
Ch 5: Moving In

Late in the afternoon around 6 PM in the southwest of Roya City in one of the many apartments, there's a family of three opening boxes and moving things all over the place. It looks like they are just moving in.

While looking through the boxes one of them found a little box in a bigger box mark as 'private'. Looking around to see if anyone was there to find no one she opens the box.

Nora: "I wonder what my little Shin is hiding. Hehe~"

Opening the box she found pictures and magazine all about dungeon explorers. Seeing this she was a little disappointed and complained about something under her breath.

That was until she notices most of the pictures are of a girl with silver hair and blue eyes like her son.

Nora: "Oh seems like he isn't that helpless. And he has some good eyes.

This girl seems familiar and knowing his hobbies she's probably a dungeon broadcaster he watches. Let's see if I can find more about her before he comes back."

Nora then started to look through the magazine to find a news article on [Blue Fang] and the silver hair girl is in a picture along other members with there information. From the article it seems the girl goes by [Moon Fang Rose] a [A Rank] explorer and her real name is Rose Vahl, there is also a three years age gap between them.

Nora had to once again agree with her son choice in women as this girl Rose was a good catch.

While lost in her thoughts she hears that someone is coming so in a fit of panic she put everything away. When she saw that it was her husband Jet she then relaxed and called him over.

Nora: "Jet honey, I found something interesting about our son."

Jet: "Really what is it?"

Nora: "It looks like he has an eye on a girl who seems to be working in [Blue Fang]."

Jet: "Do you know anything about her?"

Nora: "Not really but her name is Rose Vahl."

Jet: "Rose Vahl... Oh, I think she's one of the daughters of the current [Blue Fang] president Rick Vahl.

If I'm not wrong she's a big dungeon broadcast star along with her team members they call themselves [The Fang Sisters] and they have many fans, mostly girl though."

Nora: "Honey why do you know so much about her?"

Jet: "I know because Shin keeps asking me to pick up dungeon magazines. I read them before I give them to him at times and she's in most of them. Maybe I should have been playing more attention.

Also, I know a thing or two on the stars of the dungeon world not just about her."

Nora: "Oh, and here I'm thinking your eyes were wandering off from me."

Jet: "I wouldn't your so beautiful Nora that my eyes can't be wandering around."

Nora: "Okay~ Wheres Shin?"

Jet: "Shin left outside for a bit. With most of his stuff put away, I told him to greet his neighbors."

Nora: "Okay then let's finish up. I want to troll him when he's back."

Jet: "... Good luck my boy."

As the two of them were putting away the rest of Shin's belongings, Shin was knocking on the doors of his neighbors on his floor. While he was knocking on the doors he finds that no one's coming to open the door. It seems like everyone was out or not answering. Giving up to see his neighbors Shin was walking back to his apartment until he heard a door open next to him.

Looking who open the door it was a girl around 5'4 with short unkempt black hair that turns red midway, wearing thick glasses making it impossible to see her eyes, with a cute round face and is wearing yellow pajamas.

It looks like Shin woke her up when he was knocking on the doors and she came out to see who was at her door.

Shin: "Hello there I'm Shin Draco, your new neighbor. I live next door."

???: "A new neighbor? Hi, I'm Redda Goulerd. Why are you knocking on the doors?"

Shin: "I was trying to greet everyone on this floor to introduce myself."

Redda: "Oh, that won't work because we are the only ones living on this floor."

Shin: "Why? Isn't finding living space in Roya City hard. It took me a month to find this place. How can there be empty rooms in this apartment building?"

Redda: "That because I own all the rooms on this floor but yours."

Shin: "Why did you do that?"

Redda: "Storage."

Shin: "... I don't know what to say."

Redda: "Then don't say anything. Can you go now? I still want to sleep some more."

Shin: "... Sure goodbye."

Redda: "Goodbye."

After saying goodbye Redda closed the door. This made Shin a little sad because it seems like his new and only neighbor doesn't really like him. He didn't know what to do so with his head hang low Shin walked back to his room.

But on Redda side things are playing out differently than Shin would have expected.

Redda: "That Shin guy was handsome better looking than the last person who lived here. He also seems to be attracted to me, after all, he keeps looking at my face like that and it makes my heart beat fast.

Is this love at first sight? No that couldn't be it or could it be?

I should get closer to him and maybe I'll know what I'm feeling for sure. If it really is love then it's perfect. I just need to get my hands on him and make my feeling known.

How should move? I probably should get to know him first. Also, I should follow him around to see how he acts. I need to think about this some other time I still need to sleep."

While she was talking to herself back at Shin apartment room he was being trolled by his mother. After his mother trolling, that his father had to stop, Shin has finally moved into Roya City.