
Dual System: Ascension of A Nameless Nobody

WPC #256 - Magic, Gold Winner -- Jeong-Hui, a teenager with no accomplishments in life, spends his days in solitude, living alone and gaming most of the day. That is, until a world-shaking revelation descended on Earth. The one proclaiming to be "God" informed humanity of their failure as a species, and that Armageddon would begin. However, as a means of giving those worthy of continuing on a chance, "God" introduced the "Armageddon Game", bestowing a special system onto every person of the world. The system grants each player the abilities of Angels, reminiscent of an RPG as experience, stats, and level-ups are all present. Though, as a person who lived a unfulfilling life as a lowlife and a coward, he begins his journey as the bottom-of-the-barrel start: level one. Those who reach level twenty within the six month time period will be allowed access into "The Tower"--however, what awaits in the mysterious, heavenly tower is unknown. Not intending to die after living a failed life, Jeong-Hui strives to reach the Tower, using his knowledge as a MMORPG player to ascend. As an assassin-class and a martial artist class, he utilizes both the "Angel System", widely available to humanity, and another, unique system available only to himself to combat the trials in the way of his journey. -- Want to support me? You can do so here! --> https://ko-fi.com/delzgb DISCORD: https://discord.gg/ph6qfFknqe --WARNING-- This story shows depictions of extremely graphic events. If you're adverse to traumatizing events, gore, death, and such things, this might not be the novel for you. Otherwise, please enjoy!

DelzGB · Fantasy
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258 Chs

A New Light

"...I killed them…"

His breathing began to haste, ascending into an uneven, rapid hyperventilation as his eyes shook, looking on at the pile of bodies in the rancid room.

I killed them…I killed them, he thought.

It was when feeling a hot wind brush against his pale, sweat-clad skin did he turn back again, met face-to-face with the abhorrent beast from Hell, still fortunately bound just enough for its jaws to be unable to reach him.

Even in the face of the malicious beast beyond human imagination, he didn't recognize it as a threat; the sadness in his heart overpowered his fear as his attention went elsewhere.


Again, he said her name, looking down at her blood-covered body for a minute before slowly lifting her body into his arms as he rose to his feet.

"...Let's go…"

With a shine of tears glossing his emerald eyes, he looked down at her as he carried her in his arms, making his way through the dreadful domain to make his leave.