
Dual Cultivation God Returns

"Wu Long, the God of Pleasure, has fallen as he failed to breakthrough." This news have shocked all of the Seven Boundless Worlds. Meanwhile, a sixteen-year-old disciple of a dual cultivation sect was startled awake from a coma, and after some moments of calming down and gathering his thoughts, a dangerous light flickered deep in his eyes: "Jun Shaoshan, I will climb back to the top and make you pay for everything, no one has ever been safe after offending me, Wu Long!" -------------- Dual cultivation is a method of cultivation that can be seen described in a lot of cultivation novels where a man and a woman cultivates together by having sex. -------------- ***DIscord Link: https://discord.gg/JfSRtJVXTd The Image on the cover is AI-generated with some minor adjustments and text editing done over it. Please check the auxiliary chapter with Frequently Asked Questions since there may be some answers to the questions you might want to ask. If you want to ask questions regarding the novel before reading you can do so in the comment section of the said auxiliary chapter. If you have posted a review and it is not appearing on the novel page and not changing the novel score, it may have stuck in the system (happened in the past and occasionally happening now). Please comment under the FAQ auxiliary chapter mentioned above if you notice this happen. I can usually contact support in daytime on weekdays and the problem is fixed within days and the 'stuck' reviews appear on the page. Thank you XD -------------- ***The explicit chapters will be marked in the chapter name after the chapter number as (R18) and will contain no crucial plot, only explicit scene, so if you want to read it as a novel without explicit scenes you absolutely can by just skipping the explicit chapters. Though as a disclaimer: dual cultivation IS the theme of the novel so there will still be some provocative or slightly explicit content in the normal chapters, but not full-on long explicit scenes. ***Since it seems that there are a lot of people that are very particular about what they want I will put here some of the things to expect so that it is easier for people to decide if they want to read this or not: - NO yaoi, NO yuri, NO incest ; - NO rape ( it may be mentioned, but only as a thing that exists, not in relation to any particular character ); - MC's heroines will NEVER cheat on him; - MC's heroines will NOT ALWAYS have V cards (but there will be a lot of them who do); These are all non-negotiable so if you cannot tolerate a novel that adheres to any of the above sentences you should probably skip this one. !!! WARNING (ADVERTISEMENT) there will be MILFs. XD

DaoistGreenOnion · Eastern
Not enough ratings
658 Chs

The New Day

He caressed her cheek with a loving gaze as she stared back at him with a gentle smile. He kissed her lightly on the lips, and sat up on the bed.

"We should cultivate for now" he said after some time, as he adjusted his posture to lotus position, and started cultivating her Pure Yin Essence and Yin Qi, and she also went into lotus position opposite of him to cultivate his Pure Yang Essence and Yang Qi, which was surprisingly potent even for her. They sat on the bed, naked, and meditated as Yin and Yang Qi as well as Spiritual Qi that came from the surroundings swirled around them in a vortex. The vortex was formed from two separate smaller vortices that interacted, and intensified each other, amplifying the speed of rotation and exchanging the Spiritual Qi.

Ye Ling did not dual cultivate before, but she did learn a dual cultivation technique she could use as an auxiliary cultivation technique in the sect, much like Wu Long would use his Golden Yang Dragon Body as auxiliary to his Dual Extremes Infinite Union Art. There could be many auxiliary cultivation techniques, as long as they did not interfere with each other and were compatible. There was also the issue of each auxiliary cultivation technique taking up resources to cultivate.

After several hours, the vortices were completely absorbed into their bodies, as Wu Long entered into the 6th level of Qi Gathering Realm which was a massive jump as he was only near the bottleneck of the 3rd level before. He crossed a watershed minor realm and also approached another watershed minor realm in one go. This showed how beneficial her Pure Yin Essence was for him. Meanwhile, Ye Ling only went up a level and a half, but this in itself surprised her as normally even his Pure Yang Essence and abundant amounts of Yang Qi on top of that would barely raise her cultivation with their difference in realms. On top of that, his Yang Qi was extremely pure, which meant that it could all be used towards her cultivation, without discarding even a little. This was the effect of Golden Yang Dragon Body as well as him continuously improving his Yang Qi with various secret techniques.

As they opened their eyes, she turned as red as tomato as all her senses returned and memories of what happened not long ago rushed to her. She bashfully covered herself with the bed covers, turned her face and eyes down, and went running to the bathroom as he delightfully laughed at her cute appearance.

As they cleaned themselves up, he went up to her, who just wore a light semi transparent night gown and embraced her from behind. He was wearing a black silk night robe at her adamant urging, so she was not as bashful when they were not stark naked.

"Ling'er, I love you"

He whispered into her ear, causing happiness and contentment to spread in her eyes.

"I love you too, Wu Long"

She replied, as she turned around to face him, and embraced him in return.

He kissed her lightly on the lips, and then led her to the bed as they went to sleep in each other's embrace.

As Wu Long woke up in the morning, he looked at the gorgeous woman sleeping in his embrace, and felt warmth spread through his heart.

'I will never let go of you again'

He swore as he savored her peaceful sleeping appearance.

Some time later, she woke up.

Ye Ling opened her eyes only to see his eyes looking at her attentively. She immediately looked slightly downward and her cheeks shone a rosy light.

"Stop looking so intensely"

She said timidly.

He chuckled, as he kissed her on the forehead.

There was pure joy and peace in her eyes as she felt his gentle gesture, that brimmed with care and love.

After some time of lying in the bed and making small talk, a mischievous light appeared in Wu Long's eyes as his eyes caught sight of her breast that was covered in the semi transparent night gown, that somehow made the scene even more alluring, peeking from the bed covers that slid off as they were gesturing while talking.

"Hmm, how do you feel about some morning cultivation?"

He asked her.


She was caught off guard and turned to look at him, and then tracing his gaze back to her breast, screamed in a bashful manner as she immediately shot up from the bed, taking the entire bed covers with her and running off to the other room to change, while the room filled with his laughter again.

Yesterday, as they were in the semi-dark of the bathroom, the night gown looked a solid color, so neither of them noticed.

"Haaaa~ what a pity… oh well, it's not like she'll say no in the evening" he smiled as he got up to get ready as well.

His first three priorities from when he first arrived in this world were now fulfilled, and he could now start to make new plans.

Though, for the time being, his plans were in general to cultivate, gaining strength that would eventually overpower even his former self, as well as to continue to explore this world to gather more information.

He also wanted Sui Luxiao for himself, so his focus would shift to her situation for some time, but he generally had to have a little more partners.

He also had another goal in exploring this world now, because he met Ye Ling, and that made his mind filled with a possibility he could not ignore, so he had to properly and thoroughly search for any clues.

As he pondered on his general intentions he washed up and got clothed, ready for the new day.

This chap's shorter since it is an adjacent one to the explicit scene and normally would be one with it. I just separated it since there's plot happening here and no explicit action.

Thank you for reading and commenting, as well as for the support! XD

DaoistGreenOnioncreators' thoughts