

Dani was gasping for air, she looked around with alarmed eyes, she had lost them....

They only lived a few handle full of houses apart, but since she was young, she could not remember what house exactly. Suddenly she heard a door slam, and she whipped her head towards the sound in time to see the house her uncle had taken her sister in.

She winced in pain as she stumbled towards the house.

Rebecca was flung into a room, and the door was locked.

Dani dashed inside, and heard Rebecca screaming and crying. She ran to the door and screamed her sisters name so loud that her voice became raspy. She tightened her small fists and pounded on the door repeatedly, kicking, and slamming her tiny frame onto the door like what she had seen superhero's do in tv. No matter what she did she couldn't open up the door. She broke down in exhaustion and all she could do was tremble in fear as her sisters shrieks sent shivers down her spine.

All of a sudden in a split second the door was swung open, and Rebecca came stumbling out. Her hair was messed up, and her clothes stretched out. Her eyes were puffy and red. She couldn't talk anymore, because she had lost her voice. Rebecca was trembling, but despite that she tugged on Dani's hand and tried to run with her.

Dani was then ripped out of Rebecca's reach and flung into the room she was in before. The door was then locked.

Dani was flung onto the bed, and he pressed own on her like a concrete wall. She couldn't move, and she struggled to breath. She was gasping for air, but couldn't even move! She was petrified! He then pulled down her pants, and rubbed himself against her. Gripping her scratching hands above her head. Dani heard Rebecca pounding on the door. Dani started to sob even louder. He shoved his weight onto her, he was feeling her, and slammed her mouth shut.

Dani then sank her teeth into his hand. He gripped her hands even harder making her cry out in pain.

Dani:"mami! Maaaa!"

He then yanked her arm, pulling her off the bed, and swung open the door. Rebecca was sobbing in fear and tried to grab on to her sister, but instead he yanked her too. He held them both close to him, and threatened them.

Antonio:"if you tell your mom, I'll kill her, and I'll kill your dad too! You got that! So shut up! Don't even think about telling anyone! Okay?!.....OKAY!!?" He shook them violently and gripped their chin's to make sure they were traumatized by him, to make sure they believed him. To make them shut up.

It worked. They were scared to death, and their mouths sealed by fear.

Somehow in some hazy moment, they were back home. How? It was unclear, and too quick to even remember.

Dani had no more tears to cry, she felt relieved to be back home, and it had all happed so fast it felt like a nightmare. A dream. They still didn't know what had happened, and couldn't even wrap their little minds around such an event.

Rebecca was traumatized, she was only five and couldn't comprehend anything, only that she felt like it was her fault. She had opened the door. And she had failed to protect Dani, whom she loved dearly. These were her thoughts. She felt guilty, and shriveled up in despear.

Rebecca:"uwahhhh.... waaaaaa!!!!!...lil sis..... I'm sorry...I'm SORRY!!!! I couldn't help you, I'm sorryyyyyyy...sister, I'm soryyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!" Her little body trembled as she held onto Dani. And their small body's sank into the floor. The both of them, alone. In a silent house.

No one would even imagine what had happened to them. They only thought that they had been playing in the park, and had probably fallen off a slide or a swing. Even if they had told someone, they were too young to even explain what had happened. To scared to even speak.

There are more traumatizing events in this story, so please be aware. WARNING ⚠️ please be aware. Also, please leave a comment if my writing and grammar is understandable. If not I will change it, but I will not know unless given a heads-up. Thank you!

Lord_AmyEsmecreators' thoughts