirit consciousness properly and be able to use it to the fullest, how powerful would they be? Would they be similar to the movie and connect to the universe itself? Ah~ I have too little information, research on this topic may be necessary and worth while in the future...]

Then he suddenly felt a wave of pain was felt on a part of his body. His first brain stared hurting. He immediately stopped thinking and returned to using his first brain.

"One second," he said.

He used one second to start thinking of all that. Although it might have been something he would have thought of for a few minuets for his first brain, it only took a second for his second brain. From the looks of It, the thoughts that passed his mind at that moment were nothing but a simple thought he made in passing.

To his second brain, it was no different from reminding himself to eat at McXonalds later. Only a passing thought. But this so called passing thought may have very well grasped one of the secrets of the world. Although it was only a conjecture, it seemed like it was the truth to him.

"Thank goodness I got out of there quickly. I almost became smart."

If he had a head, he would be wiping off his sweat. From his memory, he has seen many people become more and more intelligent. With this growing intelligence, their face slowly loses their smile. They turn to thinking machines that don't seem to feel.

This thought terrified him. And not only him, there was even a movie in his mind about girl who cried when she got smarter in a short amount of time. She was afraid. Afraid that she was slowly turning into something she was not. Something that drives on logic and reason.

A machine.

He was once a human(probably). He was not logical and unreasonable. He likes that and wants it to stay that way.

"Ignorance is a bliss and what you don't know won't hurt you."

For him it was better to let Some one else do all the work. Knowledge can sometimes be a burden. A curse that hinders one for happiness. So he felt like it was not worth having if he was to become like that.

"Luckily, I now have a Someone to do it for me. Like that saying, 'the secretary does all the work while the boss does the secretary.' Isn't that right Secretary?"

[Yes host.]

"Wait a minute, since you are me and i am you. Who is doing who in this case? Wouldn't it be the same as me mast..."

He suddenly cringed. Although he was disgusted by his own thoughts, he was happy.

"Back to my usual stupid thoughts."

That of course stopped there. He then went back to business. Because he now has a serious problem in his hands.

Although he has to finished the making the dungeon core, the thing was useless. Not only that, it was now a part of him, so it's actions are more or less considered to be his actions.

There was a reason why dungeons don't just kill every creature that enters their body. Truth is, dungeons can actually do this. They have the power.

Ever wondered why a dungeon just doesn't spawn a monster on top of some adventurer's head? Instantly killing them without the trouble? Why they don't just put a pool of lava on the dungeon gate?

It's because they aren't allowed to.

In this world, there are certain laws that must be abided. These laws are called universal laws. They are the laws made by the universe itself. Breaking these law will accumulate karma.

Karma was not like depicted on earth. Instead of gaining negative karma from doing evil, you actually gain it by breaking the universe laws.

One of these laws was that gods or higher level beings must not Intervene in the mortal world.

Dungeons are even more restricted by this law. That means that although mortals may enter them, they aren't allowed to kill them. At least not directly.

The universe has another law.

Which was that beings should battle with beings of equal strength. If you just kill little bunny when you are a giant dragon for no reason, you gain negative karma. Of course, the negative karma is very negligible. But frequent breaking of this law can be fatal.

This law was probably why the demon king in novels doe not just fly over and kill the hero before he grows.

He of course now had this problem. Because the dungeon core a part of him, the negative karma it accumulates may pass on to him. So he can't use it to kill mortals.

As such, he now has a problem.

"I have no other template to make monsters."

He was putting all his hope on the dungeon core. Now that it has no combat power...

"I'm screwed."

[Not necessarily host.]
