
Ch 3: Going Away Party

After driving for five hours they finally got back home. By the time they reached home, the sun just went down, the street lights just turn on, and all the houses in the neighborhood lights were off.

Shin found it odd that the houses lights were off after all at this time of day people were still up. His mother seeing his face laugh a bit looking at her husband with a knowing smile. Getting off the car they walk up the stairs to the front door of there house.

Nora suddenly put her hands on top of Shin's eyes while Jet opened the door.

Shin: "What are you doing mom!?"

Nora: "Haha, you'll see in a bit. Let's walk into the house we have a surprise for you."

Shin: "What's the surprise?"

Nora: "Won't tell just get in."

Walking into the house Nora remove her hand from Shin's eyes. When he felt his mother hand left his head he opens his eyes and in front of him, he can see all his neighbors and people he knows in the living room looking back at him. Seeing him open his eyes with a confused face everyone started to laugh. Shin father then started to speak next to him.

Jet: "Ha~, slow as ever I see. This is your going away party."

Shin: "But, wasn't it post to be tomorrow?"

Jet: "Son, this is the surprise your mom was talking about. Come on go and enjoy the party."

Shin: "Oh, okay."

After speaking Jet patted his son back. Leaving his mother and father, his parents started to greet everyone having small talk with them. While they were doing that Shin moves to a group of people around his age talking to each other. In that group, there a pair of twins wearing identical sailor outfits. They are waving their hands to him calling him over, seeing this Shin walk up to them.

The twins are 5'1 have pink-red hair, red eyes, and cute faces with some baby fat still on them. You really can't tell the difference between them but if you look closely you can see one had little bumps on her chest. They are Jay and Ray son and daughter, a pair of twins name Nora and Harry. Nora was named after Shin's mother while Harry was named after a character in an old book Ray like back in his childhood. They always wear similar outfits because of Jay claiming that they look identical so they need to dress identically. Because of Jay ideas on how twin should be raise had caused both of them to develop an odd mentality. They act and talk as one, share the same ideas and never part with one another more than five feet most of the time.

They also believe and claim that they share one soul, life, and gender that is female. The reason they believe this is because they are gifted with the skill of [Gemini].

[Gemini] is a gift found in twins only. Most of the time this skill is found in identical twins. In non-identical twins, it will make them look similar to one and another as much as possible with just some slight differences. It also makes users share what their counterpart feels and if trained they can talk to one and another through thoughts.

Most of the time this skill is dormant until the users are twelve but for Nora and Harry, it was active scene birth making them more bonded than the usual [Gemini] users. This also made their skill became mutated, making them share everything from their five senses, pain, pleasure, feeling, memories and thoughts.

This wouldn't cause that much problems for them if they were treated as different people but because of their mother treating them as one and the same then another mutation happened to the skill once more. By the time it was noticed that their skill was mutated twice and unable to control it they already became one person unable to recognize each other as another person.

Because of the way they turn out people find them creepy like they are characters from a horror movie, most people try to avoid them after meeting not wanting to get involved with them. But there are people who treat Nora and Harry normally and even became friends with them.

Shin who grew up with them sees them as his little sisters while they see him as a big brother as well.

Well, that was before the twins learned about the bird and the bees. They started to see Shin as a possible lover not too long ago and try to make Shin see them like one as well. But it's not an easy thing to do after seeing them as little sisters for so long.

After walking up to the twins Shin could see a sad expression on their faces.

Shin: "Hey, how are you two?"

Twins: "We are fine, Shin. But do you really have to move out? We'll be lonely without you around. Who will play with us?"

Shin: "Yes, it's part of the contract to live near one of its branches to give them drops and to gather explorer teams as fast of possible. Also, you have friends other than me so you won't be that lonely, and it's not like I'll be moving that far away. I can come and visit at any time or you can come and visit me."

Twins: "Really~ We can visit any time."

Shin: "Yes but call me first before you come. You never know I might be in a dungeon raid or something coming up that day."

Twins: "Sure thing~"

Seeing the twins happy they talked some more. After a long time, the party seems about to end Jet seeing this started to try and get everyone attention on him by clapping his hands. After a bit, everyone stopped what they were and started to look at him seeing this Jet clear his throat, as what he's going to say is important.

Jet: "Everyone can I have your attention, please. As you know my son Shin is going to move out tomorrow and going to join [Blue Fang] as an explorer. This is an important step and milestone in his life. There many things I want to say but won't because I'll just embarrass him and he doesn't want that. Like who wants to hear how he cried in his first day in school not wanting to leave his mommy or how he broke his hand falling off the bed after telling him not to jump on it.

Well, I will keep this short I can see him pouting from here. My wife and I are proud of our son who grew up strong, smart and handsome. Even if he's slow, unsociable and can't find his way around anywhere without help.

Now before we tonight party, we have a gift in hope that it'll help him in his future."

Saying that he takes out a black box from his pocket. The box showed a silver pocket watch on it and the words [Dungeon Helper V8] across it.

[Dungeon Helper] is an item made to help dungeon explorer with an A.I. and many apps installed in it. There are many helpful apps program into them such as [Power Tracker], [Dungeon Time Tracker], [Map], and many more.

The [Dungeon Helper V8] that Jet and Nora got for Shin was a silver pocket watch version and said to come with a sweet and beautiful looking woman in her early 20 A.I. avatar on it. Everyone is surprised that they got him one because they were not cheap.

The [Dungeon Helper V8] isn't the newest version, in fact, it's one of the oldest one out there that's still being sold but it is still wasn't something anyone can buy on a whim.

Seeing the gift Shin was grateful for his parents as this item was a must have for dungeon explorers. He walks to his father and hugged him and his mother tightly. After they hugged he put the box into his pocket for safekeeping after that he spent the rest of the party with them.

When the party was over Shin says his goodbye to the visitors with his parents. When the last person left Shin got back into his room to sleep in it one more time before he moves out.