
2nd Level

Max stood on the wall overlooking the goblin city. The dwarves had taken over the outpost but before them was the next challenge.

Thousands of goblins covered the 2 miles long cavern that separated them from the palace where the opposing Dungeon Master had shown himself. All the while large bullet ants were crawling down the walls to join the fight.

This was nothing like what Cotton described when he detailed the times he had cleared the second level.

Max didn't think the man had lied to him. This was most likely Hizon's plan.

When regular adventures entered the dungeon, they would defeat the first boss and then be led into a subsection of the second level where they would face stronger obstacles and then a second boss.

If they overcame the second boss, they would be given rewards and a pat on the back and then have to go back. According to Cotton, no one had ever found the dungeon core.

Max believed that it was possible that their current group had skipped to the second level and entered the third or perhaps this was a space that was saved on the second level and only ever opened for dungeon battles.

Even though the goblins were dying like flies under the attacks of the dwarves and elves, with their numbers it would take a long time for them to reach the palace on the opposite side of the cavern.

The dungeon battle was only able to last 24 hours, if he didn't collect the enemy's dungeon core before the time was up, the system would decide the winner.

Max had faith that if it came down to it, he would be declared the victor, but if it came to that then the rewards wouldn't be as great, and the Goblin Mines would still survive. That wasn't what he wanted. The enemy's dungeon core was what he desired.

DC had informed him that he would be able to take other dungeon cores and incorporate them into his own. He wanted to find out what that would do for him. It may make him able to implement his plans for the fifth level at a much cheaper cost.

Quin stood beside Max on the wall as the goblins fell to the hammers and axes before them. The earth wyrm had already entered the city and was going wild. The crappy wooden buildings offered little resistance as the beast tore through them and the goblin horde with ease.

Swords and spears clinked of its thick scales, not doing any damage. The bullet ants that approached were ripped apart by its sharp claws, but their mandibles were able to damage it in return.

The swordsman watched as the wyrm decimated the ants, but he knew it would eventually fall. Like most creatures with draconic blood, it had entered a frenzy and wasn't focused on defense, only killing and destroying those around it.

The wyrm would take a lot of their enemies down but it would eventually fall.

Broomer walked up the stairs to the wall and joined them while his troops slowly pushed forward, each dwarf and elf killed several goblins with each strike of their weapon but the enemies numbers were too large.

"I don't know if we will be able to reach the palace before we run out of time." The dwarf informed his boss.

"I was thinking the same." Max said.

Elroband spoke up. "We may be able to make a charge towards the palace and clear a path but there are too many heads to sever if you wish to clear out every goblin before we reach the other side."

Max considered his options. With his magic able to manipulate the very ground that surrounded them on all sides it was possible for him to kill a lot of goblins in a very short time, but he didn't have anywhere near enough mana to take care of everything.

"Perhaps we sneak ahead while the others keep the attention of the goblins." Quin said. When Max looked towards him, he explained. "To win the dungeon battle our dungeon master needs to claim the opposing core for himself. We have two ways of doing this. Either find the core wherever it is hidden and get it into his hand." He said while motioning to Max. "Or we kill the dungeon master. When the opposing dungeon master dies the core will leave its hiding place and drop from his body like a piece of loot. Then it is the same thing, we just need to get it into Max's hands."

Broomer nodded. "That may be easier than clearing the whole city. If I were to bet, I would say to core is in that palace and guarded by the dungeon master. If we can get in there and get it quickly, we don't have to worry about these little green shits."

"Max and I can get their the quickest. I doubt that there is anything in this dungeon that could even challenge us. If all goes well, we can be done before dinner time." Quin added.

"Is it wise for boss to go forward if he can drop the dungeon core on the off chance something unexpectedly claims his life."

Quin shook his head. "A dungeon master can only drop his dungeon core inside his own dungeon. If Max dies here, they will still have to return to his dungeon and find his core."

"Ah, then we have nothing to worry about." Boomer said. "I don't see these goblins ever getting past that group of rotting bones, let alone the many obstacles before that."

Max considered it. Anna may not be pleased with the decision, but so far, he hadn't seen anything here that caused him concern. And as much as she didn't want him to risk himself, she would be happier if this whole thing ended quicker right? At least that is what he was telling himself.

"Let's do it." Max said.

"Okay, we will make a lot of commotion here and hopefully you two can slip into the place unnoticed." Broomer said.

"Ready?" Quin asked.

Max nodded.

The 2 moved away at such speeds that to Broomer and Elroband it looked like they flicked away.

Elroband and Broomer were both incredible strong, but their stats were that of level 25 creatures. Their prowess came from their high number of skills and the fact that their proficiencies were maxed out for the level they were at.

The elf and dwarf nodded to each other before launching themselves into the melee that was happening before them.

"FOR CRAG DUNGEON!" Broomer roared while unleashing his dwarven might with an aura infused hammer swing. Striking the ground, every goblin withing 30 feet was blown away, never to get up again.




Max and Quin flickered across the rooftops on the outskirts of the cavern. It only took a few minutes for them to reach the opposite side. The only reason it took that long was because they didn't move in a straight line and only traveled in areas that contained no or small amounts of goblins.

Every set of eyes that did end up laying upon them had their lives quickly claimed.

The thousands of goblins in the city, along with the bullet ants had all congregated at the wall and outpost the dwarves and elves were defending. This left the far end of the city practically empty.

Approaching the palace, the pair saw that not everyone was fighting to dwarves. The hobgoblins in fine armor were keeping a lookout for sneak attacks, like they one Max and Quin were currently planning.

The swordsman and Dungeon Master both had high stats but neither had any stealth skills. Because of this, they agreed that instead of trying to slip past the guards they would just blitz through them.

Max was feeling both excited and nervous. The hobgoblins looked much stronger and were better equipped than the regular goblins. He may get a chance to really fight.

Engaging Phantom Strike, Max vanished and reappeared behind a guard.


While the guards head wasn't popped like a ballon, the force was still enough the snap his neck.

Max was instantly disappointed. The stunning strike only did a small amount of damage compared to one of his normal blows. It wasn't meant to do much harm at all, its purpose was to stun the enemy. If his move to stun killed the hobgoblin then his real attack would likely obliterate them.

He sighed and pushed forward.

Quin swung his sword that was sealed in its scabbard. The weapon that wasn't drawn had no problem decapitating any hobgoblin in their path.

The pair moved through the guards with ease as they made their way to the upper levels.

They entered a crude throne room but found the throne in question to be empty. Quickly glance around they saw a hobgoblin taller than the rest standing out on the balcony with his back towards them.

Hizon, the enemy Dungeon Master let out a sigh. "It appears I overestimated myself." He said while watching his goblins fall to the dwarves and elves at the opposite side of the cavern.

Quin held his weapon ready; he was prepared to strike in a moment's notice when Max walked out onto the balcony.

"Are you ready to fight?" Max asked while standing a few paces behind the hobgoblin.

Hizon turned around.

"What's the point. I know there is no use." He then tossed something Max.

Instinctively, he reached out and grabbed it. It looked identical to dungeon core Max had but the light that glowed from it was much duller.

[Crag Dungeon has defeated The Goblin Mines in the Dungeon Battle by claiming the opponent's dungeon core]

Max was disappointed by the lack of a challenging fight. Before he could say anything else he found himself back on the first level of his dungeon.

He saw the others that had entered into the Goblin mines had been returned as well.

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