
Dungeon ME: Becoming a fantasy world

"Where am I?" "Who am i?" "Why... where the fuck is my body!" Waking up to a dark cave like space, he suddenly noticed that he was now a dungeon. He had no memory of his past life. Only certain knowledge of his past world were left. "I came from earth." His most prominent memories are of movies and fantasy novels. Now as a dungeon, his only wish was to... "I'll become a fantasy world!" ... In less than a hundred years, a certain dungeon that shook the world appeared. Young heroes and villains around the universe came to plunder this dungeon's riches. The arrived there seeking power and fame, but what they found was a world. A world where mages formed academies to teach magic, dragons kidnapped princesses for their own pleasure, colossal creatures roamed the land, angels descended to the world, demons tempted mortals and gods are worshipped. this was a world where strength rules above all. A fantasy world... ... And while these mortals enter the world seeking riches and fame, they did not know that above them, an ancient figure eyed their very souls. wishing to make them a part of him and never return. ...

BlackGoblin · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 17: dungeon sea of conciousness

The queen shivered. The goblins turned restless. They wanted to rush out and help their queen, but...

They were afraid.

They were afraid of the queen being killed, they were afraid of dying.

The queen was also afraid. When in war with another horde, the princesses are usually taken and become mothers for the new horde. This was because female goblins are rare. But although princesses are spared, that was not the same for the queens. Because the goblins are usually very loyal to the queen, only by forcing them to submit would they be taken over. The easiest way was to kill their queen. Goblin's can be considered to be brave creatures, but they were not the vengeful type. With the orders of their queen, they will charge to certain doom, but once the queen is dead, they change leaders. That was why in wars it was always the case that...

The queen must die!

But the queen did not want to die. She was afraid of death. She wanted to fight back, but fear made her stay silent. At that moment, she felt conflicted. What do I do?

Die honorably or...

The queen knelt to the ground. Her body was shivering. She stopped pressing on her wound and pressed her head in the ground.

"Please don't kill me."

Shameful and quite humiliating, but it was her only chance.

"I'm willing to become your princess. Please let me live... my queen!"

Her words were spat out with hardship. She felt lump on her throat. It was the last two words that crumbled her tittle as queen. Even if she lives, without a doubt, the goblins won't see her the same way ever again.

She raised her head lightly, hoping to see the frown on Erka's face lessen. But she was devastated when she saw her frown deepen. Erka raised her spear and the queen despaired.

"No... Please!"


A sound was heard, the queen found that she was still alive. The spear did not stab her and her head was still attached to her shoulders. The spear had hit the ground and made a sound.

Erka had decided to spare her. The queen... No, the former queen was elated. But before she could show her pleasure, Erka cut her off.

"I don't need a princess."

The former queen was stunned. She looked at Erka and was not sure what her intentions were. If she does not need a princess, then why is he keeping her alive?

"But I do need a general?"

Silence followed...


What's that?


The day turned to night. The crickets went out to do what they did best. The fireflys made the forest a tad bit more mystical.

The night was quite chilly, and only a fire could make it alright.

As such, Zeno made a fire and cooked his newly caught prey.

An adult wyvern.

After eating its only thigh, Zeno was already full. Most of the meat was still there. The head, intestines and many other parts were still there. Zeno wanted to taste them all, but he was already full.

Zeno walked to the patch of grass not far away.


Zeno fell down to the grass. He looked to the sky and watched the starts. He was quite amazed by its beauty.

"Xera really did good job making the sky like that."

After living in this world for three days, he really saw how beautiful it is. Xera had worked hard to make the world similar to his past world. She even arranged 'stars' to twinkle in the sky.

He saw the glowing moon that was situated right in the middle of the world. Accompanied by the uncountable amount of stars, It looked so beautiful from afar.

"Ah... I miss Xera."

Zeno suddenly said. When he connected his brain to this body, he stopped using his original brain completely. His whole ego had used this body's brain only. As such, he was no longer able to talk to Xera. If he wants to talk to her again, he had to go back abandon control on this body and go back to his original brain.

"Should i go back?"

He was preparing to return to his original brain, when he suddenly had a thought.

"Wait a minute, Xera is a part of me. We are connected through our concsiousness. Because we have two diffetent egos, we can be distinguised as two beings but also one at the same time. So one can say we are no different from... paralle thoughts?"

Zeno searched his data base and found a viable method to connect to Xera without losing this body.

"Sea of conciousness."

Apparently, mortals(As well as gods) have a sea of conciousness. It was a space constructed by their thoughts and spirit consciousness.

In actuality, the 'space' isn't an actual space. Nothing can go inside other than thoughts and willpower. Many things inside can be constructed and even made to look like the real world. But this place was only a manifestation of thought. As such, it was no different t for a dream world.

"I can connect to our sea of consciousness and contact her."

Zeno closed his eyes and connected to his conciousness.



Zeno came to existance. His clothing and body was just a as he was back then. Green skinned, silver grey haired and wearing fur clothing.

"So this is what..."

He then paused. He looked at his surroundings and was stunned.

"Isn't this place supposed to be empty?"

Instead of the black and dark world he was expecting, the world was bright. The world...

"Was a library?"

Yes, the world could only he explained as a library. Rows and rows and rows and shelves were all he could see. The shelves were extended as far as he could see. So far that it seemed that even sky seemed like a simple line in his eyes.

The shelves were all aligned such that only two paths were present, left and right.

Between these shelves, small blue things seem to shift and move from another place towards the shelves. Zeno got a closer look at these things and found that they seem very much like...


They seemed like system panels from his past like. The ones he used to read about in novels and seen in manga. To those not known to manga and novel, then they could be known as game panels.

"Is this Xera's doing?"

One of these 'system panels' came closer towards him. The panel had many words and shapes on it. Not only that, the pictures seemed to change shape very quickly.

Then, the panel transformed.

The panel changed shape to form a book. The book passed Zeno and inserted itself right into the book shelf.

Zeno watched this unfold and was amazed.

"This is what my consciousness looks like? Why don't i know about it?"

He went closer and took one book for the shelf. The book read: Characteristic of raptors, volume 3.

When he opened he book, nothing special happened as he had thought. The book looked just like a normal book. The inside had the tittle of the book and the author.

Written by Xera.

On the first page, there was a picture of raptor. It had black scales and was draw with black ink only.

Out of Zeno's expectation, the raptor in the page actually started moving. The raptor looked back at Zeno and started to run at him. In the picture, the raptor was quite small, but it suddenly turned larger as it ran. Making it seem like it was getting closer!

Zeno turned anxious.

When the raptor took up most of the picture, Zeno closed it. But the raptor's scream could be head and the page refused to fully close. From the gap left over, Zeno could see a black nose and a pink tongue sticking out.


The book was closed and the library returned to it's silence.

"What the fuck was that?"

Zeno looked at the book and was shocked. What kind of book was that?

Zeno felt curious and skipped to the middle of the book. Since the raptor appeared why he opened the second page, then it was probably not going to appear if he opened a random page would it?

He opened the page and found many letters. There was no picture of the raptor, but there was a picture of an egg.

Below the picture was the description of the egg and and many information that were of no use to Zeno. The information describe the size, weights and number of layers a the egg had. The information was very detailed, as if it was not supposed to be read by humans. Well, if it was to be read by humans, only a genius born once in a thousand years may understand it.

If Zeno was using his original brain, he might have understood some of it, but with his current goblin head...


In fact, any further attempt to read and understand it may even damage his brain. So he might as well stop.

But before he could close the book, he got curious.

'Since the raptor in the book came to life, doesn't that mean...'

Zeno turned the book upside down. He looked at the egg in the book and was shocked that the egg grew bigger.


The egg hit the ground.

Zeno looked at the egg and then at the book. The egg was now no longer in the book. Only a blank yellowish space was left.

"My bad."

Luckily, the egg did not have a dead bird in it.

Zeno closed the book quickly. He was about to close the book when he heard a sound in his head.


A blue panel simillar to the ones that floated in the sky and turned to books appeared in front if him. When he touched the panel, his hand went right though it.

[You have received a message from Xera.]


[Would you like to hear the received message?]


Then another panel formed. The panel did not have any words on it. Only a white line was in the middle of the panel.

[Father, if you are hearing this, it means I have already been captured.]


The author is getting better~

I would first like to thank all who donated their power stones to this sick goblin... *snores*... my symptoms are getting better.

Anyway it seems we are now about to get intobone of the side stories... of the main story. This story will be part of Dungeon ME. I named it...

The forbidden library in my head.

This story is what I will use to show to future of the main story. [The Queen] story will not have many epic parts of magical interactions. What it will focus on is the change of the goblin race while showing its exotic culture. I'm not sure if everyone will love that, so I made this to show the far future...

I hope you all enjoy this...

Your author that wants to sleep.

Lazy goblin.


don't forget to comment, donate your powrstones. And most importantly...


I like hearing good things about me... maybe I might release a bonus chapter(of which I am too lazy to write)

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