
Dull Sky

I hate the sky. It’s just empty. I wonder why people liked to look at the sky. They say it’s relaxing,beautiful and blabla-. When I look at it, I get bored easily and it somehow irritates me sometimes. Why is it? Eugene sometimes thought that his life is empty. Other might look at his life and think otherwise. But somehow he feels that way and it concerns him. Thus a few events led him to a change of heart. But he wonders. Would his suicidal thoughts ever go away somehow?

Sonnetica · Realistic
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9 Chs


I like the walk to school. Since I live in a city, the journey to my school is mostly surrounded with buildings and houses.

I spend a lot of my time looking down. I don't like looking in front that much as it takes a toll on my neck. And partly because I don't like making eye contacts or looking at the sky.

Lately, I've contemplated a lot about my life when I'm walking to school. Some might say the way i live is fun. I also think that too. But in the corner of my heart, I have a despise of my daily routine as it becomes problematic and repetitive.

Anyway after 15 or so minutes of walking I arrived at the school gate. It's currently 8.07 a.m so I am by no mean late.

After changing my outdoor shoes to the school shoes I started walking towards my class located at the 2nd floor of Block C.

The school is somewhat big so walking to my class is bothersome to me.

Upon arriving at my class, I opened the door and walked towards my seat. I settled down in my seat and took out my phone.

The class won't start in a while so I'm gonna take this time to play my phone. I also took out my earbuds and plug it in my ears.

I'm not really comfortable with other people hearing what I'm seeing.

Currently there's only like half of the class present as it's actually quite early.

As I was absorbed in my phone, more students start to come in and filled the class. It started getting rowdy with conversations.

"Eugene, did you join Dani and the others last night?" One guy came up to me and asked a question. His name is Yulian.

"Nah. They did invite me but I wanted to stay at my room."

"Damn. What do you even do in your room. You probably just watched porn all night."

"My ass… Anyway I'll join next time if I feel like it."

"Yeah you should. They looked like they had a blast last night."

"You sound like you wanna join them."

"I kind of want to but I'm not really close with them."

"lol just ask them."

"Like hell man."


I let out a light laugh before I start focusing back on my phone as I tried to end the conversation there.

Yulian start walking back to his seat. There is 7 minutes left before the first class. I finished whatever I have left to do with my phone quickly before putting it back in my pocket and brought out my textbooks.

After I finished preparing the Math teacher walked in and we started the class.

Thus the classes went on until around 11 a.m for lunch break.

As break just started I started walking to the canteen to eat. After I bought my food I walked towards an empty seat beside a few of my friends.

Then I brought out my phone. There is a message notification from my mom.

I wonder what it is. I checked the message and there it is.

'Hello Eugene.

Are you doing well there.

For your information, there will be a guest moving in our apartment with you. My friend asked me a favor to and her kid is actually from your school and in the same year as you.

So make sure you clean up a bit and make sure to help the move in.'

I stared at the screen for a few seconds before typing a reply.



There's someone moving in? It is comfortable with me alone though.

It is understandable since it was our second house and before I moved there, my parents rented it to whoever.

But after I moved in they haven't take in any guests.

Well that is up until now.

I turned off the phone and put it on the table and continued eating.

I didn't really focus on the table's conversation so I don't know jackshit what they're talking about right now.

I finished my food quickly and washed my hands before walking back to class.

The thing about the guest is bugging me a bit.

But well the next class started and I didn't try to think much of it. Thus school went on until afternoon.