
Dull Sky

I hate the sky. It’s just empty. I wonder why people liked to look at the sky. They say it’s relaxing,beautiful and blabla-. When I look at it, I get bored easily and it somehow irritates me sometimes. Why is it? Eugene sometimes thought that his life is empty. Other might look at his life and think otherwise. But somehow he feels that way and it concerns him. Thus a few events led him to a change of heart. But he wonders. Would his suicidal thoughts ever go away somehow?

Sonnetica · Realistic
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Night Life


The sound of notification rang.

I wonder what is it?

I searched my phone around the bed to look at it. When I opened the screen, the brightness irritated my eyes a bit as the room is currently dark.

I lowered the brightness and started going through my phone.

There's not really much messages. Just some group chats and people liking my insta story.

I cleared notifications one by one then a message caught my attention. It was from Sasha.

I read the message and it was about leftover food or something. Well that's nice of her since I'm quite hungry now.

She sent that message 3 hours ago. I've slept for about 6 hours since it's 11 in the night.

I washed my face in the bathroom then went out of my room. The living room's empty so she is currently in her room right now.

I walked towards the kitchen and found a pot with pasta inside. It looked nice so I heat it up before eating it.


I just finished washing the dishes after eating the pasta.

I went back to my room and took a few things such as wallet and the apartment key. I also put on a deodorant to make myslef smell good.

Then I put on my glasses and wore my sneakers before going out of the apartment.

My friend asked me to accompany him skate earlier. It's been 30 minutes since he invited me but who cares.

I walked through the city and after 5 minutes or so, I arrived at a skate park.

It's still bright as there's a few people skating right now. I walked closer and searched for my friend.

Ah- there he is.

I easily recognized that midget look of my friend.

He's still skating around and then he tried to do a kickflip but failed.

"Fuck, you're trash." I said while standing nearby.

"Oi shit, you try it." He replied seemingly provoked.

"Nuh uh."

He picked up his skateboard and walked towards me.

"Why were you so late?" He asked.

"I just woke up."

"The fuck why do you wake up at night."

"Cause I sleep at evening lmao."

"Your shitty sleep schedule man~"

"Have you played long? Are you gonna stop already?"

"Nah I'm going to play for a bit longer. I'm gonna rest for a while though."

"Really? Then you go rest. Let me skate a bit."

I asked him to lend me his skateboard and he gave me it.

Then I skated around for a bit.

"You're ass." Said the midget.

"Chill bitch." I replied.

Seems like he's trying to get back on me for earlier.

I then handed him his skateboard and he went to skate. In the meanwhile I played with my phone and took a few pictures.

I tried to take a really good picture since I wanted to post it on my story.

After a few shots, I got a nice one and proceeded to post it on my story. Then I just scrolled around my insta.

After 20 minutes or so. My friend was done skating so we are currently inside a fast food restaurant beside the skatepark.

He said he was really hungry so I just followed him but since I was already full I only ordered a drink.

We talked a lot throughout he's eating.

This guy is Finn. He's the same year as me. We've been friends since elementary school and although we went to different middle and high schools, we were still close as we live close by.

I'd say that he is one of my closest friends. There's also 2 more of my close friend but they're not here as they can't go out at night especially on school days.

We then walked around the city for a few minutes before started walking back to our homes.

I really like hanging out at night. The surroundings seems more at peace.

Especially in the city where it's usually busy. The night is quite empty while also being a bit lively.

I parted way with my friend. He only lives like 5 minutes a way from me while the other two lives much closer to me.

Anyway I started walking alone. I stared at the surrounding while walking. I can do that at this time because there's no people to exchange eye contact with.

That's why I like the night.