
Dungeon Break In Real Life

[Notice] Welcome Welcome new player! Your world is currently being ravaged by monsters. You have been given the ability to combat these monsters! Good luck! Kaiden is a freshman in college. He used to be a hardcore gamer until he decided to turn his life around. Being accepted into college, he expected to make a few friends, but did he expect a dungeon break? Did he expect to make a life-changing decision? Did he expect this decision would cost someone's life? Of course not. how would he approach these new challenges? update: I will put more thought into it on the next arc or volume, the early chapter is a bit messy but that's because I lazily write while laying down. i will take it seriously in the next arc lol. im thinking of reworking this novel now that i (kinda lol) know what to do. i still have the story fresh somewhere so im going to at least fininsh it. before that, i have short work im working on so, it might slow down a bit.

Cero_Sir · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Bus Ride

A bus just arrived outside of the campus gate. The goblins guarding it is just staring, not doing anything.

The bus door is slowly opening, but before it's fully open, a guy wearing a cap came out and slashed the nearest goblin using a sword. He was so fast the goblin barely had time to react. It doesn't look like he's using Flicker, he's just that fast!

From the bus window, something that looks like a bow is sticking out. It shot the goblin that was about to stab me with a spear.

"Stand up, let's go!"

Terry lifted me and drag me to the bus with speed I couldn't keep up, making me stumbling on my steps. Even so, I tried my best to not fall again.

The guy who was dealing with the goblin ahead suddenly ran behind us. The sounds of goblin cry could be heard, I guess a goblin is about to reach us.

We entered the bus while the sword guy fending off the goblins close by.

"Is there anyone else!?" A lady, who seems to be a teacher and the driver asked us with a worried face.

"We don't know, we haven't met anyone else inside!"

"... I see. RYAN! THAT'S ALL OF EM!"

"What?! Are you sure?!"

"We got someone injured dummy! There's also so many of them here! We need to get out here!" A short hair girl in a school uniform who's also the one with the bow, yelled as she's almost runs out of arrow.

"Err... Fine!"

The sword guy, whose name is Ryan, entered with a sour face while kicking a goblin nearing the door.

We drove away, leaving the hell that is once our campus.


"Are you guys ok?"

"Yea.. well, he got an arrow in him and that's all the injured"

"Thanks Terry"

"Here, bit this"

The bow girl handed me a handkerchief... Don't tell me.

"Are you going to pull it out?"

"Yea, don't worry about it, we got a healer"

That still doesn't sound good. I might not be able to take the pain!

"Can I at least have something to ease the pain?"

"We don't have any painkiller on us"

"What about the Shop? Is there anything?"

I'm getting desperate. I never had any pain experience that could match pulling an arrow out of me, I might cry and piss myself for all i know.

"There's the antidote, but we don't have any coins left, so you have to man it up ok?"

Lord have mercy

"Alice, be ready"

Another girl showed up. She's wearing an oversize hoodie and a glasses. She's cute, maybe I could distract the pain if she's around, I hope.


"You ready man?"

"Never in my life I would be ready for this"

"I'm going to make it quick, don't worry. It doesn't look like the arrow has an iron tip, just sharpen stick, how lucky"

She grab the arrow and put a hand on my neck. Seems like she's going to pull the arrow and push my body at the same time. I'm biting the handkerchief and eased my body, hopping it will end quickly.

[ Notice ]


[ You manage to survive an impossible situation despite your weakness through many lucky event ! You have been given the aspect "Luck" to increase your chances of survival ! Good luck ! ]

Luck? Wha-




"M- Minor Heal!"

As soon as the hooded girl touched me, the pain goes away almost instantly.

"Damn, that such a scary scream you let out"

What did you think?!

"Are you ok Kaiden?"

"Huff.. huff.... Yea, it's getting better. Holy sh*t that's suck"

"I bet"

"Um, are you guys heading somewhere?" Rebecca asked.

"The military managed to secure a football stadium on the northern city and turn it into a temporary shelter. We're planning on heading there while helping people on the street. Then we realize we are nearing your campus and think the military already taking action on making it a shelter. Looks like we are wrong"

"It actually wasn't long after the goblin started to swarms the place" I added

"We can tell, there's less monsters here than other places"

"Other places? Aren't this event happen recently?"

"What do you mean? It's been 3 hours or more since the first reported attacked"

3 hours?!

"Uhh... Mission status!"

[ Mission: Survive ]

[ Survive for 60 minutes ]

( 28/60 minutes )

[ Reward: 60 gold coin ]

It hasn't been an hour for us...

"No way... But everything was fine this morning!"

"I know, it happend out of nowhere."

"... I guess the event occurred differently for some of us"

"Seems like it"

"Are you guys together when this happened?"

"Kinda, me and that girl who heal you attend the same girl only school, she's my friend and her father is the one with the sword. He's one of the security in that school. The driver is our teacher and the rest is the people we helped"

The rest? Looking at the back of the bus, there's several passengers. 3 men, an elderly couple, two children and another male student wearing a different uniform, obviously.

"Where's the childrens parent?"

"... They're an orphan, they were sneaking out before the attack happen"

"Oh... That's... What are you going to do with them?"

"... I don't know. Hand them to the military i guess, much safer than being with us"


"Kaiden right? I'm Hana, sorry if I'm a bit rough with the arrow earlier"

"Oh, yea, don't worry about it. Thanks btw"

"You're welcome"


I almost forgot.


[ Status: Kaiden ]

[ Fatigue: 75 ]

[ Level: 1 ]

[ STR: 2 ]

[ DEF: 2 ]

[ DEX: 3 ]

[ SPD: 4 ]

[ END: 1 ]

[ INT: 3 ]

[ LCK: 5 ]

Luck huh, I'm indeed lucky. Even I can't believe I survive that whole ordeal with this stupid stats.

Looks like I still can gain other stat or aspect that I didn't have at the start. But how did i got it? For luck, I had to be consistently lucky to gain it.

I guess being exposed to an event related to certain aspect will increase the chances of gaining said aspect.

Maybe, if I keep running and rest over and over, I might gain Vitality. Wait, that's sounds like a way to increase Endurance. Hmm.... Getting hurt then let it recover naturally perhaps? Sounds haunting.

Then how would someone gain Speed aspect? Why did I have it to begin with? Because I'm light? There's so much questions I can't figure out.

"Yo Kaiden, wanna see something cool?" Terry said, sitting beside me.

"What is it?"

[ Status: Terry ]

[ Fatigue: 46 ]

[ Level: 2 ]

[ STR: 4 ]

[ DEF: 3 ]

[ DEX: 6 ] ( +1 )

[ SPD: 7 ] ( +1 )

[ END: 7 ]

[ VIT: 6 ]

[ INT: 5 ] ( +1 )

"You're level 2?!"

"Hell yeah! my Speed, Intelligence and Dexterity went up by 1 too!"

"Hm? Why didn't all of them went up?"


That's strange... Shouldn't all of them went up?

"Rebecca, did you leveled up?"

"I was about to show actually"

[ Status: Rebecca ]

[ Fatigue: 47 ]

[ Level: 2 ]

[ STR: 4 ]

[ DEF: 3 ]

[ DEX: 4 ]

[ END: 3 ]

[ VIT: 5 ]

[ INT: 9 ] ( +2 )

[ WIS: 9 ] ( +1 )

"But we didn't kill any goblin, why did it went up?"

"It suppose to went up if we kill something?"

"That's how it works in video games"

"I don't think this is the same as the one you've been playing"

I see, it's totally a different mechanic. I need to learn more about it...


I stood up from my seat, gather up some courage and walk towards the people who saved us.

"Hana right? Can I ask you something?"

She looked up, surprised by the sudden approach, and so does Ryan, the sword guy and his daughter. The seat on her left has her bow sitting on it, while Ryan and his daughter is sitting together behind her, accompanying both seats.

"About what?"

"The system"