

Darkness once said to the Light "Let us play a game ,once more my dear friend" They dusted off the chessboard and resumed the long forgotten game of pawns and kings, queens and knights..... and human lives. (Hate is very welcome by the way)

Bit_son · Fantasy
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72 Chs

The quest to begin with 9

„better late than never"

-you know this feels weird when you have to say it again – Aries remarked her.

- maybe a little. But hey, it is true at least-

-That's not helping at all – Damon still cleaning the blood.

-You don`t talk until you`re finished –

-Yes ma`am –

-So lets see this … mmm one goblin head… -She looked in the bag.

-Oh that's interesting. And a half of a goblin head –

-Wait what? New guys brought something like this ? – someone from the lobby came up the table.

Older than them, but still quite young man in light leather-iron armor.

Looked like a prime example for a advertisement for the guild.

Not fully shaved, hair in shambles.

Gloves, some guards here and there, pouches and knives on the belt.

No prime weapon on him though.

~looks like a professional ~ first word in Aries`s mind.

~looks like a dumbass ~first word in Damon`s mind.

~looks hot ~ first word in the secretary`s mind.

~I look hot ~first word in the guys mind.

-Let me see that. – He grabbed the sliced goblin skull and begun examining it.

-Hmmm. Clean cut. Where`s the rest of it –

-Umm you really expect us to drag the body here? -\

-No no , the rest of the head.-

-I am not so sure about that. To be honest. –

-hm okey then – guy threw the head back in.

– So then, how did you … get yourself in this shape my guy.

Damon stopped cleaning .

- Im sorry, since when are we on "my guy' terms – ready to cause a rumble

- Oh, so sad. The lil baby man got himself a little boo boo – annoying voice everyone knows.

-Enough –

Second adventurer came from behind.


A lot bigger.

-quit bothering the new guys Finn. –

-oh come on, I was starting to have fun with them.-

Giant raised an eyebrow

-Okey fine. Whatever. – hands in pockets and left.

-You`ll get used to him – big boy said.

-Is he like this to everyone?-

Aries tilted to see ,"Finn" as he was named, behind the large guy.

-No, just to the new guys. Or the guys he don`t like. Or someone who makes fun of him-

-Anyone else?-

-mmmm probably. But don`t worry , to everyone else he`s pretty chill.

Anyways, I guess you`re finally in huh? How`s the mission? How many did you get. –

Big guys head was incredibly close.

Which is weird, taking in the height difference between him and Aries.

So close that Aries started sweating and backed up a bit.

-It went almost perfectly. We got in, killed three goblins, found the problem source and got out.-

-I see that "almost" hurt quite , didn`t it. – Stinged right into the shoulder.

-Yeah. That could have been avoided. –

<Smiled broadly > -he he . I`ll see you around then… guys? Boys? –

He started to think what to call them.

-just Damon is fine –

-Good to know. I`m Arron by the way. Your friend there ( is he alright, he seems scared)- whispering

-He is fine. I think. ~let`s hope so ~

-Hi there, I`m Arron and that ruckus maker was Finn. If you`re not answering me, you`ll stay as

"the new guy" for a while –

Aries stood up.

-No thanks. I prefer to be Aries.-