

A depressed man who has tried his hardest to live a simple life A man, in which death and misfortune follow closely. His life was abnormally horrible. But what if there was a place where he could start over? *Cover art is not mine but this is what the Mc looks like

Infamoushero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs


" You were waiting for me? Amara, you need to rest. I'll walk you to your room."

" Please. I want to talk again. I want to cry. Let me stay the night. Please." Tear formed in the corner of her eyes."

' I'll have to be her rock until she's strong enough to tell her parents. I'll help her by bringing that man's head to her.'

He shut the door and sat beside her on the bed. Their conversation was more crying than actual words. Alixandre used his knowledge from earth to comfort her, empower her and make sure she never felt like it was her fault. She eventually fell asleep on his shoulder.

Alixandre tucked her in, gazing at the beautiful girl with eyes full of pity.

" I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I'll try my hardest to help you on your journey of recovery.

Alixandre sat beside the bed, not wanting to scare her by sleeping next to her.

The bright sun gleamed through the royal blinds, waking the sleeping beauty.

* Yawn*

Amara wiped the crust out of her energetic eyes and tried to get out of bed before seeing Alixandre, slumped over against the bed. A sincere smile graced her face.


" Thanks for staying up with me."

She left his room, not caring about the surprised eyes of the maids around her.

" Does the young miss have a lover?"

" I heard noises all night."

"That's impossible. The young miss hates men."

Rumors quickly spread around the castle.

Alixandre woke up and took a long hot bath.

" Astus, can I talk to you like this?"

" You don't have to talk out loud. You'll look crazy," said Astus.

" You know, you're like my Kurama. I'll call you my tail beast hehe."

" Who's Kurama?"

" It's a long story. So, how do we begin our plan? I can't stay here forever and if what everyone has said is correct, there's a war coming. Do you want me to go to Strucia?"

" No. We'll create another one. I'm just not sure where. I've been dormant for years so I have no idea how the world's changed. Our first step is to find information about the current world."

Alixandre got out of the tub and began searching his body for changes.

' My hair hasn't changed and the red veins under my eyes are still present. Now that I look at it, they look like the marks that Eren had from AOT. There are silver streaks in my Iris that weren't there before.'

Alixandre went to his dresser. The maids filled it with new clothing. He put on a long black turtle neck with black pants and shoes. He headed to the family dining room for breakfast.

" Why are they staring at you," Astus said.

" I have no idea why. All of this giggling and blushing feels like a high school drama.'

" Good morning Alixandre," said Scarlett.

" Good morning Queen Scarlett and King Vlad."

He took his seat beside Amara who greeted him with a smile.

An unfamiliar man walks through the door. With a glance, Alixandre knew he was related to Amara.

" Mother. Father. I've returned from the Tower of Lumosity.

" Son! Come give your old man a hug!"

Alixandre looked at Amara, waiting for her reaction. His cheeks flushed red as she was looking back at him with a smile that made him get butterflies in his stomach.

" Sister, are you not happy I'm home?"

" Hello, Jamie. I'm glad you're back alive."

Jamie's sight fell on the boy beside her.

" Who is this character and why is he so close to Amara?"

Amara immediately scolded him with her eyes. Alixandre got out of his chair to greet the boy. He was a handsome Asiatic boy with a masculine jawline, dark hair, and black eyes. He was only a head shorter than himself.

" You're the first person in a while that I have to look up to. Are you the boy the maids have been chattering about?" he said while extending his hand while releasing a bit of bloodlust. His gaze went to the red veins under Alixandre's eyes.

Alixandre grabbed his hand and looked him in the eye, ignoring the bloodlust completely.

" My name is Alixandre Lockwood. I'm just a guest," he said with a fake smile." I'll ignore the bloodlust I felt. I'm sure it was an accident, but I'm warning you. Even accidents can end in death." He walked back to his seat. Jamie looked at the boy surprised. He was clearly stronger than the boy, but he not only defied and even threatened him.

" Threatening my son in the first thirty seconds of meeting him and in front of his parents. You live up to those markings under your eyes," said Scarlet.

Everyone sat at the table and ate in silence. Alixandre and Jamie's tension made the atmosphere awkward.

" Sister, when I left, you couldn't be close to a man without almost killing him. From what I hear, you were walking out of his room this morning. Why the sudden change of heart?" he said with a mischievous smile. " Did my sister finally-"


Amara's hands cracked the table beside her.

" Leave me alone."

She walked out of the dining room.

Alixandre stood up and manifested his swords.

Jamie also stood up, grinning at Alixandre. Daring him to attack. Vlad and Scarlett watched in silence. No man has ever defended Amara in such a way.

" You can't be her boyfriend. You're far too weak."

Alixandre knew he couldn't fight Jamie in his human form, but the taunts had hurt his pride.

He bared his wolf fangs without fully transforming. He released a frightening aura, fueled by Astus sharing his power. The servants around them began to cough blood.

" Oh, I see. You're a beast! That's why you aren't afraid. You lack the intellect to know when you are outmatched!" Jamie released an oppressing aura. Completely shadowing Alixandre's. The table shook intensely, and Glass shattered. Alixandre didn't back down from the crushing force ahead of him.

' Fuck these swords. I'll show him a true beast!'

The bones in his hands and back began to crack when an earthquake erupted below them. A fearsome bloodlust erupted from Vlad and Scarlett, but it didn't come from them. It was the maid beside them. The maid that served the Queen and King directly, Sophia. The second most powerful person in the kingdom!

The fighting ceased immediately as Jamie and Alixandre froze in fear. Alixandre's body shook as if he was freezing cold.

" This is Queen Scarlett's kingdom. It's not a boys club. I suggest you leave before you end up bedridden for a long time." She looked at Alixandre with a chilling gaze. " And you. I could torture you forever and you'll just keep healing"

" I - I understand." Alixandre walked just fast enough for it not to be considered a run before dashing off to his room. He slammed the door and began huffing and puffing for air.

' Holy shit! That bloodlust. That power! How is she not considered a god?'

" You are correct. She is strong enough to be considered a god, but godhood isn't all about power. It's the genetic make-up of the being. We are born from the planet itself. Still, you couldn't feel that she was a vampire. You're too weak. If I gave you a fraction more of my power, you would be paralyzed for months. Well, I don't know because of your healing ability, but the pain would've made you want to die. Be cautious of her."

* Knock* * Knock*

"It's Amara."

Alixandre opened the door quickly.

" I'm sorry for my brother's actions. He's very overprotective over me, but-"

Amara turned her face away and twiddled her with her fingers." Thank you for defending me. I watched the whole thing."

" I would do it again and against anyone, but I also respect your brother for wanting to protect you. So, what do you want to do today?"

" What do you mean?"

" Show me around town. Let's walk the streets together and we can eat dinner under the moonlight. Let's go on a date. My treat after I got my earnings from your mother," he said sincerely.

" I- I would like that."