
Dungeon Break In Real Life

[Notice] Welcome Welcome new player! Your world is currently being ravaged by monsters. You have been given the ability to combat these monsters! Good luck! Kaiden is a freshman in college. He used to be a hardcore gamer until he decided to turn his life around. Being accepted into college, he expected to make a few friends, but did he expect a dungeon break? Did he expect to make a life-changing decision? Did he expect this decision would cost someone's life? Of course not. how would he approach these new challenges? update: I will put more thought into it on the next arc or volume, the early chapter is a bit messy but that's because I lazily write while laying down. i will take it seriously in the next arc lol. im thinking of reworking this novel now that i (kinda lol) know what to do. i still have the story fresh somewhere so im going to at least fininsh it. before that, i have short work im working on so, it might slow down a bit.

Cero_Sir · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Full Reset


I have woken up, in my room, illuminated by the sun through my window.

I woke up in a cold sweat as if I just had a nightmare.

That's a weird experience. It felt so real but I'm not sure if it is. It doesn't feel like it's me who was standing in that void.

Now that I'm here, my head is filled with questions. But I should entertain that thought for now.

[ Status: Kaiden ]

[ Special Skill: The will of a cat ( Lvl: MAX ) ]( Usage: 8/9 ) ( Refill in: 72 hours )

Level: 1

STR: 2

DEF: 2

DEX: 3

SPD: 4

END: 1

INT: 3

LCK: 5

The time it take to refill my skill has tripled. They nerf it huh. Even though the level is maxed, I guess it's fair. I just need to be more careful.

My stat however is fully reset, must've been because I gained it from having 2 special skill.

How about my skill and magic?

[ Skill ] ( 0/1 ) ( ! )


[ Magic ] ( - ) ( ! )

Um... What? This is new.

[ You can only learn up to 1 skill for now. Increase your Endurance to increase the capacity ]

Just 1?! Crap, that's not good. I mean, it's a good way to not make another monster like Gabriel, but it might be hard for me to survive the college raid.

My magic however...

[ You're unable to learn any magic. Increase your intelligence in order to learn magic ]

I don't need magic this early, so this is not an issue.

The System Shop is also a bit different.

[ Shop ] ( Coin: 0 ) ( System Point: 0 ) ( ! )

[ Skill ]

[ Magic ]

[ Armoury ]

[ System Point: This point is use to gain skill and magic ]

They changed the way to gain a skill using System Point instead if Coin, probably because it's easy to get Coin from killing monsters.

The Weapon, Armour and Item section is now put together, and no longer have that stupid limited choices of stuff.

The same can't be said on the others.

Checking the Skill shop, there's only one skill available. The Flicker, and it cost 10 Point.

That's not good, I would prefer Danger Sense or other passive skill since it takes no mana to use.

There's use to be a lot of skill to purchase early on, but they changed it.

Looks like I have no other choice but to just run away. Kinda impossible to fight monster with my current stat and skill.

I also need to be more of how many live I have left since it takes more time to refill it.

... Huh, where's my mom? Shouldn't she wakes me up by this time.

What time is it anyway.

...8 AM? That's... 1 hours before I get to college.

Is this what it mean by updating the current timeline? So they have the power to do this.

But why?

Well, I'm not going to find the answer anyway.

It's the God or whoever made the System work, there's no way I would understand even if I know. Let's just did some preparation.


Something completely new has been added to the System.

[ Side quest ] ( Accept? Y/N )

Go to College.

Reward: 3 Stat Points

When my mom tells me it's about time for me to go, this screen appeared.

I guess Side Quest is added now. No doubt Main Quest is also added.

It's also optional to accept it. I'm glad it wasn't forced.

The system is definitely felt more refined now, but I started to wonder, what's the cost? I mean, it's common knowledge right?

For example, when big game studio released an incomplete game filled with bugs and glitches, it would put them in a bad light and they lost a few players, fans and money.

In some instances, even when they fixed the game, it will still suffer from having a bad start.

So I'm wondering, what did it cost to fixed the System? Those time when I was confined wasn't for no reason. Those multiple failed attempts to update is also worrying. Why did it fail so much? What did they wanted to add and what prevent them?

There's more questions being made instead of answers.

I shouldn't worry about it too much.

Anyway, I'm on my way to college, still thinking if doing so is the best choice. But after further thinking, it's the best one I had.

Since I have no means of fighting back, I could rely on Russell and the rest. If I led them properly, they won't met their previous fate.

Having a head start is helping, I have bought some canned food and drinks before this and put them in my inventory. Used up all my money but I doubt it will be of any use for some time in the future.

I also made the hard decision to... "Borrow" a machete from the local gardening store.

I have done what I could.

[ Side quest ] ( Accepted )

Go to College.

Reward: 3 Stat Points