

A depressed man who has tried his hardest to live a simple life A man, in which death and misfortune follow closely. His life was abnormally horrible. But what if there was a place where he could start over? *Cover art is not mine but this is what the Mc looks like

Infamoushero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Headless wolf

Steffon held the sword firmly over Alixandre's body, awaiting the moment he finally decided to remove such a force from the planet.

" Steffon, I suggest you put that sword down. You kill that man, your family dies here! We won't care about the consequences!" Fenrir said. His voice portrayed his seriousness, but he knew killing this family without suffering major damage wasn't possible. Especially if Lucas and his family got involved, but Steffon knew this.

" You can't kill my family. The rest of our families will hunt your wolves down endlessly. Come on, Fenrir. Do you really think leaving him alive is a good idea? That wolf form is beyond dangerous! I know you feel the danger this boy possesses. If we let him grow, what happens to the rest of us? What happens when his bloodlust consumes him? No one will survive. What I'm doing is necessary!"

" Steffon! Put that sword down now!"

" Father, please! Alixandre is a good person. He's just been through so much!" Amara's eyes met Sophia's. Sophia and Alixandre didn't know that Amara had eavesdropped on the conversation they had that night. She heard Alixandre admit that what had happened to her, had happened to him. In her eyes, he was a little boy who lashed out at the world that failed him. He wasn't born a psychopath. He was forced to be.

" Alixandre just needs help. Just like how he helps me. Let him live father. I beg of you. If you kill him, I will-"

" Amara be quiet," Scarlett said. After she learned what happened to her daughter, she looked at Amara and Alixandre differently. Scarlett never understood why her daughter hated men so much. Not that she had any bad thoughts about same-sex relationships, but she didn't want her bloodline's last hope to be left up to her playboy son. Amara knew that her mother constantly sent suitors to her. No matter how much she begged her to stop, Scarlett kept doing it until it strained the relationship, but then Alixandre came. Her guilt was eating at her. There's no way she could let Alixandre die here.

" Killing that boy will cause more harm than good. I am the queen of this kingdom. This is an order. Put that damn sword down." Scarlett said firmly.

Steffon looked at the unmoving boy on the ground. His back and vitals were exposed, tempting him to end the life of the boy who'd just humiliated him. He knew his decision to kill Alixandre wasn't a good one, but his pride clouded his thoughts. How could he let someone live who made him soil himself? How could he let such a dangerous presence fester and become stronger?

" What do you think will be faster? Me plunging this sword into his heart or you stopping me?" Steffon said. He began to laugh and everyone knew that his decision was already made. With everyone so far away, Steffon knew that he could kill him first. Fenrir wasted no time, he dug his feet into the ground as quietly as he could, awaiting the slightest movement from Steffon. Amara, Sophia, and Scarlett watched in horror. There was no way they could get there fast enough.Hot tears streamed down their faces, and they squeezed their eyelids shut, not being able to witness the impending murder of the man who brought them genuine happiness.

Steffon tightens his grip. Fenrir saw Steffon's arms fall and sprung forward as fast as he could, but it wasn't fast enough. The sword plunged through Alixandre's heart before Fenfir could get halfway across the hallway.

" No!" Amara screamed. Her voice cracked as she fell to her knees, sniffling. Sophia's usually unemotional demeanor had broken. Her tears fell upon the floor below her. Scarlett felt a deep sadness, pain, regret, and guilt, but couldn't show it. She had to be loyal to her husband.

" What did you just do Steffon!" Fenrir bared his fangs, walking toward Steffon who summoned black smoke from his hands.

" What I did was necessary. You didn't see what I saw! That boy would be the end of this world! I removed a great threat! I bet none of you looked into this boy's background. "

Everyone looked at Steffon with curiosity. What could he know about Alixandre that they didn't?

" I looked into this boy the day he came. I watched him struggle to control the inner killer inside him. I bet none of you know of the prophecies behind Alixandre."

Steffon looked into the eyes of Fenrir who tried to bluff.

" It looks like at least one of you heard of them." All eyes fell on Fenrir.

" Yes, I have heard of the visions and prophecies. That's why I came here to see Alixandre in person."

" Why don't you tell them of the prophecies then? I know deep down inside, you agree with what I did."

Fenrir didn't answer. He'd heard of the crimson moon prophecy and it sent chills down his spine.

' What am I supposed to say? That Alixandre is supposed to plunge this world into complete chaos? What I saw from that seer made my skin crawl, but the future can change! He didn't have to die.'

"As you all can see. The prophecy about this boy is so bad that even Fenrir doesn't want to talk about it. If we let him live, everyone will di-"

Everyone turned their attention to the noise behind Steffon. The stab wound kept trying to heal, but the sword was embedded deep inside him.

" What's going on? He's supposed to be dead," Steffon said in confusion.

Alixandre's blood slowly crawled up the blade of the sword to the hilt. Suddenly, it began to crack and it chattered.

" Now do you see? I just stabbed him in the heart and he still won't die!" Steffon grabbed a sword from one of the maids and approached the head of Alixandre.

" Dad stop!"

In one smooth motion, Steffon sent Alixandre's head flying across the room