
Druid in GoT

Reincarnated to the house so small and insignificant that they hardly bothered to write about it on Wiki. Watch as from poorest and lowest of houses grows beast that seven kingdoms will have to deal with or fall. ----------------------------------------------------------- I had this idea in my head for a while and writhing my other fic started to get a lot harder because of the powers I got him so I tried to write something new. Hope you enjoy it! :)

Zero01010100 · TV
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 17

Walking through the forest in his bear form on the way to Mag the Mighty clan Richard thoughts come back to Blodraven, remembering back to the past life of his manipulations he decided that he will keep a good look at Brynden and confirm any news from him before he will trust the man.

Arriving at the encampment Richard sees a few mammoths and several giants around the entrance to the cave. He wanted to laugh at the thought that he was two times bigger than them in bear form. Richard wanted to put up a show of force, he thought that will get them to cooperate easier so instead of taking a human form he continued as a bear.

When the first giant noticed him he called alarm. Soon enough his enormous 8m tall bear body was surrounded from all sides, he snarled at the leader of the group and charged. Careful to not use full strength and to not stomp little giants to death he knocked most of them on the ground and then waited. When giants saw that massive beast wasn't attacking they grew confused, they heard a growl and from the giant beast, a small human emerged.

"I'm looking for Mag Mar Tun Doh Weg, I want to talk."

Richard waited for the biggest of now big giants to come forward

"It's Mag, what do beast in human skin wants?"

(I have no idea how to write their speech patterns :D)

I'm offering protection! A sanctuary for your tribe down south, away from walking dead, with plenty of food and water."

Nobody accused giants of being intelligent and after the show of force that Richard put up, they readily agreed.

He ended up having to escort 95 giants and around 21 mammoths to the ships, a good thing he brought more than one carrier.

Once in camp, he had chat with Captain and then Children of the Forest about what they would like to do after they are safe.

"We want to see your land first, if it is as you describe we will help with our magic to protect it and care for the green." Leaf as leader of them replies.

Richard was pleased with this arrangement, he wasn't saving them for their magic but it's a nice bonus.

"Good, I hope you will like it there, anyway I'm on my way to see some free folk. Make yourself comfortable in meantime, I should be back in a week.

Richard turned around shapeshifting to Raven in progress and flying to find sassy and then hot ginger.

He found them some times later, the encampment full of leather tents with the big one in middle, wanting to make entrance he flew down in his crow form and landed before what he thought was the main one. Alarms were raised and men were pointing bronze swords and wooden spears at him which caused him to laugh as those weapons could not hope to get past his bark which came out as load croak that prompted a few of them to try their luck and promptly cost them to lost their weapons or few fingers.

A short while after commotion started from the tent walked out Mance Rayder, completely calm and composed, deciding it was enough theatrics Richard transformed bac to the human

"Mance Ryder, I have a proposition for you."

That got raised eyebrow from him.

"You know me already, who are you?"

Richard gave a small smirk

"Richard Trant, a king of Evergreen"

"Trant I heard about, but not the Evergreen when did that happened? No matter let's talk in my tent. I will offer you bread and salt"

Richard gave a nod and walked past him, even if free folk wanted to try something he needed less than a second to shapeshift, and even then it wasn't like his body was weak from all the energy that coursed through him from birth the bronze sword would sooner bend than behead him.

Walking in he noticed a few more people, most importantly there was Tormund and Ygritte. That was a nice surprise he didn't even need to go looking for them in camp. Tormund and Ygritte looked exactly like actors from TV shows.

Following Richard, Mance walked in. After he offered bread and salt which Richard ate they got to business.

"So what do you want to know first? The Evergreen or my offer?"

"What the fuck is Evergreen?" Asked Tormund.

"Well let's start at the beginning," Richard told them about his invasion and set up, he let out a lot of the actual story that they didn't need to know.

Mance was understandably suspicious. But instead of voicing it, he asked about the offer.

On the side, Ygritte watched as the man that came in told the story, it was amazing if it was actually true what he achieved.

"Deal is I know why you did this Mance, the Others are waking up and soon will be marching at the wall. All of the free folk will then join their ranks if you cant manage to get past the wall or someone helps you."

That got Mance and the rest of the group including Ygritte to tense.

"I see, so what do you want in return for your help?"

Richard straighten his back and looked directly into Mance's eyes.

"I have enough space for you all, enough food to feed you and all that. My only condition for this help is that you follow the rules of my land."

"We are not kneelers" Shouted Tormund and the rest of the tent. Surprisingly Ygritte just looked pensive instead of offended.

Richard raised his hand

"I'm not saying you need to kneel to me, I just want to point out that my Kingdom has defenses against external and internal threats. So when your people start making a mess of the place they will get killed." After tense moment

"Look, why don't you talk with your people, I will stay here for a few days and you can give me your answer. If you decide to come with me I have a fleet camping at Hardhome ruins."

They stood and Mance shook his hand.

"Wery well, I will give you our answer before you leave, I will send someone to show you a tent for your stay here."

"I will show him," Ygritte said.

Tormund raised an eyebrow, it wasn't like Ygritte to be helpful to strangers.

"Wery well," said Mance and Richard following by Ygritte left the tent.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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