
First Beast

There are some rules when one enters the dungeon. First, the Adventurer cannot leave the dungeon for at least 3 days after entering a floor in the dungeon.

Second, the Adventurers are always transported to the periphery of the floor when they enter a new floor for the first time.

Third, the Adventurers can leave the dungeon floor after three days by commanding the dungeon system. But, there will be a one day period of cool down before the Adventurers can be teleported back to the dungeon. Of course, they will be teleported to the location they originally went away from.

It is also said that most of the Adventurers have shifted inside the dungeon permanently and return to Earth for vacations only.

When one enters the dungeon for the first time, they cannot bring any weapons with them, which pose a problem for newbies. But there are many cities on the dungeon floor that are well built. Of course, there are no electrical appliances inside the dungeon because of lack of electricity but many technologies like mobile phones are still brought here. This allows the ease in recording things.

Many Adventurers also buy the digital map of a floor and store them in their mobile phones. This allows them to adventure inside the dungeon in relative ease.

But there are some exceptions to this rule like a newbie can bring a weapon that has been found in the dungeon itself during his first transportation.

Raghav looked around the forest for a bit and sat down near the tree. He was supposed to meet the other members of his sect in the central city on the floor of the dungeon, but now, he had to look into the system.

"System, what happened back there?"

He asked mentally but didn't get an answer.

"System, can you talk? Answer me."

Raghav couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. This system was quite different from his imagination. It clearly wasn't a sentimental being but it did give out a message during his challenge.

'Wait, I have to explore the commands myself? This only means two things for now. First, this system does not have any intelligence or second, it hasn't reached a suitable environment to show its intellect.'

Personally, Raghav was willing to believe the latter. The system clearly activated on its own. This could prove that it has a bit of consciousness to observe its surrounding.

'Hmm, System. Show me my stats.'

"Sigh, no reply? It doesn't even show my stats?"

He only shook his head.

"Dungeon, show my stats."


Alias: The Pervert

Class:    —

Body Level: —

Level: 1 (0/100)

Ability: Four Spirit Summoning- E


This was the basic stats function provided to all the Adventurers in the dungeon. But this stats did not include the cultivation of the cultivators until later.

But Raghav felt depressed because of the fact that he still couldn't utilise his own system till now. He just shook his head and got up.


The moment he got up, he suddenly heard rustling in the surrounding and immediately tensed his muscles, ready to strike at any moment.




Just in front of him, a light blue slime monster jumped in front of him and quickly hid behind him and stayed near his feet. Raghav was going to attack it, but another monster appeared in front of him.

It was a metre long ant. Its body was larger than a wolf and its body was covered in an inky black exoskeleton. The antlers on its head were equipped with spikes that shined a purple.

"Hmm, Venom Ant?"

Raghav already knew about the various creatures appearing on the dungeon floors. This Venom Ant had a hard shell around its body and the poison on its antler could kill regular adventures in mere moments.

Of course, they had some deficiencies like slow speed and low sensory abilities. But no Adventurer scorned them because of the fact that the corpse of the Venom Ant releases a smell that allows other ants of the pack to arrive at the location within mere minutes.

The Dungeon is a treacherous place and this situation would mostly mean the death of a newbie adventurer who has just arrived here.

But Raghav is different from newbies. He is a rare genius of the sect that is regarded as one of the top three sects on Earth.

His palms started giving off a white lustre and he started approaching the venom ant.

An excited smile touched his face as he looked at the Venom Ant. The Slime remained at the back and its body didn't move, as if it was looking at Raghav.

The ant clearly sensed Raghav's position as it's antlers swayed towards his direction. The ant also started moving towards Raghav slowly while spikes emerged on it's legs. The spikes on the antlers were completely purple by now.

When both of them were more than five metres apart, the ant suddenly rushed towards Raghav and a horrible scream emerged from its mouth.

Raghav remained still as his eyes shined silver, his right hand moved towards the rushing ant and made a swipe at it's neck.

"Swordless Art: Slash"

His palms cut the head of the ant from its body without any suspense. The body of the ant writhed for a while and slowly calmed down and lay on the ground without any movement.

<A Venom Ant killed. You have earned 1% xp>

Raghav looked at the body of the ant and quickly collected the head and body of the ant inside his storage ring.

After completing his actions, he immediately left from the location because a whole tide of the venom ants would be appearing soon enough. As he travelled in the forest, the blue slime kept on following him without any hesitation.

Raghav stopped and looked at the harmless slime and furrowed his brows.

"Go away.", he made a waving gesture, but it only lead the slime to get closer to him.


A/N: Hey guys, I have my final exams starting from 3 December to 20 December. I will be updating the chapters but it will be irregular. Sorry in advance.

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