
Dual Cultivation Master

Zhang Wei, once known as the fearsome Celestial Emperor and God of the Sword, was betrayed by his most trusted disciple and perished in despair. On the brink of death, a mysterious light transports him to a new and unforgiving world. Reborn as Feng Wei, he now inhabits a weak and despised body, facing the harsh reality of his new existence. However, the key to survival in this brutal era lies in the hands of his mother. A legendary cultivator and the most powerful on the continent, she was betrayed by her own father and husband, which led her to close her heart to the world and even to Feng Wei, who grew up deprived of motherly love. Determined to regain his strength and carve a place in this new world, Feng Wei embarks on a dangerous journey. To survive, he resorts to deceit, lies, and dissimulation unlike his previous life; he doesn't intend to be so naive this time. In this tolerant story full of twists and turns, the conventions of hero tales are set aside. The protagonist is not the typical altruistic savior of justice, but an individual motivated by personal interests and gain. Meet the MC, a cynical, manipulative, pragmatic anti-hero who would never risk winning a damsel in distress without gaining some leverage in doing so. Rather than taking the path of heroism and immunity, he is more tolerant of protecting the villain if it has benefited him. (Tags: Master-Disciple Relationship/Hidden One's True Identity/ Enemies Become Lovers/Harem/Misunderstandings /Relentless Protagonist/R*pe Victim Becomes Lover/milf/#soncon/siscon/incest.) I am a novice writer, my native language is not this one. Don't judge by the first few chapters, as the writing has room for improvement. Wait at least twenty chapters to know if it's your tea spoon or not.

Fang_Xiuying · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Awakening of Destiny

Chapter 2: The Awakening of Destiny

The sunlight pierced through the curtains, filling the luxurious room with a soft glow. Zhang Wei woke up, confused and disoriented, his eyes blinking slowly to adjust to the opulence surrounding him. He looked at the mirror in front of him and saw the strange face of a 15-year-old boy, remarkably beautiful, with hair as black as night and deep eyes.

As Zhang Wei tried to process his memories, a sharp pain throbbed in his head, bringing back the recollections of the body's former owner. The young feng wei got lost in his pursuit of forbidden arts, resulting in a tragic fate.

It took him a few hours to digest the whole situation and come to the conclusion that it wasn't a dream. Sitting in a lotus position, Zhang Wei focused on understanding the limitations and issues of this new body he inhabited before anything else. It became clear to him that he had no talent for cultivation and that his meridians were blocked, a result of the demonic arts practiced by the body's former owner. However, his privileged status as the sect master's son ensured his safety, even if he engaged in such acts.

As he closed his eyes, he swore a sincere oath: "From this day forward, the name Zhang Wei no longer exists. This body becomes mine, along with all family ties. The concerns that were once his, now become mine. ; and the opponents who once frightened him, like Feng Wei, I will face them all."

Intrigued by the untapped potential of the body he inhabited, he chose to postpone meeting his mother, the leader of the sect. After all, she had never welcomed him when expressing her desires based on her past memories. Instead, he decided to seek out his aunt, a renowned doctor, famous not only for her skills but also for her exceptional beauty. Aware that his failing health prevented him from tending to the blocked meridians and impurities that afflicted him, he longed for his aunt's help in overcoming these challenges.

Walking through the sect's corridors, Feng Wei noticed that the disciples avoided crossing his path, averting their gaze and retreating in fear. The young man found himself passing through a courtyard adorned with flowers and gardens filled with medicinal herbs unknown to him. His eyes caught sight of a rare medicinal herb, hidden among the others. Driven by curiosity, Feng Wei reached out to pick it.

Before his fingers could touch it, a voice sounded behind him. "What do you think you're doing, young man?" reprimanded the owner of the voice. Feng Wei turned around and saw a delicate and noble beauty standing there. Her black hair gracefully fell over her shoulders, accentuating her impeccable and expressive face. Her deep eyes exuded wisdom and confidence.

With a mix of curiosity and suspicion, she watched him attentively. However, a rare smile played on her lips as she noticed her neglected nephew acknowledging her beauty. She approached, looking at him as if seeing him for the first time.

"My aunt, please forgive my intrusion," Feng Wei said, bowing respectfully.

Feng Wei gathered all his courage and made a respectful bow to his aunt. It was the first time he had behaved with such courtesy and respect, something that did not go unnoticed by the keen eyes of the renowned physician.

Feng Wei's aunt observed him with a surprised expression, her eyes searching for signs of trickery or hidden intentions. Although her nephew's sudden beauty and newfound manners intrigued her, she wouldn't lower her guard easily.

"My nephew, it is surprising to see you showing such courtesy. What is the purpose of this sudden change in your attitude?" she asked, with a cold yet curious voice.

Feng Wei remained calm, sincerity in his voice as he replied, "Aunt, I have realized my lack of talent for cultivation and the issues that afflict me. I acknowledge your skills as a renowned physician and humbly ask for your help in clearing my blocked meridians and removing the impurities that prevent me from reaching my true potential."

Feng Wei's aunt raised an eyebrow, surprised, carefully assessing his words. While she distrusted her nephew's intentions, the idea of helping him overcome his limits was tempting. After all, there was a glimmer of determination in Feng Wei's eyes that sparked her curiosity, and she needed a reliable disciple to take care of the rare herbs in the garden.

"So, you want me to utilize my skills to assist you on your path as a cultivator?" she questioned, maintaining her impassive expression.

Feng Wei respectfully nodded. "Yes, Aunt, I am fully aware that I lack the knowledge and experience required to accomplish this task on my own. Your guidance and care would be invaluable to me."

Feng Wei's aunt remained silent for a moment, contemplating the proposal. Her nephew was correct in his analysis of his own limitations, and his request seemed genuine. However, she still had doubts.

"Why should I trust you, Feng Wei? What guarantees that you're not using your cunning to achieve other objectives as you always have?" she inquired, her penetrating gaze fixed on the young man's eyes.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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