
The Thing That Gives Strength

The year 2019, India.

In the city of Ludhiana, situated in the state of Punjab, traffic rules were hardly followed even when the traffic security has been increased due to the emergence of the dungeon two years ago.

But, little kids are always taught to be good, unaware of the fact that this naïve nature will bring them more harm than good. Such is the state of a young child wearing a yellow t-shirt with a smiley face imprinted on it alongside a contrasting blue knicker. He held a red balloon that was tied to a thread and ran along the footpath with an excited grin on his face.

Why wouldn't he be excited?

Today is his birthday and he has finally turned seven years old. Not only that, his favourite cousin is going to visit his house during his birthday party too. The kid kept on running until he saw a zebra crossing. He hurried along to go to the other side of the road because his house was built near the park that was next to the road.

The kid crossed the road according to the traffic rules, but he didn't know one thing. Even if he follows the rules, doesn't mean that others will too.


A loud horn sounded as everyone around the vicinity looked at the sudden commotion only to feel their hearts turn cold as their faces paled.

A sports class, white coloured range rover appeared in the vision of the kid as his mind blacked out. He stood still as the image of the hood of the car kept on increasing in size in the kid's pupils. The surrounding people looked on the scene in utter helplessness as none of them could reach the kid in time.

The driver's expression was fearful but it was not as intense as the desperate expression on the once jubilant kid's face. Everyone including the kid and the driver closed their eyes as they could only wait for the fatal impact to take the life of the poor kid.


As the car was skidding closer to the boy, everyone closed their eyes by instinct to avoid the brutal death of the kid, only to miss a black shadow swooping the frozen kid away.

The kid kept his eyes closed but noticed his expected impact didn't reach him yet, opening his eyes he finally realized that he wasn't in the middle of the road anymore. He opened his teary eyes to look at the face that he would never forget his entire life.


What appeared in his vision was a plump and fat guy with a pig like appearance, the boy felt horror looking at his saviour

The fatty grinned at the kid as he immediately stripped the boy. It turned out that the hero was a paedophile and wanted nothing more to fuck the little boy. But before he could do that, the angry mob beat him to death, giving him a chance to reincarnate.

(A/N: This was the first draft of the hero, but me and a friend changed it to match the expectation of the crowd….the above description is a joke as our Mc isn't some random paedophile….)

(E/N: Please don't mind our Author's joke, hahaha. And I had no hand on this, I'm not lying at all *sweats heavily*)


A chiselled jawed man with short black hair and a tanned skin.  His eyes held pitch black pupils as they enchanted the little kid. (A/N: You can't expect a white-skinned hero in India's heat and summer)

The 'Hero' smiled and ruffled the fortunate child's hair.

Everyone realised too that the kid had survived a certain demise as they looked at the new arrival with respect and awe.

"Are you alright?", the youth asked the kid.

The kid could only nod in a dazed manner.

At this time, the driver stopped his car to berate the kid for his carelessness, but as he looked at the youth's clothes, he gulped before taking off in his car again. The youth sensed all of this but didn't take any action. The surrounding people were a little stunned as they also noticed the sign on the youth's back.

They gulped a little as they started retreating. The youth didn't mind any of this as he kept on consoling the crying kid but he wasn't getting anywhere close to calm the fortunate child. His eyes glowed with an idea as the silver ring on the middle finger of his right hand shined, materialising a magazine miraculously.

The 'Hero' had a grin on his face as he started his counselling session for the child. He opened a page of magazine revealing the image of a very beautiful woman with creamy white skin wearing a black skimpy bikini. The threads could barely hold the tiny pieces of clothing on her humongous assets. But, there was one thing wrong with this image. It was a drawing!!!

"Oi, oi, look here. This girl has such a nice body, right? Here, take this page and remember what I am going to say. Always remember that when you feel lonely, Hentai will be your true friend. Search the word on the internet when you are 12 years old. And here, take this too, this is the basic strength manual that you will be taught at the age of ten, but you can start practising it at the age of 8. Oh, and don't tell your parents about me or the picture I am giving you. And remember the word Hentai, it will give you strength when you need it the most. If you want to find me, start practising the manual in secret and you can meet me again in the Dungeon. I am Raghav Verma of the Upbringing Sect."

Giving the kid a basic manual was nothing important because the cultivation of the body is already a compulsory matter in the society, the 'Hero' merely gave him a head start.

The kid was very focused after having his first near-death experience, something rare to see in a child. He quickly memorized the word 'Hentai', tucked away the photo of the beautiful 2-d big sister in two-piece clothing and hid the 10-page manual in his pockets.

He looked on as he saw his Hero walk away.

'Raghav Verma, Dungeon, Upbringing Sect.', he quickly memorized his name as he had already left by now.


"Phew, saved in time. I would feel pretty bad if that cute kid died under the wheels. So system, how many points do I get to affect that kid's mind.", Raghav spoke to himself as he made way towards his destination.

"Host has affected the mind of a 7-year-old towards the thoughts of lust, earning a total of 25 points. You have a grand total of 65 system points."

Raghav flinched a little as he complained, " Hey don't make it sound so bad. I just saved him and to allow him to move on from his traumatic experience, he had to watch Hentai to comfort himself."

Raghav tried to make himself sound as righteous as possible but he was only met with the cold silence of the system which was not even inclined to snort in derision.

As Raghav moved towards his destination, he met a number of unlucky people.

First, a kid was going to be trampled under a car. Next, a pretty woman was going to be smashed under the iron bars near a construction site. Heck, he even saved a stray dog from running under the Legendary Truck-san. While he converted the mind of kid towards lust, he could only have the pretty woman feel smitten towards himself, earning a total of 15 points, bringing him to the grand total of 80 points.

Even though he ran through a chain of misfortune, Raghav felt happy as he earned a lot in a single day. He remembered that he wasn't even allowed to leave his room until he became eligible to enter the dungeon. So he wasn't able to use the mystic abilities of the system fully. His only friend in his times of true loneliness was Hentai.

He kept running for full 15 minutes before arriving at his destination.

He looked at the tallest tower of the city with happiness and entered the building named 'Dungeon Tower' in quick steps.

here is my discord channel for some exclusive stuff...like my bad drawings of Eio.




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