
Druid in GoT

Reincarnated to the house so small and insignificant that they hardly bothered to write about it on Wiki. Watch as from poorest and lowest of houses grows beast that seven kingdoms will have to deal with or fall. ----------------------------------------------------------- I had this idea in my head for a while and writhing my other fic started to get a lot harder because of the powers I got him so I tried to write something new. Hope you enjoy it! :)

Zero01010100 · TV
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19 Chs

Chapter 16

News about the destruction of Renly's army spread like wildfire, most of the players of the game listened closely to the news from Stormland. Rumors they were hearing were disconcerting, monsters and magic have returned to Westeros and Lords were afraid that events from the past when Aegon the Conqueror took over seven kingdoms will repeat themselves.


In Dorne

"He did it, he managed to destroy Renly's army brother."

"Yes, and that means the usurper will be calling for war, we need to choose the side when times come."

"You already know my opinion on this matter. We ally ourselves with Richard in secret, send our soldiers to defend southern borders, and use the excuse that we are vulnerable to attack from the north."

"Yes, we shall do that. Take a ship and sail to Rainwood meet with him and discuss the alliance, I will handle the usurper while you are gone."



Olenna Tyrell listened as Maester told them the content of the list delivered from Kings Landing. Robert Baratheon was calling banners, apparently, a house from Stormlands decided to rebel and managed to utterly destroy Renly's army. She was an intelligent woman and unlike her son Mace Tyrell who can't see past his nose, she knew that carefully balanced peace since Robert's rebellion is about to be shattered.

There are already rumors about Iron Islands preparing for the same thing this Trant did. The sudden rise of the house could not be a natural occurrence, people say he controls demons of the forest and his lands are full of magic. If it was only one or two who spread these rumors it would be one thing but merchants coming from Trant island report that they saw trees moving.

Mace yelled and blustered about calling all able men to war, she would let him. If at the end Kingdoms would crush a rebellion they would get merits and the game would go on. On the other hand, if Rebelion succeded her son would be killed, his heir Loras could be expertly manipulated by her and she would seek an alliance with House Trant, and she would not be the only one.


Back in Richards lands new named Evergreen.

Richard was debating with his closest people.

"Mother, I secured everything. Even if they bring 100 000 people they will not stand a chance against new defenses. I'm not needed here and I feel something beyond the wall, I need to check it out. " Richard was not telling he already knew where the unpleasant feeling is coming from.

"I know but we still worry, you can be such a reckless boy sometimes," Ellyn complained.

"I agree with Ellyn, why do you even need to go there?" Ashara asked.

"I feel something unpleasant stirring up north and I need to know what it is, you don't have to worry. I will be taking few ships with full crew plus Velka will accompany me, I will be perfectly safe." Richard tried to placate his worried Mother and Lover.

Ellyn already saw knew her son will not budge, he could be such stubborn when he decides on something.

"Fine, but take care of yourself you hear me?"

"Yes mother, don't worry Ash I will be back before you know it"

He kissed them both, his mother on the cheek and his lover on the mouth then left.


Oberyn and his company arrived in Rainwood after Richard left as they were informed by Ellyn. He should be away for a few months so they decided to stay for a while. It was the first time he took his daughter to Richards lands or Evergreen as Ashara informed them in the tour, a fitting name for Keeper of Nature. His daughters Obara, Nymeria, and Tyrene were captivated by the sights.

While Oberyn enjoyed a warm welcome, what welcomed Richard was cold. He was freezing his ass off in true north. Ships that accompanied him anchored at ruins of Hardhome, believed to be cursed. Richard could not detect anything magical about this place, he knew after Marwyn arrived that his powers are not tied to the magic of this world but even then he should be able to feel something. The only thing he felt stronger and stronger as they got farther North is the necromantic magic of Others.

"Captain, build the camp and defensive perimeter if I do not come back within moon time leave."

"But My Lord" He tried to object.

"Do as I said, I can escape if something happens and find my way back home alone. Just be ready for any wildling attacks"

"Yes my lord"

Richard shapeshifted to his raven form and started his travels, 'at least my forms are resistant to cold' he thought to himself. Richard had three objectives behind this expedition. The first one is to find Children of the Forest. He often thought about why Bloodraven did not contact him, after all, they had few wirewoods all over Trant Island and now in Rainwood. After his arrival, with his powers and direct opposition to undead even more than humans of this world, he should find a way to give him a message no?

As for the children, well of course he is going to save them. After all, they were beings of nature and he was its protector. He didn't need to but it somehow felt like his responsibility.

The second objective was to find giants, almost died out species of magical creatures. He wanted to see if he can convince them to move to his lands.

And the last one was personal, he wanted to meet Tormund the sassy Wildling, and Ygritte. This simple desire to find out if they are the same as in the show was enough for him to search for them.

After a few days of flying, he finally finds a massive weirwood tree, landing not far from it he transforms into far more mobile cat form and searches for entrance to the cave system underneath it.

Richard finally finds it and upon entering he comes across one of the people he was looking for. Around the corner, a small head with green almost bark-like skin and yellow eyes is watching him. Coming slowly closer to not scare them he slowly transforms back to the human.

"Hello there"

"You are different" Child of the Forest said.

"Different how?" Richard asks coming closer with hands up to show that he means no danger to her.

"Opposite of others"

"I should hope so! Anyway, my name is Richard. Nice to meet you"

"You could call me Leaf in your tongue"

"Well Leaf, I have something to offer you"

Leaf looked thoughtful for a second

"Wery well we will listen to your proposal but first there is someone you should meet."

Leaf led him through tunnels to the chamber of sorts, there he saw Bloodraven, just as showed in his previous life he was overgrown with roots.

"Bloodrave, I wondered when we meet. I was surprised you didn't find me with your 1001 eyes and contacted me."

"I could not, you are hidden. I guess I should not be surprised you know me. Tell me, what else you know"

That was a surprise, maybe thanks to his powers coming from R.O.B less powerful could not see him? Questions that will not be answered anytime soon.

"You mean Others?" Richard asks knowingly

If Bloodraven was surprised he didn't show it in his expression.

"Exactly. They will soon awaken and humanity will need to fight for its survival."

"I can feel it, the wrongness is getting stronger over time. I will be ready."

"Good, now for what have you come here?" Bloodraven asks

"I came to offer Children of the Forest a sanctuary, I can offer same to you for a something."

"What would that be?"

"You will keep an eye on kingdoms for me, deal?"

Bloodraven accepts so Richard approaches him and commands CM to heal him. Once that is done he asks some questions to the Children of the Forest, after some back and forth that entailed Richard describing his home and that they would be closest to nature as they've been in thousands of years they agree.

"I guess you should call me Brynden, after you healed me and all that."

Bloodraven introduces himself.

"Call me Richard," told him, shaking his hand. "Do you know where Hardhome is?"

"Yes, I've been there many times."

"Good, when the Children are ready to take them there, my men are waiting in the area, give them this "Richard hands over the letter "And they will ensure you place on a ship, I have two more things I want to do here in true north then I will join you."

"Safe travels"

They said goodbyes and Richard was off to find giants.