
Dungeon ME: Becoming a fantasy world

"Where am I?" "Who am i?" "Why... where the fuck is my body!" Waking up to a dark cave like space, he suddenly noticed that he was now a dungeon. He had no memory of his past life. Only certain knowledge of his past world were left. "I came from earth." His most prominent memories are of movies and fantasy novels. Now as a dungeon, his only wish was to... "I'll become a fantasy world!" ... In less than a hundred years, a certain dungeon that shook the world appeared. Young heroes and villains around the universe came to plunder this dungeon's riches. The arrived there seeking power and fame, but what they found was a world. A world where mages formed academies to teach magic, dragons kidnapped princesses for their own pleasure, colossal creatures roamed the land, angels descended to the world, demons tempted mortals and gods are worshipped. this was a world where strength rules above all. A fantasy world... ... And while these mortals enter the world seeking riches and fame, they did not know that above them, an ancient figure eyed their very souls. wishing to make them a part of him and never return. ...

BlackGoblin · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 12: The Queen's betrayal

"Raal, don't you hate living like this? Don't you want to have more freedom? If we band together, we can get that. Mother is strong, but she is only one person."

That day when Raal heard that, she was happy. Not happy because she could be free as Erka said. But because she finally has something to make the queen give Erka's place to her. That day she agreed to all her plans. The plan to band all the princesses together and defeat the queen. Plans of how they were going to change the horde. But behind the scenes, she was gathering evidence. When she felt like it was enough, she approached the queen.

The queen did not waste any time. She beat down those who banded with Erka. She cut off the hands of those who didn't want to submit. Now their only job is to give birth to children for the horde.

Raal was terrified when she saw this. But still more or less expected this. The queen may be their mother, but she was not kind.

"Different? Im just another tool that you used differently. As long as i am under you, i will never gain freedom."

"And you want to gain that by killing your mother?"

"I have seen mothers before, you are not a mother!"

When she was done saying what is to be said, she turned and ran.

Erka was not so suicidal as to believe she could defeat two princesses with the queen with them. Even though she wanted revenge for kelmi, she won't avenge anyone if she is dead. Although the chances of her actually surviving are low, at least there is a chance.

"Catch her!" The roared. Every goblin obeyed the queen's orders. This includes even the goblins that were folllwing Erka. When these goblins went in front of her, Erka could not bring herself to kill them, she punched and kicked them away.

Soon, a battle started. Three princesses battled and blood spilled. By the time the last rays of the sun dimmed...

Erka had escaped.


"She escaped."

[It seems some of her karma had a hand in it.]

"She wouldn't have escaped of the queen interfered. Instead of killing someone that could be a problem in the future, an just let her run away. Why was that? Maybe her karma did have a hand in the queen's decision, a lot of her karma decreased. But she still has a good amount left over. I wonder what her story is going to end like."

[Karma can be directed by intent. Her karma may help her get revenge in the future.]

Zeno looked at the world. The many hordes spread across the land. As of current, there are three main hordes, BlackEvil, RedWyvern and EarthClaw. There were also smaller hordes across the land.

The major hordes have about 10 princesses while the smaller hordes have only two or three princesses.

"What if we direct her intent?"

[What do you mean father?]

"Well, since she has so much karma to spend, why don't we let her use it for our purpose? For instance, we can get her to try and learn how to go beyond her genetic limits. And if she succeeds, we can get new data from her body."

[That is a great idea father. But how are we supposed to get her to do what we want her to?]

"How else? We tell her to."

[But father, that might make us lose karma. As we would be going against the rules and meddling with mortal affairs. The goblins are now mortals, so changing them would be not be without repercussion. That is also why I have not interfered in their evolution for the last 100 years.]

"Yes I know, but in the dungeon, accumulation is halfed remember?"

[Even so...]

"We could also build a shield. Witha shield, we could cut it down by 30%. Leaving only 20%. And this 20% wouldnt even be much as we wont be doing anything overvoard. Its not like we are going to obliterate an entire race."

[If father so wishes, then i shall complie.]

"Now then, i think it's time we do something I've always wanted to do."


Her eye lids trembled. She slowly opened her eyes.

When Erka came to be, she found herself on the bank of the river. Even with her injuries, she tried to get up. Her eyes and mind got clearer and immediately as they did, she jumped.

In the corner of her eyes, she saw something touching her face.

With distance from the thing, she now had a clear view of what that thing was.

It was two meters tall and had gray skin. Its skin was very thing and likely to hinder even the sharpest of spears. It had beady black eyes that looked back at her curiously. It had two pairs of tusks that stuck out of its mouth. The tusks came out behind a large trunk.

On first glance, any human from earth would think, "elephant." But Erka was not from earth.

"Giant!" She said.

The 'Giant' got closer to her and raised its trunk. Erka immediately stopped being defensive and touched it.

"If a young giant is here, that means..."

She looked to the other side of the river and felt her breath be taken away from her.

There on the other side of the river, nine more 'giants' drank water. Unlike the one in front of Erka, eight of them were fully grown.

Unlike the two meter tall young giant, they we almost six meters tall. Their tusks were not small at all. Their two pairs if tusks stuck our and curved in front of them. The tasks instead of white were actually light blue. Their eyes were not black like the young one, but instead dark blue. Their gray skin was a lot tougher and a lot darker than the young one's.

As they stood near the river drinking water, a formless aura was covering them. Like an unlovable ancient creature. They had the aura of a mountain. Large, ancient and move by no ones orders. If the wyvern were at the top of the food chain, then these giants carried the food chain on their backs.

The young giant may seem more likes an elephant than an actual giant, but these fully grown giants truly deserved to be called Giants.

They dipped their trunks in the water. The water was sucked in and directed towards their mouths.

Although the giants saw Erka, they did not register her as a threat at all. Even though she was so close to their young one, they did not even flinch.

Erka watched these gigantic creatures with shining eyes. She has seen their splendor many times in the past, but every time they caught her breathless. The giants go around the world all year round without much pause. The only few times that they pause are when they are eating or when they are drinking water. The river cuts the world in two, so they only get to drink on the river twice a month. This was one of the two spots where they drink water.

Erka only has one chance every month of ever seeing them, so whenever the time comes for them to drink water, she patrols near the river.

Erka got closer to them without fear. These creature are well known in this world. Although they were large and had those menacing tusks, they were very much harmless. The were herbivores, so they never need to actually kill anyone. That is unless you don't consider all the trees they sometimes uproot as living.

When she got closer, she suddenly noticed that she could not see the other young giant.


A trunk full of water splashed on Erka. Erka was thus drenched. She looked at the river and saw a young giant even smaller than the one before in front of her. The giants was only 1.5 meters tall. She was of course taller than it.

Although she was now wet, she did not get annoyed at all. She instead got happier because an occuantance had appeared.

The young littel giant took another trunk full of water and prepared to squirt it all on Erka. But Erka was a step further than it. She reached her hands in the water and splashed it at the little giant.

After half an hour of playing with the littel giant, Erka was much happier than before. It was as though yesterdays events never happened.

The littel giant was then called over by its mother. It was time to go. The giants are a moving race, never to stop for too long at single place.

'If only my mother was like that.' She wished in her heart. She then sat on a stone near the river as she watched the giants leave.

"Beautiful aren't they?"

A voice suddenly came behind her. Just like before, she jumped and got in defensive position. She looked behind her and saw someone not far from her.

"No need to be so defensive."

He stood uprigh just like the goblins. His ears were pointy, just like the goblins. His skin was green, just like a goblin's. He wore clothes of fur just like a goblin.

But unlike a male goblin, he was tall. Unlike a male goblin, he had short silver hair. Unlike a male goblin, he was not ugly. All his features pointed out that he was female goblins, but Erka felt that he must be male. You could say he was a deformed male goblin, but all his deformities was not unpleasant to Erka.

"Who are you?"

The man did not answer her question. He just looked at the leaving group of giants. A smile was plastered on his handsome face. Thus smile made Erka's heart throb.

His gaze at the giants seemed to have a deeper meaning. A meaning Erka was unable to understand. A pleasant thought seemed to have drifted to his mind, sadly, no one can hear his thoughts.

'Fuuuuuck! I forgot about my identity!'
