
Druid in GoT

Reincarnated to the house so small and insignificant that they hardly bothered to write about it on Wiki. Watch as from poorest and lowest of houses grows beast that seven kingdoms will have to deal with or fall. ----------------------------------------------------------- I had this idea in my head for a while and writhing my other fic started to get a lot harder because of the powers I got him so I tried to write something new. Hope you enjoy it! :)

Zero01010100 · TV
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19 Chs

Chapter 19

(I'm sorry for the confusing timeline. When I started writing I didn't make a plan for the entirety of the story just the start. Then I started to add things, change things, etc…. it's chaotic and definitely AU but hopefully, I will get better with time :D )

(Richard PoV)

The morning after was welcomed by gruesome sight, charred body parts of soldiers and knights were scattered all over the camp that was stationed at the entrance to the forest. Richard watched as enemy soldiers picked up the remaining bodies of fellow soldiers. He didn't feel a thing watching the carnage he unleashed, they were going to destroy everything he loved so they needed to die.

Maybe now will Robert reconsider attacking my territory. Richard didn't put much stock into the thought, it was known that Robert was a warmonger but now that they had no wildfire he could relax. The guardians of the forest will take care of the rest if they will not retreat and try to attack again.

Oberyn already left for his homeland and the only thing remaining for him to do was to settle Giants. Children of the forest already spread around Rainwood and even planted a few of their Wirewoods. He would let them, it wasn't like it hurt anything.

For giants, he settled them near Stonehelm. Giants didn't need much, they lived a simple life so after he secured enough food and water for them they were satisfied with just living their lives, if nobody disturbed them they would not go looking for trouble.

Tormund and his party left shortly after the attack happened. Richard didn't know what will he tell Mance but he requested few carriers so it looks hopeful. The population of Evergreen is reaching 500 000 people and the development of the main city is progressing nicely. Already 1/6 of the total population built their homes there.

The only remaining occupant of free folk is Ygritte, she hit it out surprisingly with Ashara who was showing her around the kingdom. She even took her to the island for the tour.


New arrived that Greyjoys rebelled, certainly news about the siege of Rainwood reached them and they used the opportunity. Richard already saw armies of the north leaving, they needed to defend their land after all. Some of the forces from Reach, Riverlands, and Westerlands left for the same reasons.

Richard called for Arthur. When he arrived he started with orders. ,

"I want you to get together fleet, we are going after Iron Islands. While Greyjoys and their fleet is occupied with raiding North I want us to sweep and for exchange let them pay Iron price."

Arthur listened to his King and then warned

"Are we going to take over? Iron islands are far away and your rule is not yet cemented"

Richard shook his head

"No, we are just going to raid them. Steal all the slaves and treasure we can then get out. I will handle Ironborns when we do not have an army before our borders."

Arthur nods

"When do we leave?"

Richard thought about it, its a simple raid but they will need carriers to transport the slaves back to Evergreen which means they will need guard-ships for them and some scouts. The population of the Iron Islands is 1.5 million so it's reasonable to think that there will be at least 300 thousand slaves thanks to their culture of raping and raving. Not to mention salt wives as they call pleasure slaves. Disgusting really. Richard didn't think he will be able to take even 10% of these numbers but that doesn't matter to him. The main point was to show seven kingdoms that even if they are under siege they are capable to strike without fear of losing. He also hated an Ironborn culture, they only destroy without creating anything.

"Two weeks, get everything ready."

Arthur nods in confirmation and leaves to get together


Fleet soon left with him on board, the voyage was mostly peaceful. Few pirate ships they saw were swiftly destroyed thanks to Frigates. Soon enough they arrived. The storm raged over the island and from the sips they could see Pyke. It was a formidable fortress and would be a problem to take over if not for canons.

Carracks positioned themself on the southern side of the castle and fired at the towers. It didn't take long for them to fall. A constant barrage of firepower from ships took down all of them. Once that was done invasion began, one by one carrier unloaded Arthurs men who headed for nearest villages. Their mission was to kill any opposition and take as many slaves back as they could. The rest of them walked with Richard to the remains of Pyke, the towers were collapsed but the main structure still stood, they rushed and killed every guard inside. Servants were taken to the ships along with all valuables remaining in the castle.

All of the Greyjoy family was taken as hostages just to piss Balon off. When they recovered everything of value they left as swiftly as they arrived and with ships full of slaves and gold started their travel back to Evergreen.


Arriving back home Richard was surprised that less than half of the total forces Robert brought to his borders remained. Ashara informed him that there were a few attempts on the attack but they were swiftly dealt with by guardians. A few days after his return Jon Arryn with few men rode to the forest with white flag waving.