

Murano Kenji, A 23 years became a professional gamer. As many game developers sent him their games to test it out, a game called 'NEW LIFE!' changed his whole life. He got stuck in the game and got the benefits of the game entirely to him. As he progressed through the game and made new friends. He became the strongest

Sam_Senpai · Games
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Characters and their abilities.. (Spoilers)

This chapter has spoilers.. Note : It can be changed in the future....


Name : Murano Kenji

Gender : Male

Race : Human

Age : 23

Job : None

Relatives : Unnamed Father

Unnamed Mother

Rank : None

Guild : None

Birthdate : 15th July

Magic Ability : Lighting.

Level : 7

Strength : 7

Agility : 7

Health : 7

Stamina : 6

Mana : 6


Name : Kano Saki

Gender : Female

Race : Human

Age : 23

Job : Adventurer

Relatives : Unknown

Rank : Unknown

Guild : Unknown guild

Birthdate : 10th August

Magic Ability : Unknown

No levels since its a NPC


More characters will be added