
Dual Cultivation Master

Zhang Wei, once known as the fearsome Celestial Emperor and God of the Sword, was betrayed by his most trusted disciple and perished in despair. On the brink of death, a mysterious light transports him to a new and unforgiving world. Reborn as Feng Wei, he now inhabits a weak and despised body, facing the harsh reality of his new existence. However, the key to survival in this brutal era lies in the hands of his mother. A legendary cultivator and the most powerful on the continent, she was betrayed by her own father and husband, which led her to close her heart to the world and even to Feng Wei, who grew up deprived of motherly love. Determined to regain his strength and carve a place in this new world, Feng Wei embarks on a dangerous journey. To survive, he resorts to deceit, lies, and dissimulation unlike his previous life; he doesn't intend to be so naive this time. In this tolerant story full of twists and turns, the conventions of hero tales are set aside. The protagonist is not the typical altruistic savior of justice, but an individual motivated by personal interests and gain. Meet the MC, a cynical, manipulative, pragmatic anti-hero who would never risk winning a damsel in distress without gaining some leverage in doing so. Rather than taking the path of heroism and immunity, he is more tolerant of protecting the villain if it has benefited him. (Tags: Master-Disciple Relationship/Hidden One's True Identity/ Enemies Become Lovers/Harem/Misunderstandings /Relentless Protagonist/R*pe Victim Becomes Lover/milf/#soncon/siscon/incest.) I am a novice writer, my native language is not this one. Don't judge by the first few chapters, as the writing has room for improvement. Wait at least twenty chapters to know if it's your tea spoon or not.

Fang_Xiuying · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

"Provocations in the Inn of Four Restrictions"

In the luxurious hall of the Inn of Four Restrictions, Feng Wei and Wang Mei settled at a table near the window. The gentle sound of the Dizi filled the air, creating a serene and sophisticated atmosphere. The fragrant aroma of exquisite dishes wafted through the room as they observed the unfolding scene in the dining hall.

A young lady from a prestigious family of master craftsmen was causing quite a commotion. Her beauty was overshadowed by her unpleasant demeanor. Her raven-black hair was adorned with a golden tiara, and two elegant bracelets graced her delicate wrists. She appeared to be around 23 years old, a combination of beauty and arrogance that made her all the more intriguing.

Feng Wei, a mischievous smile on his face, leaned discreetly toward Wang Mei, who appeared equally bored, and whispered in a soft voice, almost as if sharing a secret: "Would you like to witness something truly interesting?"

Wang Mei, with a sigh of resignation, raised her eyebrows slightly, indicating her understanding, and replied with a note of caution in her voice: "Just remember, no overdoing it."

Feng Wei nodded, feigning offense. "How rude! My intent is merely to dispel boredom. Just follow along obediently."

Feng Wei patiently waited until the young lady approached close enough for him to share his words with Wang Mei. With a low but not entirely hushed tone, he remarked, "Observe closely; that woman is as vicious as a viper. Despite her beauty, her true essence is hidden behind repugnant behavior."

At the precise moment Feng Wei delivered his observation, he gave Wang Mei a subtle leg nudge, inviting her to join in the provocation. Wang Mei sighed inwardly but couldn't resist the opportunity to speak her mind. "Just a spoiled young lady who uses her status to intimidate the weak," she remarked.

Feng Wei and Wang Mei's words elicited a furious response from the young lady, who couldn't contain her anger. "How dare you speak of me like that!" she exclaimed, her features burning with indignation. However, Feng Wei, unfazed, continued his taunting with a wicked smile.

Feng Wei observed the young lady with surprise. "Only in the first layer of Foundation Establishment, and she thinks she has the power to intimidate others?" he thought, wearing an intrigued expression.

With a fluid motion of his hand, Feng Wei began to release an intention as sharp as a sword. Six intense and violent attacks cut through the air, spreading through the atmosphere with overwhelming force. He realized there was no need to confront her directly; six strikes would be more than enough to crush any challenge.

The two guards who stood behind the young lady reacted instinctively, launching their own attacks against Feng Wei. A fierce collision occurred as the combined attacks of the guards met Feng Wei's six strikes, sending them all flying and crashing violently into a nearby wall. The resounding crash and resulting destruction made the restaurant's patrons retreat in fear, uncertain of what was happening.

The young lady, now thrown backward by the power of Feng Wei's attacks, regained her composure with anger still in her eyes. "You dare to attack me?" she growled, her expression seething with indignation.

Feng Wei, however, remained unruffled. He slowly stood up for the first time, maintaining a cold smile on his face. "You want to attack us, but I can't retaliate?" he asked calmly, as he began to advance toward her. During this moment, a powerful aura pierced the air, directed straight at the young woman.

The young lady, with an icy expression, retorted loudly, "If you want to live, back off and leave." Her face showed no signs of humiliation.

Feng Wei, with a hint of amusement, responded, "If I want to live? I'm not sure what you mean by that." The atmosphere was charged with tension as the conflict escalated.

The young lady appeared genuinely frightened by the Qi emanating from Feng Wei. She began to retreat slowly, her eyes filled with fear. She deeply regretted not bringing stronger guards with her, a rarity given her identity. She normally had no need for protection, as her social status kept her above any threats.

Feng Wei, however, showed no signs of hesitation. He continued to advance toward the young lady, his cold smile widening. "You think your social status is enough to intimidate and attack others with impunity," he sneered. "What you don't understand is that if you choose the wrong target, someone might choose to strike back."

The young lady, clearly taken aback by Feng Wei's response, stammered as she tried to find words. "Strike me? That's a joke. Since I was born, no one has ever dared to touch me," she said arrogantly.

"Is that so?" Feng Wei responded with a cold smile curling at the corner of his mouth. "What an honor it must be. I'll be the first to strike you."

"Would you dare?" the young lady asked, her voice trembling.

"Why not?" Feng Wei replied, finally arriving right in front of her. He then raised his hand into the air, preparing for his next move.

But then, a sudden voice cut through the tension.

"Stop," came the abrupt voice.

The crowd turned to see who had spoken. It was a slender and graceful woman holding a wind instrument, likely the one who had been performing on stage just moments ago. Her presence exuded grace and elegance, making it difficult to criticize her.

She was the manager of the third floor of the inn, and her name was Lian Zai. Her appearance was pure and innocent, a stark contrast to her remarkable beauty. Many eyes were fixed on her as she ascended the stairs.

"It seems the battle won't be happening," murmured several people in the restaurant. The tensions that had built up because of the arrogant young lady were finally dissipating. Though no one liked her, her social status made it challenging to oppose her.

Feng Wei turned to look at the woman, who appeared to be around twenty years old and, while attractive, didn't pique his interest beyond that. "Any problem?" he asked calmly, his voice carrying a cold and indifferent tone.

Lian Zai regarded him with a disapproving expression. It was rare to find someone who responded to her with such indifference. She repeated softly but with implied authority, "you shouldn't touch her." Her words left no room for disagreement.