
Dungeon ME: Becoming a fantasy world

"Where am I?" "Who am i?" "Why... where the fuck is my body!" Waking up to a dark cave like space, he suddenly noticed that he was now a dungeon. He had no memory of his past life. Only certain knowledge of his past world were left. "I came from earth." His most prominent memories are of movies and fantasy novels. Now as a dungeon, his only wish was to... "I'll become a fantasy world!" ... In less than a hundred years, a certain dungeon that shook the world appeared. Young heroes and villains around the universe came to plunder this dungeon's riches. The arrived there seeking power and fame, but what they found was a world. A world where mages formed academies to teach magic, dragons kidnapped princesses for their own pleasure, colossal creatures roamed the land, angels descended to the world, demons tempted mortals and gods are worshipped. this was a world where strength rules above all. A fantasy world... ... And while these mortals enter the world seeking riches and fame, they did not know that above them, an ancient figure eyed their very souls. wishing to make them a part of him and never return. ...

BlackGoblin · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 16: The Queen's bloody battle

She stood surrounded by the many trees. The blood that trickled down her spear and died her skin were a good proof of the many goblins that died by her hands. And if that was not enough, the three goblin corpses on the ground were. Her breath was haggard and showing great signs of fatigue, but even so, her hand still held tightly to the spear.

Many injuries covered her body. They wounds on her head and many parts of her body bled slowly. They blood mixed with the blood spilled by her enemies. Making her whole body bloody and terrifying. She looked like a demon from hell. A demon that has seen and tasted blood of millions, but still thirsts for more.

She held her spear with one hand and hit the ground with the bottom. She stood valiantly like a hero from some fantasy story. She looked at the trees as though she could see the goblins that hid behind them.

"Goblin queen!"

Her voice boomed. There was no magic to her voice, but when she spoke, the part of the forest turned quite. It was as if the very forest itself wished to hear what she wanted to say.

"There is no point in continuing this battle!"


There was no response to Erka's shout. But she knew her message was heard.

"If we continue, you are just going to lose more soldiers. Even if you defeat me, your horde will be left weakened afterwards."

For a moment, the forest was quiet. When Erka thought that she would not be responded like last time, a voice suddenly sounded within the canopy of a tree.

"Don't worry about that, you will soon be giving birth to more soldiers for me."

When Erka heard that, she did not get angry, but instead sneered.

"I don't think you will have time for that."

Erka then paused. No response can back, but she figured that the enemy must have been confused.

"I guess you do not known what happened to the BlackEvil horde."

"What about them?"

This time, a response was heard.

"Two days ago, one of the princess died and two escaped."

Erka said, although it was partly a lie, she wanted to use this to her advantage.

"What does that have to do with me."

"Don't you see? That means that the horde is now lacking in three princesses. Even if thet find the two runaway primcesses, there would be one short."

"Where are you going with this?"

"Do i need to spell it out to you. Who do you think they will find to replace the dead princess? From what i know, in the vacinity, your horde is the closest to the BlackEvil horde. I reckon they will come attacking soon. And if your horde wastes its power trying to stop me, not only will you lose to the BlackEvil horde, all the effort you used to get me would be rewarded to them."

"The forest is large, we can move elsewhere."

"That's where you are wrong. The forest is small. Which part isn't already someone else's territory? If you move blindly, you might start a war. A war your horde surely can't win."

"So you want us to let you go after you killed so many of our soldiers?"

"No. I propose a battle."

"A battle?"

"Yes, just you and me. The one who wins becomes queen. To make it fair, you will get no assistance from your horde."

"Why should i agree?"

Erka snickered. She looked mockingly at the tree.

"Are you telling me that a queen is afraid of an injured runaway princess? Such a coward. If you can't even subdue me with your own hands, then I don't think this horde will last long."

The forest turned silent.


A green skinned woman jumped down a tree. She looked at Erka with a deep frown. She was angered by Erka's words. But she believed that she was right. A lone princess just doesn't appear out of nowhere. She must have really been from the BlackEvil horde. Since what she said is true, then the horde might truly came for her.


She looked at Erka's weapon. The spear still shined even with blood stained on it.

...She Wanted Erka's weapon. She had seen the weapon in action not long ago. The spear was very tough and not like any other. Even with a single glance, she knows that this weapon is special. If she could get it, getting her horde to be as strong as the three main hordes would not just be a mere dream.

And since Erka is already so injured, it would not be hard to beat her. If she could not beat her even with an advantage, she herself would not feel good.

So she accepted Erka's challenge.

The two face each other.

The goblins appeared around them and formed a circle. About ten goblins held spears and clubs around them. They looked at the two women and were not sure what to do.

When Erka saw then all together, even she was slightly shaken. Although she is confident enough to kill every one of them alone, she could not guarantee she would be alive afterwards.

She looked at the queen in front of her. The queen had short hair and a large scar from her cheek towards near her eye. She was a few centimeters taller than Erka, but was not two meters tall like the Erka's mother. She did not choose a spear as a weapon like Erka, she instead used two hunting axes. They both had spikes at behind the blades. There were clearly made to stab straight into the prey.



The two charged at each other almost at the same time.

But the queen did something Erka do not expect.

She threw one of her axes. The axe whistled towards Erka. She reached quickly and managed to parry axe away. The axe embedded itself lightly to the ground.

But Erka did not focus on the axe any longer, for the queen was now in front of her!


The queen attacked with her other axe, Erka still managed to raise her spear horizontally to block. Whilst she did that, the queen kicked her abdomen. Erka stepped back to make some distance, but the queen would not allow her. The queen stepped foward and swung the axe. Erka brought the the tip of the spear closer and blocked the queen's next attack.

She then forced the spear head foward at the queen. The queen who saw this did not dare back away. Because if she did, the spear would be able to find her quickly. She used her left hand to hold the spear as well. But she did not intend to fight for the spear with Erka, she instead headbutt Erka with all her strength.


With the already deterring pain from the wounds on her head, Erka felt her head spin. The queen wanted to rise the axe and chop down on Erka, but was kicked in the stomach herself by Erka. The queen backed off unwillingly. Because of the pain in her head, Erka was not able to follow up in time. The queen did not insist on keeping the distance short. She jumped back immediately as she felt danger.

With new found distance between them, Erka charged to follow up her attack.

The queen suddenly stood and threw her axe again. Erka again parried the axe, but as it rebounded, it almost hit her eye. She looked at the queen to continue her attack, but was surprised to find that the queen had found the other axe.

Erka stopped. She was afraid that the queen would throw the other axe, but her fears luckily did not come true.

Then the two paused.

At that moment, the two took the time to process each others fighting styles. Using their own style to try and counter the others.

Of course, this did not take long. Only a few seconds passed and they charged at each other again.

Erka points sher spear foward. The the spear tip whooshed towards the queen. The queen used the axe to hit the spear and deflect it. She thought that Erka would not expect a retaliation like that. But when the axe came in contact with the spear, the axe handle broke.

Erka had held the spear tightly. The axe did not shake her hold at all. She held the spear so hard that it even broke the axe.

The spear flew past the broken axe and went towards the queen. The queen who saw the incoming attack, did her best to shift her body.

The spear cut through flesh, but luckily for the queen, the spear do not piece too far into her body. Although the would could not be considered a shallow wound, it was still not life threatening.

So the queen decisively did not stop. She charged foward and reached her hand to her back. She took out a small stone only a little bit smaller than her hand. The stone was not simple though, it was sharpened to terrfing degree.

The queen used the stone and stabbed towards Erka's stomach.


Blood dripped.

Erka resisted the urge to scream.

She ruthlessly headbutt the queen. This time, even the queen felt her head spin.


While the queen was still dazed, Erka continued and kicked her chest. Letting her fall to the ground. When the queen fell, Erka used the spear to hold herself up.

Her left hand dangled in freely. Blood covered her hand and dripped to the ground.

From the palm of her hand, a sharp stone that was embedded in her flesh. This was the stone that the queen had attacked her with. Although she had blocked the attack at the last second, her palm was now gravely injured because of it.

Erka forced herself to stand upright. She pulled the heavy spear and went closer to the queen. Before the queen to get up, the spear pointed at her face. The action said it's words clearly.

Move and you die!

"I win. Now I am queen."


The Author weeps~

In the past few days I was unable update the book due to personal issues.

I went to my doctor and it turned out my illness has relapsed. I have been battling this illness for many years now. earlier it had lessened due to proper medication.

it's a common illness called laziness.

due to this illness, the chapters may be late or delayed.

I received more bad news. it seems that I have another illness that has been dormant in my bloodstream. recently due to doing something other than reading ecchi novels, the illness became active.


As such, I might take time writing while I deal with my problems. I hope that my readers stay with me in this tough time. even with these tough illnesses, I will strive to reach the weekly quota.

my doctor has written me a prescription. apparently compliments and comments are able to lessen my symptoms. The doctor also said i must take ten power stones per day.

But your author is poor... please donate a some power stones if you have any...

yours poorly

The sick goblin.



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