

Raghav entered the room as he was told and found himself in a small room that could be hardly described neatly. Stacks of papers lay on the floor as he kept on hearing the 'tuc tuc' sound of someone tapping the desk. He looked ahead and saw a middle-aged man with caramel skin like the beauty, but he was much duller and he also wore a round pair of glasses on top of his eyes. His hair, unlike other Indians, it was pure white in colour and he currently had his right hand massaging his forehead as he typed on a laser keyboard that was projected on his desk.

A blue holographic screen was right in front of his face, showing the encrypted letters that the man kept on typing on his laser keyboard. Raghav observed his surroundings as he saw that this room was particularly small and dull compared to the beautiful lobby he had arrived from. More documents could be seen lying on the man's desk as he didn't even bother looking at Raghav for the upcoming procedure.

"Uhm" Raghav cleared his throat a little to get the man's attention but failed miserably.

"UHHMMMM" Raghav cleared his throat with much more force this time and he finally managed to gain the attention of the eccentric man much to his annoyance.

"What?" He spoke sharply and took his glasses off. At the same time, Raghav felt a strange pressure envelop his entire being, but before his entire body was drowned in the strange pressure, the man put on his glasses back as he let out an amused and strange smile.

"Heh, you have a lot of catching up to do."

His words caused Raghav to frown as he had already met two experts in such a small city.

"Alright, put your hand on this plate and let me complete the rest of procedure." the man spoke out as he took out a small metal plate with an outline of the right hand and quickly connected it to a box placed beside the desk. Raghav made his way towards the desk carefully and tried not to touch any of the documents laying on the floor.

He quickly arrived near the sorry excuse of a desk and quickly placed his right hand on the plate as he felt the cold touch of the metal through his palm. But the feeling was short lived as he felt a pinch on his palm and wanted to take his hands off immediately.

"Don't worry, it's just a needle pricking your palm."

The man spoke out and explained it to Raghav. After a minute, he was allowed to take his hands off as he looked at the centre of his palm with a minuscule scratch while the metal plate remained the same.

Meanwhile, the man started tapping on his desk and another holographic window popped out that showed two colours along with some strange characters.

Raghav and the man looked at the Red and blue colour and the man quickly printed out another document.

"Are you related to any Cultivation Sect?"

"Yes, I am a Core Disciple of the Upbringing Sect." Raghav spoke out and took out his grey medallion once again.

"Hoho, how lucky. Well? Do you want to apply for the emergency license or collect it the day after tomorrow?"

The eccentric man's words sounded very annoying to Raghav's ear, leading him to take a deep breath.

"I want to apply for the emergency license."

"Hmm, ok. Take this paper to the receptionist."

Raghav flinched as he understood that the man avoided using the name of the receptionist with a scheme behind his mind as his chestnut brown hairs flashed for a moment. Raghav had an annoyed smile on his face and took the paper before leaving the room.

"How unique. Such a high affinity for two opposing elements and his affinity for fire seems to be stronger than the High-tier affinity. Truly a talent." The man let out a brief smile before he started typing on his laser keyboard again.

Meanwhile, Raghav took the paper to the exotic beauty and handed it to her. She then stored the document in a big file as she took out a black box from a drawer. She opened the box revealing a Dull Silver Medallion with a black dot on its surface. Alongside the medallion, there were three black spherical objects in the box.

"Here you go. An Iron Taming Badge alongside the customary amount of Taming Coins. This will be a total of 230,000 rupees."

Raghav took the box and stored it inside his ring and took out his credit card and handed it to the 'Receptionist'. After the payment was handled, she smiled at Raghav.

"Thank you for your patronage."

Her professional smile cause Raghav's lips to twitch continuously as he felt a sense of defeat against this beauty who could move her waist like a snake.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be back."

He said before leaving in defeat.

He entered the elevator and tapped on the fortieth floor. Since he had already prepared everything, it was time to travel to the Dungeon and start his adventure.


The elevator quickly reached the fortieth floor and revealed a large lobby filled with people. They were all Adventurers that transferred to the dungeon from this teleporter and there was even a special line for the first-timers.

Raghav was amazed to see so many people dressed in medieval armours and equipped with sword and staffs. But his mood quickly dampened because the females weren't dressed in the legendary 'skimpy' armour at all. If not the same, they were even more stacked up than their male counterparts. Even the mages that were supposed to be dressed in low-neck clothes with a large hat and supposed to have a heaven-defying bosom didn't appear in this group of people.

He let out a depressed sigh as he joined the group of newbies and quickly arrived at a large platform with a circle imprinted on it. The circle had some more details and many incomprehensible letters were etched on the platform. Besides the platform was a large White Stone that kept on glowing and let out a wisp of grey smoke every once in a while.

"Hello, this is your first time and you still haven't obtained your dungeon cards yet. So this transportation will be free of cost as next time you will be required to pay 1 Dungeon Point to use the teleportation services. Now please start stepping on to the magic circle one by one." A smiling man in a green outfit spoke out as he let the newbies step on the teleportation circle one by one.

The moment they reached the centre of the circle, the man would touch the white stone that led the runes on the magic circle to shine and Teleporting the youth to the dungeon. Of course, to the naked eyes, the youth that stepped on the centre of the circle simply vanished into thin air.

Soon, it was Raghav's turn as he stepped onto the circle and neared the centre of teleportation circle. When he reached the centre, he felt a strange movement in the air and his vision changed suddenly.

Instead of the floor filled with people, he was now floating in a strange place with a single golden cloud in front of his face.

Hello people. I hope you like the new chapter.

Broughtwaorldcreators' thoughts